sparkfun / SparkFun_RGB_OLED_64x64_Arduino_Library

A fully featured Arduino library to support the RGB OLED 64x64 Display Breakout using the SSD1357 driver IC. Direct access to display RAM, drawing functions for pixels, lines, rectangles, and circles, and text display. A default font is built-in, and additional fonts can be hooked in by the user.
7 stars 4 forks source link

compile errors when trying to update a atx-25x1 radio #5

Open m3vuv opened 1 year ago

m3vuv commented 1 year ago

heres the sketch followed by the error messages,can anyone tell me how to fix it?,cheers.cant paste the code so heres a link,im using ver 2.8 inch tft3.5 touchscreen link: heres the compiler error msg:Arduino: 1.8.18 (Windows 7), Board: "ESP32 Dev Module, Disabled, Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS), 240MHz (WiFi/BT), QIO, 80MHz, 4MB (32Mb), 921600, Core 1, Core 1, None, Disabled"

In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\TFT\src/TFT.h:37,

             from C:\Users\me64\Pictures\ats-25x1\SI4735-Radio-ESP32-Touchscreen-Arduino-master sketch\SI4735-Radio-ESP32-Touchscreen-Arduino-master\SI473X_2.8_TFT_V3.5\SI4735_2.8_TFT_SI5351_V3.5\SI4735_2.8_TFT_SI5351_V3.5.ino:5:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\TFT\src/utility/Adafruit_ST7735.h:30:10: fatal error: avr/pgmspace.h: No such file or directory

include <avr/pgmspace.h>


compilation terminated.

exit status 1

Error compiling for board ESP32 Dev Module.

This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" option enabled in File -> Preferences.

m3vuv commented 1 year ago






// V3.5 27-02-2022 200KHz step in FM added. // V3.5 30-01-2022 Under #ifdef conditions horizontal display plus 180 degrees added. // V3.5 30-01-2022 Second bandplan added under #ifdef conditions. Europe & Asia and North & South America. (EuroAsiabandplan & NandSAmericanbandplan) // V3.5 30-01-2022 Two bugs solved. Problem with the BFO frequentie in Crystal mode and a display problem after wake up of the display. // V3.5 15-12-2021 Lipo status bar added under #ifdef conditions. (IhaveLiPoLoadbar) // V3.4 24-11-2021 Bug support. // V3.4 24-11-2021 Memory added for BFO for each band when crystal is in use. // V3.1 29-09-2021 Added Sprite buttons from Jim Yasuda.

// This sketch is based on the si4735 Library of Ricardo PU2CLR. Thanks for the very nice work.

// This sketch uses a 2.8 inch 240*320 touch-screen with ILI9341, ESP32 WROOM-32 and Rotary Encoder. // The radio is fully controlled by the (Touch)Screen and Rotary Encoder // This sketch uses the Rotary Encoder Class implementation from Ben Buxton (the source code is included // together with this sketch). // For the touch-screen the library TFT_eSPI is used. The configuration setup-file: setup1_ILI9341 is also // included. // Also a schematic drawing is available. See github pe0mgb.

// ABOUT SSB PATCH: // First of all, it is important to say that the SSB patch content is not part of this library. The patches used here were made available by Mr. // Vadim Afonkin on his Dropbox repository. It is important to note that the author of the SI473x library does not encourage anyone to use the SSB patches // content for commercial purposes. In other words, this library only supports SSB patches, the patches themselves are not part of this library. // This sketch will download a SSB patch to your SI4735 device (patch_init.h). It will take about 8KB of the Arduino memory. // In this context, a patch is a piece of software used to change the behavior of the SI4735 device. // There is little information available about patching the SI4735. The following information is the understanding of the author of // this project and it is not necessarily correct. A patch is executed internally (run by internal MCU) of the device. // Usually, patches are used to fixes bugs or add improvements and new features of the firmware installed in the internal ROM of the device. // Patches to the SI4735 are distributed in binary form and have to be transferred to the internal RAM of the device by // the host MCU (in this case Arduino). Since the RAM is volatile memory, the patch stored into the device gets lost when you turn off the system. // Consequently, the content of the patch has to be transferred again to the device each time after turn on the system or reset the device.

// ATTENTION: The author of this project does not guarantee that procedures shown here will work in your development environment. // Given this, it is at your own risk to continue with the procedures suggested here. // This library works with the I2C communication protocol and it is designed to apply a SSB extension PATCH to CI SI4735-D60. // Once again, the author disclaims any liability for any damage this procedure may cause to your SI4735 or other devices, like an ATS-25 that you are using. // This sketch SHOULD work with the Chinese KIT ATS-25 sold on AliExpress, eBay etc. // The author of this sketch does not know the seller of this kit and does not have a commercial relationship with any commercial product that uses the Arduino Library. // It is important you understand that there is no guarantee that this sketch will work correctly in your current product. // SO, DO NOT TRY IT IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS VERSION IF THIS SKETCH DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU.

// Library TFT_eSPI you may download from here : // Library Rotary is provided with the program // Library SI4735 you may download from here : // This sketch and other information from here : // // // Display connections etc. // // |------------|------------------|------------|------------|------------| // |Display 2.8 | ESP32 | Si4735 | Encoder | Beeper | // | ILI9341 | | | | | Encoder 1,2,3 // |------------|------------------|------------|------------|------------| Encoder switch 4,5 // | Vcc | 3V3 | 01 | Vcc | | | pin 33 with 18K to 3.3 volt and 18K to ground. // | GND | GND | 02 | GND | 2,4 | | pin 32 (Beeper) via 2K to base V1 BC547 // | CS | 15 | 03 | | | | Collector via beeper to 5v // | Reset | 4 | 04 | | | | Emmitor to ground // | D/C | 2 | 05 | | | | // | SDI | 23 | 06 | | | | Encoder 1,2,3 // | SCK | 18 | 07 | | | | Encoder switch 4,5 // | LED Coll.| 14 2K | 08 | | | | Display LED // | SDO | | 09 | | | | Emmitor V2 BC557 to 3.3 V // | T_CLK | 18 | 10 | | | | Base with 2K to pin 14 (Display_Led) // | T_CS | 5 | 11 | | | | Collector to led pin display // | T_DIN | 23 | 12 | | | | // | T_DO | 19 | 13 | | | | // | T_IRQ | 34 | 14 | | | | // | | 12 | | Reset | | | // | | 21 | | SDA | | | // | | 22 | | SCL | | | // | | 16 | | | 1 | | // | | 17 | | | 3 | | // | | 33 | | | 5 | | // | | 32 2K | | | | In | // | | 27 Mute | |see schematics | | // |------------|-------------|----|------------|------------|------------|

