Closed stscijgbot-hstdp closed 1 year ago
Comment by Michele De La Pena on JIRA:
Rick White I took what I thought would be a quick look at this ticket because it sounded more like (possibly) an operations issue than something I should handle. Please note I am looking at the data from dlhlalab4 in the subdirectories of /ifs/archive/ops/hst/public/. I also understand these were just a few examples of what is thought to be a larger issue. Here is what I found for the datasets specified.
This does not seem to be the dataset described in Rick's ticket???
Having said this...not sure what is going on here. This dataset has all the disk files with a date of 25/26 April 2023. However, the IR/f125w FLTs all have a DATE keyword of '2022-06-14' and the UVIS/f555w/f814w files all have a DATE keyword of '2023-04-21'. The inconsistency is between the IR and UVIS processing of data for this visit. This sounds like an operations issue, but Rick should also check the dataset name.
"Input data is constant. No local peaks can be found."
the data continued to be processed. Indeed, the source catalogs have no found sources. This is an issue for me to handle - at the least with more explicit messages.
FYI: The problem of the SVM DR? files not having a DATE keyword in the PHDU has been fixed for the next version of Drizzlepac.
All of these files have disk dates of 25 Apr (2023). The FLTs have DATE keyword values of DATE = '2023-04-21' and the trailer files have an "AstroDrizzle started" at date of 25 Apr 2023. It looks like this dataset is now fine.
Comment by Rick White on JIRA:
Hi Michele De La Pena, all these visits are now being reprocessed. Maybe the new version of the pipeline processing plus ingest code will fix some of these problems. I suggest that we wait until the reprocessing is complete (perhaps one more week?), and then I will run my script again that identifies these problems.
If they've all gone away after reprocessing, then we can declare success and close the ticket. If there are still apparently issues remaining, I will let you know and we can look more closely to determine whether there is a really a problem or not.
Comment by Rick White on JIRA:
Incidentally, this was the complete list of all datasets that showed the problem. There were only 3 visits (out of all the ACS and WFC3 data) that had inconsistent dates. So it is certainly a very rare problem.
Comment by Rick White on JIRA:
After the recently completed HAP reprocessing, I do not see any examples of this problem that remain in the HST public cache. So it appears that the problem was fixed.
I think it would be OK to close this ticket now.
Comment by Matthew Burger on JIRA:
I believe this is addressed by
Issue HLA-987 was created on JIRA by Rick White:
There is a problem in the HST public cache for HAP products: a single visit sometimes has files from multiple versions of data processing. This can be identified from a very large range of file creation times in the cache directory. Here are some examples:
|| visit || instrument || file time range || | ien6/hst_16683_03 | wfc3/uvis | 151.7 days| | jec4/hst_16231_06 | acs/sbc | 61.8 days | | ie9t/hst_16274_04 | wfc3/uvis | 73.5 days |
file time range
column gives the time elapsed between the creation of the oldest file in the directory and the newest file (for that instrument). Most visits have creation time ranges from a few minutes to at most a few hours for all the files in the cache directory. A time range of 60 days or more (like these) certainly indicates that the visit was processed and then later reprocessed, but some of the files did not get updated during the reprocessing.The first visit
is a typical example. It has 26 wfc3/uvis files that were created on 2022 Jul 16 and 32 wfc3/uvis files created on 2022 Dec 14. The old files are all for F814W, while the new files include both wfc3/uvis F555W and the total images and catalogs.There are two questions:
Why were some of the products not reprocessed when the visit directory was updated?
Why were the old (unreplaced) files allowed to remain on disk in the directory rather than being cleaned out before the new products were copied into the cache?
Currently the mix of old and new data files are in the CAOM database and are available for download (despite not being processed at the same time). That means there are some serious problems with the data products. For example, for visit
, the f814w catalog files were generated in the old processing, while the f555w and total catalog files are from the new processing. Those catalogs are surely not consistent with each other (and neither are the images, which are supposed to be aligned).