spacechase0 / StardewValleyMP

Temporary solution for multiplayer until official multiplayer is released.
MIT License
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Client relationship appears on Host's Social tab (and vica versa). #26

Closed ItsSmiffy closed 8 years ago

ItsSmiffy commented 8 years ago

The Client's relationship is appearing on the Host's Social tab (and vica versa).

Screenshots are from the host's game.

Host is in a relationship with Abigail. Client is in a relationship with Sebastian. The Client's relationship appears in the Host's social tab. It is also happening the other way around (Host's relationship is appearing on the Client).

I am using v0.2.8. Didn't notice it using pre-v 0.2.8.

social-pt1 social-pt2

spacechase0 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, that's been there a while. I kinda know of a fix but it will be tedious to write.