// ==================Display======================== //#define IhaveVertTFT

define IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees

//#define IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees // =================================================

// ==================Oscillator=====================

define IhaveCrystal

//#define IhaveSI5351 // =================================================

// =================================================

define IhaveLiPoLoadbar

// =================================================

// ================================================= //#define NandSAmericanbandplan

define EuroAsiabandplan

// =================================================




include "EEPROM.h"

include "Rotary.h"

include "esp_adc_cal.h"

ifdef IhaveSI5351



include "DSEG7_Classic_Mini_Regular_34.h"

include "TFT_Colors.h"

include "Button.h"

//#include "patch_init.h" // SSB patch for whole SSBRX initialization string

include "patch_full.h" // SSB patch for whole SSBRX full download

const uint16_t size_content = sizeof ssb_patch_content; // see ssb_patch_content in patch_full.h or patch_init.h

const char Rel_Date[] = { "04-03-2022"}; const char Rel_Vers[] = { "3.5"};

define ESP32_I2C_SDA 21 // I2C bus pin on ESP32

define ESP32_I2C_SCL 22 // I2C bus pin on ESP32

define RESET_PIN 12

define ENCODER_PIN_A 17 //

define ENCODER_PIN_B 16


define BEEPER 32

define Display_Led 14

define displayon 0

define displayoff 1

define beepOn 1

define beepOff 0

define AUDIO_MUTE 27

define LipoVoltpin 35

define FM_BAND_TYPE 0

define MW_BAND_TYPE 1

define SW_BAND_TYPE 2

define LW_BAND_TYPE 3



define MIN_ELAPSED_AudMut_TIME 150 // Noise surpression SSB in mSec. 0 mSec = off



define DEFAULT_VOLUME 45 // change it for your favorite start sound volume

define MIN_ELAPSED_VOLbut_TIME 1000

define LipoMeasureTime 10 // Lipo check every 10 seconds

define CLK_Xtal SI5351wire_CLK0

define FM 0

define LSB 1

define USB 2

define AM 3

define CW 4

define TFT_GREY 0x5AEB

bool bfoOn = false; bool ssbLoaded = false; bool FirstLayer = true; bool FirstTime = true; bool SecondLayer = false; bool ThirdLayer = false; bool ForthLayer = false; bool HamBand = false; bool Modebut = false; bool FREQbut = false; bool Decipoint = false; bool STEPbut = false; bool encsw = false; bool BroadBand; bool BandWidth; bool MISCbut = false; bool PRESbut = false; bool VOLbut = false; bool AudioMut = false; bool DISplay = false; bool Mutestat = false; bool AGCgainbut = false; bool writingEeprom = false;

bool pressed; bool presStat; bool audioMuteOn = true; bool audioMuteOff = false; bool RDS = true; // RDS on or off bool SEEK = false; bool bright = false; bool CWShift = false; bool fstShift = false; bool calibratSI5351 = false;

int currentBFO; int currentBFOmanu; int previousBFO = 0; int previousBFOmanu = 0; int nrbox = 0; int OldRSSI; int NewRSSI; int NewSNR; int encBut; int AGCgain = 0; int PrevRSSI = 0; int strongup = 0;

long elapsedRSSI = millis(); long elapsedAudMut = millis(); long elapsedRDS = millis(); long stationNameElapsed = millis(); long DisplayOnTime = millis(); long VOLbutOnTime = millis(); long LipoMeasure = millis();

volatile int encoderCount = 0; volatile int encoderButton = 0;

uint16_t previousFrequency; uint8_t currentBFOStep = 25; int currentPRES = 0; uint8_t previousPRES = 0; uint8_t currentPRESStep = 1;

uint8_t currentAGCgain = 1; uint8_t previousAGCgain = 1; uint8_t currentAGCgainStep = 1; uint8_t MaxAGCgain; uint8_t MaxAGCgainFM = 26; uint8_t MaxAGCgainAM = 37; uint8_t MinAGCgain = 1;

uint8_t currentVOL = 0; uint8_t previousVOL = 0; uint8_t currentVOLStep = 1; uint8_t MaxVOL = 63; uint8_t MinVOL = 20;

uint8_t currentAGCAtt = 0; uint8_t bwIdxSSB; uint8_t bwIdxAM; uint8_t bwIdxFM; uint8_t ssIdxMW; uint8_t ssIdxAM; uint8_t ssIdxFM; uint8_t bandIdx; uint8_t currentMode = FM; uint8_t previousMode = 0; uint16_t x = 0, y = 0; // To store the touch coordinates uint8_t encoderStatus; uint16_t freqstep; uint8_t freqstepnr = 0; //1kHz int freqDec = 0;

const int LedFreq = 5000; const int LedResol = 8; const int LedChannelforTFT = 0; uint16_t currentBrightness; uint16_t previousBrightness; uint16_t MaxBrightness = 20; uint16_t MinBrightness = 250; uint8_t stepsizesynth = 10;

float Displayfreq = 0; float currentFrequency = 0; float dpfrq = 0; float fact = 1; float RSSIfact = 3;

String BWtext; String Modtext; String RDSbuttext; String AGCgainbuttext; String vers; String dat;

