sp614x / optifine

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1.15.2 Optifine Stuttering Issue ( G1 Pre 9) #3571

Open joshthebossxl opened 4 years ago

joshthebossxl commented 4 years ago

On 1.15.2 G1 Pre 2, I am having some major issues with stuttering, I have Java 64 bit And every time the Ram Allocated reaches around 2GB it resets and causes a really annoying stutter. In the task manager screenshot, it is evident that there are some issues, it is a custom PC with all voltages stable and all OC settings correctly dialed with stress tests performed with and without. I have tested Minecraft on stock and I still get the issues.

issue Sp614X

In the Java VM settings -Xmx4G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M I set to a range of 4 and 8 to see if it changed and all the same issue.

I installed Optifine using your website optifine.net

I Have no other files stored

The world I was using was plain on top of nether, it seems like it doesn't matter what world I use SP614X F3 debug

The orange spike is the Lag spike After the screenshot (a small white line appeared because of the print screen)

Pre TESTING It seems like 1.15.2 Vanilla does not have this issue and is a less severe lag spike but barely noticeable at all.

normal 1 15 vanilla

This is the CPU on normal vanilla, it seems like optifine still has a few issues

A few more testing techniques I used was to turn settings off to make it as identical as possible to the normal vanilla

I reset all video settings Default video settings

Still a big orange line

To add more, I just reset my PC as well as clean it last week?? It truly is bizarre

JackDotJS commented 4 years ago

Why in the world are you still using pre2??? That is 7 versions out of date.

EDIT: ok nvm so first it says pre2 and then the screenshots say pre9.... ?????????

ZtereoHYPE commented 4 years ago

This seems to be caused by the garbage collector, the code which is responsible to cleaning the ram when it’s near to full. I know this is just a temporary solution, but have you tried lowering the allocated ram to 2 to see if it persists?

joshthebossxl commented 4 years ago

Lowering the allocated RAM to 2 seems to have solved the issue to a degree, it didn't solve the problem, I was wondering whether SP614X was going to fix this issue because it never seemed to be a problem before with 1.14.4 optifine, 1.15 is a bad performer in general. I hope this gets fixed

ghost commented 4 years ago

Can't Reproduce

Mamafacts commented 4 years ago

This is by all accounts brought about by the city worker, the code which is capable to cleaning the slam when it's close to full. I realize this is only an impermanent arrangement, however have you taken a stab at bringing the apportioned smash down to 2 to check whether it endures? Read More>>> https://www.mamafacts.com/minecraft-stuttering/