//=============================================================================== const char bandwidthSSB[] = {"1.2", "2.2", "3.0", "4.0", "0.5", "1.0"}; const char bandwidthAM[] = {"6.0", "4.0", "3.0", "2.0", "1.0", "1.8", "2.5"}; const char bandwidthFM[] = {"AUT", "110", "84", "60", "40"}; const char stepsize[] = {"1", "5", "9", "10"}; const char *stepsizeFM[] = {"200", "100", "10"};

const char Keypathtext[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".", "0", "Send", "Clear"}; const char bandModeDesc[] = {"FM ", "LSB", "USB", "AM ", "CW"};

char buffer[64]; // Useful to handle string char buffer1[64];

char *stationName; char bufferStatioName[40];

unsigned long FreqSI5351 = 3276800; unsigned long calibratvalSI5351; //======================================================= Buttons First and Third Layer ========================== typedef struct // Buttons first layer { const char ButtonNam; uint8_t ButtonNum; // Button location at display from 0 to 11. To move around buttons freely at first layer. const char ButtonNam1; uint8_t ButtonNum1; // Button location at display from 0 to 11. To move around buttons freely at third layer. uint16_t XButos; // Xoffset long YButos; // Yoffset } Button; int ytotoffset = 0;

// Button table int Xbutst = 0; // X Start location Buttons int Ybutst = 160 + ytotoffset; // Y Start location Buttons

int Xsmtr = 0; int Ysmtr = 80 + ytotoffset; // S meter 85

int XVolInd = 0; int YVolInd = 135 + ytotoffset; // Volume indicator

int XFreqDispl = 0; int YFreqDispl = 0 + ytotoffset; // display

int Xbutsiz = 80; //size of buttons first & third layer int Ybutsiz = 40;

ifdef IhaveVertTFT

uint16_t Xbut0 = 0 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut0 = 0 Ybutsiz; // location calqualation for 12 first layer buttons uint16_t Xbut1 = 1 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut1 = 0 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut2 = 2 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut2 = 0 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut3 = 0 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut3 = 1 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut4 = 1 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut4 = 1 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut5 = 2 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut5 = 1 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut6 = 0 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut6 = 2 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut7 = 1 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut7 = 2 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut8 = 2 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut8 = 2 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut9 = 0 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut9 = 3 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut10 = 1 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut10 = 3 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut11 = 2 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut11 = 3 Ybutsiz;


if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

uint16_t Xbut0 = 0 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut0 = 0 Ybutsiz; // location calqualation for 12 first layer buttons uint16_t Xbut1 = 1 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut1 = 0 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut2 = 2 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut2 = 0 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut3 = 3 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut3 = 0 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut4 = 0 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut4 = 1 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut5 = 1 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut5 = 1 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut6 = 2 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut6 = 1 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut7 = 3 Xbutsiz ; uint16_t Ybut7 = 1 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut8 = 3 Xbutsiz ; int Ybut8 = -4 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut9 = 3 Xbutsiz ; int Ybut9 = -3 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut10 = 3 Xbutsiz ; int Ybut10 = -2 Ybutsiz; uint16_t Xbut11 = 3 Xbutsiz ; int Ybut11 = -1 Ybutsiz;


define HAM 0

define BFO 1

define FREQ 2

define AGC 3

define MUTE 4

define VOL 5

define MODE 6

define BANDW 7

define STEP 8

define BROAD 9

define PRESET 10

define NEXT 11

define SEEKUP 0

define SEEKDN 1

define STATUS 2

define RDSbut 3

define AGCset 4

define NR5 5

define Displbut 6

define NR7 7

define ChipType 8 // |----|

define NR10 9 // | 8 |

define NR9 10 // |----|

define PREV 11 // | 9 |

// |----| // | 10 |

if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

Button bt[] = { // | 11 | { "HAM" , 0 , "SEEKUP", 0 , Xbut0 , Ybut0 }, // |----|----|----|----| { "BFO" , 4 , "SEEKDN", 4 , Xbut1 , Ybut1 }, // | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | { "FREQ" , 2 , "STATUS", 6 , Xbut2 , Ybut2 }, // |----|----|----|----| { "AGC" , 9 , "RDS" , 8 , Xbut3 , Ybut3 }, // | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | { "MUTE" , 8 , "AGCset", 1 , Xbut4 , Ybut4 }, // |----|----|----|----| { "VOL" , 5 , "" , 10 , Xbut5 , Ybut5 }, { "MODE" , 3 , "DISPL" , 2 , Xbut6 , Ybut6 }, { "BANDW" , 6 , "" , 11 , Xbut7 , Ybut7 }, { "STEP" , 11 , "CHIP" , 3 , Xbut8 , Ybut8 }, { "BROAD" , 1 , "" , 5 , Xbut9 , Ybut9 }, { "PRESET", 10 , "" , 9 , Xbut10, Ybut10 }, { "NEXT" , 7 , "PREV" , 7 , Xbut11, Ybut11 } };


ifdef IhaveVertTFT

Button bt[] = { { "HAM" , 0 , "SEEKUP", 0 , Xbut0 , Ybut0 }, // |----|----|----| { "BFO" , 3 , "SEEKDN", 3 , Xbut1 , Ybut1 }, // | 0 | 1 | 2 | { "FREQ" , 2 , "STATUS",10 , Xbut2 , Ybut2 }, // |----|----|----| { "AGC" , 4 , "RDS" , 9 , Xbut3 , Ybut3 }, // | 3 | 4 | 5 | { "MUTE" , 8 , "AGCset", 2 , Xbut4 , Ybut4 }, // |----|----|----| { "VOL" , 7 , "" , 5 , Xbut5 , Ybut5 }, // | 6 | 7 | 8 | { "MODE" , 9 , "Displ" , 6 , Xbut6 , Ybut6 }, // |----|----|----| { "BANDW" , 5 , "" , 7 , Xbut7 , Ybut7 }, // | 9 | 10 | 11 | { "STEP" , 6 , "CHIP" , 8 , Xbut8 , Ybut8 }, // |----|----|----| { "BROAD" , 1 , "" , 1 , Xbut9 , Ybut9 }, { "PRESET", 10 , "" , 4 , Xbut10, Ybut10 }, { "NEXT" , 11 , "PREV" ,11 , Xbut11, Ybut11 } };


// You may freely move around the button (blue) position on the display to your flavour by changing the position in ButtonNum and ButtonNum1 // You have to stay in the First or Third Layer //======================================================= End Buttons First and Third Layer ======================

//======================================================= Tunings Steps =============================== typedef struct // Tuning steps { uint8_t stepFreq; double stepFreqFM; uint16_t Xstepos; //Xoffset uint16_t Xstepsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Ystepos; //Yoffset uint16_t Ystepsr; //Y size rectang uint16_t Ystepnr; //Y next rectang } Step;

// Tuning steps table

if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

uint16_t Xfstep = 110; uint16_t Yfstep = 60;


//#if defined (IhaveVertTFT) or defined (IhaveHoriTFT)

ifdef IhaveVertTFT

uint16_t Xfstep = 70; uint16_t Yfstep = 100;


Step sp[] = { { 1 , 20 , Xfstep, 100, Yfstep, 30, 0}, { 5 , 10 , Xfstep, 100, Yfstep, 30, 30}, { 9 , 1 , Xfstep, 100, Yfstep, 30, 60}, { 10, 0 , Xfstep, 100, Yfstep, 30, 90} }; //======================================================= End Tunings Steps ===============================

//======================================================= Modulation Types ================================ typedef struct // MODULATION { uint16_t Modenum; uint16_t Xmodos; //Xoffset uint16_t Xmodsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Ymodos; //Yoffset uint16_t Ymodsr; //Y size rectang uint16_t Ymodnr; //Y next rectang } Mode;

// Modulation table

if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

uint16_t Xfmod = 110; uint16_t Yfmod = 45;


ifdef IhaveVertTFT

uint16_t Xfmod = 70; uint16_t Yfmod = 90;


Mode md[] = { { 0 , Xfmod, 100, Yfmod, 30, 0}, { 1 , Xfmod, 100, Yfmod, 30, 30}, { 2 , Xfmod, 100, Yfmod, 30, 60}, { 3 , Xfmod, 100, Yfmod, 30, 90}, { 4 , Xfmod, 100, Yfmod, 30, 120} }; //======================================================= End Modulation Types ============================

//======================================================= Keypath ========================================= typedef struct // Keypath { uint16_t KeypNum; uint16_t Xkeypos; //Xoffset uint16_t Xkeypsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Xkeypnr; //Y next rectang uint16_t Ykeypos; //Yoffset uint16_t Ykeypsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Ykeypnr; //Y next rectang } Keypath;

// Keypath table

if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

uint16_t Xpath = 82; uint16_t Ypath = 20;

Keypath kp[] = { { 0 , Xpath, 50 , 0 , Ypath , 50 , 0}, { 1 , Xpath, 50 , 50 , Ypath , 50 , 0}, { 2 , Xpath, 50 , 100 , Ypath , 50 , 0}, { 3 , Xpath, 50 , 0 , Ypath , 50 , 50}, { 4 , Xpath, 50 , 50 , Ypath , 50 , 50}, { 5 , Xpath, 50 , 100 , Ypath , 50 , 50}, { 6 , Xpath, 50 , 0 , Ypath , 50 , 100}, { 7 , Xpath, 50 , 50 , Ypath , 50 , 100}, { 8 , Xpath, 50 , 100 , Ypath , 50 , 100}, { 9 , Xpath, 50 , 0 , Ypath , 50 , 150}, { 10 , Xpath, 50 , 50 , Ypath , 50 , 150}, { 11 , Xpath, 50 , 100 , Ypath , 50 , 150}, };


ifdef IhaveVertTFT

uint16_t Xpath = 35; uint16_t Ypath = 47;

Keypath kp[] = { { 0 , Xpath, 60 , 0 , Ypath , 60 , 0}, { 1 , Xpath, 60 , 60 , Ypath , 60 , 0}, { 2 , Xpath, 60 , 120 , Ypath , 60 , 0}, { 3 , Xpath, 60 , 0 , Ypath , 60 , 60}, { 4 , Xpath, 60 , 60 , Ypath , 60 , 60}, { 5 , Xpath, 60 , 120 , Ypath , 60 , 60}, { 6 , Xpath, 60 , 0 , Ypath , 60 , 120}, { 7 , Xpath, 60 , 60 , Ypath , 60 , 120}, { 8 , Xpath, 60 , 120 , Ypath , 60 , 120}, { 9 , Xpath, 60 , 0 , Ypath , 60 , 180}, { 10 , Xpath, 60 , 60 , Ypath , 60 , 180}, { 11 , Xpath, 60 , 120 , Ypath , 60 , 180}, };


//======================================================= End Keypath =====================================

//======================================================= Bandwidth AM, SSB, FM =============================== typedef struct // Bandwidth AM & SSB & FM { uint16_t BandWidthAM; uint16_t BandWidthSSB; uint16_t BandWidthFM; uint16_t Xos; //Xoffset uint16_t Xsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Yos; //Yoffset uint16_t Ysr; //X size rectang uint16_t Ynr; //Y next rectang } Bandwidth;

// Bandwidth table

if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

uint16_t XfBW = 110; uint16_t YfBW = 20;


ifdef IhaveVertTFT

uint16_t XfBW = 70; uint16_t YfBW = 40;


Bandwidth bw[] = { // AM SSB FM { 4 , 4 , 0 , XfBW, 100, YfBW, 30, 0}, // 1.0 0.5 Aut { 5 , 5 , 1 , XfBW, 100, YfBW, 30, 30}, // 1.8 1.0 110 { 3 , 0 , 2 , XfBW, 100, YfBW, 30, 60}, // 2.0 1.2 84 { 6 , 1 , 3 , XfBW, 100, YfBW, 30, 90}, // 2.5 2.2 60 { 2 , 2 , 4 , XfBW, 100, YfBW, 30, 120}, // 3.0 3.0 40 { 1 , 3 , 0 , XfBW, 100, YfBW, 30, 150}, // 4.0 4.0 --- { 0 , 0 , 0 , XfBW, 100, YfBW, 30, 180} // 6.0 --- --- }; //======================================================= End Bandwidth AM & FM & SSB ===========================

//======================================================= Broad Band Definitions ========================== typedef struct // Broad-Band switch { uint16_t BbandNum; // bandIdx uint16_t Xbbandos; //Xoffset uint16_t Xbbandsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Xbbandnr; //X next rectang uint16_t Ybbandos; //Yoffset uint16_t Ybbandsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Ybbandnr; //Y next rectang } BBandnumber;

// Bandnumber table for the broad-bands

ifdef IhaveVertTFT

uint16_t Xfbband = 0; uint16_t Yfbband = 45;


if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

uint16_t Xfbband = 40; uint16_t Yfbband = 15;


BBandnumber bb[] = { { 0 , Xfbband, 80 , 0 , Yfbband , 30 , 0}, // 0 { 1 , Xfbband, 80 , 0 , Yfbband , 30 , 30}, // 1 { 2 , Xfbband, 80 , 0 , Yfbband , 30 , 60}, // 2 { 6 , Xfbband, 80 , 0 , Yfbband , 30 , 90}, // 3 { 7 , Xfbband, 80 , 0 , Yfbband , 30 , 120}, // 4 { 9 , Xfbband, 80 , 0 , Yfbband , 30 , 150}, // 5 { 11 , Xfbband, 80 , 0 , Yfbband , 30 , 180}, // 6 { 13 , Xfbband, 80 , 80 , Yfbband , 30 , 0}, // 7 { 14 , Xfbband, 80 , 80 , Yfbband , 30 , 30}, // 8 { 16 , Xfbband, 80 , 80 , Yfbband , 30 , 60}, // 9 { 17 , Xfbband, 80 , 80 , Yfbband , 30 , 90}, //10 { 19 , Xfbband, 80 , 80 , Yfbband , 30 , 120}, //11 { 21 , Xfbband, 80 , 80 , Yfbband , 30 , 150}, //12 { 22 , Xfbband, 80 , 80 , Yfbband , 30 , 180}, //13 { 24 , Xfbband, 80 , 160 , Yfbband , 30 , 0}, //14 { 26 , Xfbband, 80 , 160 , Yfbband , 30 , 30}, //15 { 27 , Xfbband, 80 , 160 , Yfbband , 30 , 60}, //16 { 29 , Xfbband, 80 , 160 , Yfbband , 30 , 90} //17 }; //======================================================= End Broad Band Definitions ======================

//======================================================= Ham Band Definitions ============================ typedef struct // Ham Band switch { uint16_t BandNum; // bandIdx uint16_t HamBandTxt; uint16_t Xbandos; //Xoffset uint16_t Xbandsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Xbandnr; //X next rectang uint16_t Ybandos; //Yoffset uint16_t Ybandsr; //Y size rectang uint16_t Ybandnr; //Y next rectang } Bandnumber;

// Bandnumber table for the hambands

ifdef IhaveVertTFT

uint16_t Xfband = 10; uint16_t Yfband = 30;


if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

uint16_t Xfband = 50; uint16_t Yfband = 30;


Bandnumber bn[] = { { 3 , 0 , Xfband, 110 , 0 , Yfband , 30 , 0}, { 4 , 1 , Xfband, 110 , 0 , Yfband , 30 , 30}, { 5 , 2 , Xfband, 110 , 0 , Yfband , 30 , 60}, { 8 , 3 , Xfband, 110 , 0 , Yfband , 30 , 90}, { 10 , 4 , Xfband, 110 , 0 , Yfband , 30 , 120}, { 12 , 5 , Xfband, 110 , 0 , Yfband , 30 , 150}, { 15 , 6 , Xfband, 110 , 110 , Yfband , 30 , 0}, { 18 , 7 , Xfband, 110 , 110 , Yfband , 30 , 30}, { 20 , 8 , Xfband, 110 , 110 , Yfband , 30 , 60}, { 23 , 9 , Xfband, 110 , 110 , Yfband , 30 , 90}, { 25 , 10 , Xfband, 110 , 110 , Yfband , 30 , 120}, { 28 , 11 , Xfband, 110 , 110 , Yfband , 30 , 150} }; //======================================================= End Ham Band Definitions ========================

//======================================================= THE Band Definitions ============================ typedef struct // Band data { const char *bandName; // Bandname uint8_t bandType; // Band type (FM, MW or SW) uint16_t prefmod; // Pref. modulation uint16_t minimumFreq; // Minimum frequency of the band uint16_t maximumFreq; // maximum frequency of the band uint16_t currentFreq; // Default frequency or current frequency uint8_t currentStep; // Default step (increment and decrement) int lastBFO; // Last BFO per band int lastmanuBFO; // Last Manual BFO per band using X-Tal

} Band;

// Band table Band band[] = {

ifdef EuroAsiabandplan

{ "FM" , FM_BAND_TYPE, FM, 8750, 10800, 8930, 10, 0, 0}, // FM 0 { "LW" , LW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 130, 279, 198, 9, 0, 0}, // LW 1 { "MW" , MW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 522, 1701, 1395, 9, 0, 0}, // MW 2 {"BEACON", LW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 280, 470, 284, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 600M 3 { "630M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 472, 479, 475, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 630M 4 { "160M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 1800, 1910, 1899, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 160M 5 { "120M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 2300, 2495, 2400, 5, 0, 0}, // 120M 6 { "90M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 3200, 3400, 3300, 5, 0, 0}, // 90M 7 { "80M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 3500, 3800, 3630, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 80M 8 { "75M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 3900, 4000, 3950, 5, 0, 0}, // 75M 9 { "60M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 5330, 5410, 5375, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 60M 10 { "49M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 5900, 6200, 6000, 5, 0, 0}, // 49M 11 { "40M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 7000, 7200, 7185, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 40M 12 { "41M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 7200, 7450, 7210, 5, 0, 0}, // 41M 13 { "31M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 9400, 9900, 9600, 5, 0, 0}, // 31M 14 { "30M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 10100, 10150, 10125, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 30M 15 { "25M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 11600, 12100, 11700, 5, 0, 0}, // 25M 16 { "22M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 13570, 13870, 13700, 5, 0, 0}, // 22M 17 { "20M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 14000, 14350, 14250, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 20M 18 { "19M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 15100, 15830, 15700, 5, 0, 0}, // 19M 19 { "17M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 18068, 18168, 18100, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 17M 20 { "16M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 17480, 17900, 17600, 5, 0, 0}, // 16M 21 { "15M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 18900, 19020, 18950, 5, 0, 0}, // 15M 22 { "15M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 21000, 21450, 21350, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 15M 23 { "13M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 21450, 21850, 21500, 5, 0, 0}, // 13M 24 { "12M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 24890, 24990, 24940, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 12M 25 { "11M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 25670, 26100, 25800, 5, 0, 0}, // 11M 26 { "CB" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 26200, 27990, 27200, 1, 0, 0}, // CB band 27 { "10M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 28000, 30000, 28500, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 10M 28 { "SW" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 1730, 30000, 15500, 5, 0, 0} // Whole SW 29


ifdef NandSAmericanbandplan

{ "FM" , FM_BAND_TYPE, FM, 8750, 10800, 8930, 10, 0, 0}, // FM 0 { "LW" , LW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 130, 279, 198, 9, 0, 0}, // LW 1 { "MW" , MW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 530, 1700, 1390, 10, 0, 0}, // MW 2 {"BEACON", LW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 280, 470, 284, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 600M 3 { "630M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 472, 479, 475, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 630M 4 { "160M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 1800, 2000, 1899, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 160M 5 { "120M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 2300, 2495, 2400, 5, 0, 0}, // 120M 6 { "90M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 3200, 3400, 3300, 5, 0, 0}, // 90M 7 { "80M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 3500, 4000, 3630, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 80M 8 { "75M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 3900, 4000, 3950, 5, 0, 0}, // 75M 9 { "60M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 5330, 5410, 5375, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 60M 10 { "49M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 5900, 6200, 6000, 5, 0, 0}, // 49M 11 { "40M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, LSB, 7000, 7300, 7185, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 40M 12 { "41M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 7200, 7450, 7210, 5, 0, 0}, // 41M 13 { "31M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 9400, 9900, 9600, 5, 0, 0}, // 31M 14 { "30M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 10100, 10150, 10125, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 30M 15 { "25M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 11600, 12100, 11700, 5, 0, 0}, // 25M 16 { "22M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 13570, 13870, 13700, 5, 0, 0}, // 22M 17 { "20M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 14000, 14350, 14250, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 20M 18 { "19M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 15100, 15830, 15700, 5, 0, 0}, // 19M 19 { "17M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 18068, 18168, 18100, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 17M 20 { "16M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 17480, 17900, 17600, 5, 0, 0}, // 16M 21 { "15M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 18900, 19020, 18950, 5, 0, 0}, // 15M 22 { "15M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 21000, 21450, 21350, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 15M 23 { "13M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 21450, 21850, 21500, 5, 0, 0}, // 13M 24 { "12M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 24890, 24990, 24940, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 12M 25 { "11M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 25670, 26100, 25800, 5, 0, 0}, // 11M 26 { "CB" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 26200, 27990, 27200, 1, 0, 0}, // CB band 27 { "10M" , SW_BAND_TYPE, USB, 28000, 29700, 28500, 1, 0, 0}, // Ham 10M 28 { "SW" , SW_BAND_TYPE, AM, 1730, 30000, 15500, 5, 0, 0} // Whole SW 29


}; //======================================================= End THE Band Definitions ========================

//======================================================= FM Presets ====================================== typedef struct // Preset data { float presetIdx; const char *PresetName; } FM_Preset ;

FM_Preset preset[] = {

8930 , "West", // 00 West 9890 , "NPO R1", // 01 NPO R1 9260 , "NPO R2", // 02 NPO R2 9680 , "NPO R3-FM", // 03 NPO R3-FM 9470 , "NPO R4", // 04 NPO R4 9340 , "RIJNMOND", // 05 RIJNMOND 9050 , "SUBLIME", // 06 SUBLIME 9130 , "BNR", // 07 BNR 9520 , "SLAM", // 08 SLAM 9620 , "ZFM", // 09 ZFM 9760 , "DECIBEL", // 10 DECIBEL 10040 , "QMUSIC", // 11 QMUSIC 10150 , "SKYRADIO", // 12 SKYRADIO 10270 , "RADIO 538", // 13 RADIO 538 10320 , "VERONICA", // 14 VERONICA 10380 , "RADIO 10", // 15 RADIO 10 10460 , "100% NL", // 16 100% NL 9220 , "L-FM", // 17 L-FM 10760 , "FEELGOOD" // 18 FEELGOOD Radio }; //======================================================= END FM Presets ======================================

//======================================================= Tuning Digit selection ==================== typedef struct // Tuning digit { uint8_t digit; uint16_t Xdignumos; //Xoffset uint16_t Xdignumsr; //X size rectang uint16_t Ydignumos; //Yoffset uint16_t Ydignumsr; //Y size rectang uint16_t Xdignumnr; //X next rectang } DigNum;

uint8_t Xdignum = 139; uint8_t Ydignum = 25;

// Tuning digit table

DigNum dn[] = { { 0 , Xdignum, 21, Ydignum, 35, 0}, { 1 , Xdignum, 21, Ydignum, 35, 30}, { 2 , Xdignum, 21, Ydignum, 35, 59}

}; //======================================================= End Tuning Digit selection ===============================

const int lastButton = (sizeof bt / sizeof(Button)) - 1; const int lastBand = (sizeof band / sizeof(Band)) - 1; const int lastHam = (sizeof bn / sizeof(Bandnumber)) - 1; const int lastBroad = (sizeof bb / sizeof(BBandnumber)) - 1; const int lastMod = (sizeof md / sizeof(Mode)) - 1; const int lastBW = (sizeof bw / sizeof(Bandwidth)) - 1; const int lastStep = (sizeof sp / sizeof(Step)) - 1; const int lastdignum = (sizeof dn / sizeof(DigNum)) - 1; const int lastKPath = (sizeof kp / sizeof(Keypath)) - 1; const int lastPreset = (sizeof preset / sizeof (FM_Preset)) - 1;

define offsetEEPROM 0x20

define EEPROM_SIZE 265

struct StoreStruct { byte chkDigit; byte bandIdx; uint16_t Freq; uint8_t currentMode; uint8_t bwIdxSSB; uint8_t bwIdxAM; uint8_t bwIdxFM; uint8_t ssIdxMW; uint8_t ssIdxAM; uint8_t ssIdxFM; int currentBFO; int currentBFOmanu; uint8_t currentAGCAtt; uint8_t currentVOL; uint8_t currentBFOStep; uint8_t RDS; unsigned long FreqSI5351; uint16_t currentBrightness; uint8_t currentAGCgain; float calibratvalSI5351; int BFOLW; int BFOMW; int BFO600M; int BFO630M; int BFO160M; int BFO120M; int BFO90M; int BFO80M; int BFO75M; int BFO60M; int BFO49M; int BFO40M; int BFO41M; int BFO31M; int BFO30M; int BFO25M; int BFO22M; int BFO20M; int BFO19M; int BFO17M; int BFO16M; int BFO15M; int BFO15H; int BFO13M; int BFO12M; int BFO11M; int BFOCB; int BFO10M; int BFOSW; };

StoreStruct storage = { '#', //First time check 0, //bandIdx 8930, //Freq 0, //mode 1, //bwIdxSSB 1, //bwIdxAM 0, //bwIdxFM 0, //ssIdxMW 5, //ssIdxAM 10, //ssIdxFM 0, //currentBFO 0, //currentBFOmanu 2, //currentAGCAtt 45, //currentVOL 25, //currentBFOStep 1, //RDS 3276800, //FreqSI5351 20, //currentBrightness 1, //currentAGCgain 0, //calibratvalSI5351 0, //BFOLW; 0, //BFOMW 0, //BFO600M 0, //BFO630M 0, //BFO160M 0, //BFO120M 0, //BFO90M 0, //BFO80M 0, //BFO75M 0, //BFO60M 0, //BFO49M 0, //BFO40M 0, //BFO41M 0, //BFO31M 0, //BFO30M 0, //BFO25M 0, //BFO22M 0, //BFO20M 0, //BFO19M 0, //BFO17M 0, //BFO16M 0, //BFO15M 0, //BFO15H 0, //BFO13M 0, //BFO12M 0, //BFO11M 0, //BFOCB 0, //BFO10M 0 //BFOSW };

int rssi = 0; uint8_t stereo = 1; uint8_t volume = DEFAULT_VOLUME;

// Devices class declarations Rotary encoder = Rotary(ENCODER_PIN_A, ENCODER_PIN_B);

TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); TFT_eSprite spr = TFT_eSprite(&tft); SI4735 si4735;

ifdef IhaveSI5351

Si5351wire si5351wire;


//======================================================================================= void IRAM_ATTR RotaryEncFreq() { //======================================================================================= // rotary encoder events if (!writingEeprom) { encoderStatus = encoder.process();

if (encoderStatus)
  if (encoderStatus == DIR_CW)// Direction clockwise
    encoderCount = 1;
    encoderCount = -1;

} }

//======================================================================================= void setup() { //======================================================================================= Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(Display_Led, OUTPUT); pinMode(BEEPER, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(Display_Led, displayon); DISplay = true; //Wire.begin(ESP32_I2C_SDA, ESP32_I2C_SCL); //I2C for SI4735

ledcSetup(LedChannelforTFT, LedFreq, LedResol); ledcAttachPin(Display_Led, LedChannelforTFT);

int16_t si4735Addr = si4735.getDeviceI2CAddress(RESET_PIN); Beep(1, 200); tft.init(); //tft.setRotation(0); // Rotate 0 //tft.setRotation(1); // Rotate 90 //tft.setRotation(2); // Rotate 180 //tft.setRotation(3); // Rotate 270

ifdef IhaveVertTFT

// Calibration code for touchscreen : for 2.8 inch & Rotation = 2 tft.setRotation(2); uint16_t calData[5] = { 258, 3566, 413, 3512, 2 }; tft.setTouch(calData);


ifdef IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees

// Calibration code for touchscreen : for 2.8 inch & Rotation = 1 tft.setRotation(1); uint16_t calData[5] = { 387, 3530, 246, 3555, 7 }; tft.setTouch(calData);


ifdef IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees // horizontal + 180 degrees

// Calibration code for touchscreen : for 2.8 inch & Rotation = 3 tft.setRotation(3); uint16_t calData[5] = { 374, 3543, 208, 3574, 1 }; tft.setTouch(calData);


ifdef IhaveSI5351

si5351wire.output_enable(CLK_Xtal, 1); if (si5351wire.init(SI5351wire_CRYSTAL_LOAD_8PF, CLK_Xtal, 0) == false) { Serial.println ( "SI5351 not found" ); } //si5351wire.set_freq(1000000000UL, CLK_Xtal); // used for calibrating 10MHz //si5351wire.set_correction(0, SI5351wire_PLL_INPUT_XO); //si5351wire.set_correction(26613UL, SI5351wire_PLL_INPUT_XO); // Calibration example with 10 MHz replace 26613UL with your figure. si5351wire.set_freq(FreqSI5351, CLK_Xtal);


if (!EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE)) { tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); tft.setCursor(0, 0); tft.println(F("failed to initialise EEPROM")); Serial.println(F("failed to initialise EEPROM")); while (1); }

if ( != storage.chkDigit) { Serial.println(F("Writing defaults....")); saveConfig(); } loadConfig(); printConfig();

//Wire.begin(ESP32_I2C_SDA, ESP32_I2C_SCL); //I2C for SI4735

// Encoder pins pinMode(ENCODER_PIN_A , INPUT_PULLUP); //Rotary encoder Freqency/bfo/preset pinMode(ENCODER_PIN_B , INPUT_PULLUP); // Encoder interrupt attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENCODER_PIN_A), RotaryEncFreq, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENCODER_PIN_B), RotaryEncFreq, CHANGE); si4735.setAudioMuteMcuPin(AUDIO_MUTE);

tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); delay(500); tft.setCursor(7, 50); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);

Serial.println(" SI4735/32 Radio"); Serial.print("Version "); Serial.println(Rel_Vers[0]); Serial.println(Rel_Date[0]); tft.println("SI4735/32 Radio"); tft.setCursor(7, 70); tft.print(" Version "); tft.println(Rel_Vers[0]); tft.setCursor(7, 95); tft.println(Rel_Date[0]); tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_BLACK); tft.setCursor(7, 170); delay(1000); tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK); if ( si4735Addr == 0 ) { tft.setTextColor(TFT_RED, TFT_BLACK); tft.print("Si4735 not detected"); Serial.println("Si4735 not detected"); while (1); } else { tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK); tft.print("Si473X addr : "); tft.println(si4735Addr, HEX); }


if (si4735Addr == 17) { si4735.setDeviceI2CAddress(0); } else { si4735.setDeviceI2CAddress(1); }

if (storage.bandIdx == 2) { storage.Freq = band[2].currentFreq; Serial.print(" curr freq = "); Serial.println(band[2].currentFreq); } // Setup the radio from last setup in EEPROM bandIdx = storage.bandIdx; band[bandIdx].currentFreq = storage.Freq; currentMode = storage.currentMode; bwIdxSSB = storage.bwIdxSSB; // band width bwIdxAM = storage.bwIdxAM; bwIdxFM = storage.bwIdxFM; ssIdxMW = band[2].currentStep; // step size ssIdxAM = storage.ssIdxAM; ssIdxFM = storage.ssIdxFM; currentBFO = storage.currentBFO; currentBFOmanu = storage.currentBFOmanu; currentAGCAtt = storage.currentAGCAtt; currentVOL = storage.currentVOL; currentBFOStep = storage.currentBFOStep; RDS = storage.RDS; FreqSI5351 = storage.FreqSI5351; currentBrightness = storage.currentBrightness; currentAGCgain = storage.currentAGCgain; calibratvalSI5351 = storage.calibratvalSI5351; band[ 1].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFOLW; band[ 2].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFOMW; band[ 3].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO600M; band[ 4].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO630M; band[ 5].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO160M; band[ 6].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO120M; band[ 7].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO90M; band[ 8].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO80M; band[ 9].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO75M; band[10].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO60M; band[11].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO49M; band[12].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO40M; band[13].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO41M; band[14].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO31M; band[15].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO30M; band[16].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO25M; band[17].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO22M; band[18].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO20M; band[19].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO19M; band[20].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO17M; band[21].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO16M; band[22].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO15M; band[23].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO15H; band[24].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO13M; band[25].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO12M; band[26].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO11M; band[27].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFOCB; band[28].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFO10M; band[29].lastmanuBFO = storage.BFOSW;

ifdef IhaveCrystal

if (bandIdx == 0) si4735.setup(RESET_PIN, FM_BAND_TYPE); //Start in FM else si4735.setup(RESET_PIN, 1); if (bandIdx != 0) si4735.setAM(); // Start in AM


ifdef IhaveSI5351

si5351wire.set_freq(FreqSI5351, CLK_Xtal); si4735.setRefClock(32768); si4735.setRefClockPrescaler(1); // will work with 32768 Hz if (bandIdx == 0) si4735.setup(RESET_PIN, -1, POWER_UP_FM, SI473X_ANALOG_AUDIO, XOSCEN_RCLK); // Start in FM else si4735.setup(RESET_PIN, -1, POWER_UP_AM, SI473X_ANALOG_AUDIO, XOSCEN_RCLK); // Start in AM if (bandIdx != 0) si4735.setAM();


ledcWrite(LedChannelforTFT, currentBrightness); freqstep = 1000;//hz previousBFO = -1; band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO; freqDec = currentBFO; band[bandIdx].prefmod = currentMode; si4735.setVolume(currentVOL); previousVOL = currentVOL; previousAGCgain = currentAGCgain; BandSet(); currentFrequency = previousFrequency = band[bandIdx].currentFreq; Beep(2, 200); encBut = 600; x = y = 0; DrawFila(); si4735.setSeekFmSpacing(10); si4735.setSeekFmLimits(8750, 10800); si4735.setSeekAmRssiThreshold(50); si4735.setSeekAmSrnThreshold(20); si4735.setSeekFmRssiThreshold(5); si4735.setSeekFmSrnThreshold(5); xTaskCreate(SaveInEeprom, "SaveInEeprom", 2048, NULL, 1, NULL); delay(10); }// end setup //======================================================================================= //=======================================================================================

//======================================================================================= void SaveInEeprom (void* arg) { //======================================================================================= while (1) { storage.bandIdx = bandIdx; storage.Freq = band[bandIdx].currentFreq; storage.currentMode = currentMode; storage.bwIdxSSB = bwIdxSSB; storage.bwIdxAM = bwIdxAM; storage.bwIdxFM = bwIdxFM; storage.ssIdxMW = ssIdxMW; storage.ssIdxAM = ssIdxAM; storage.ssIdxFM = ssIdxFM; storage.currentBFO = currentBFO; storage.currentBFOmanu = currentBFOmanu; storage.currentAGCAtt = currentAGCAtt; storage.currentVOL = currentVOL; storage.currentBFOStep = currentBFOStep; storage.RDS = RDS; storage.FreqSI5351 = FreqSI5351; storage.currentBrightness = currentBrightness; storage.currentAGCgain = currentAGCgain; storage.calibratvalSI5351 = calibratvalSI5351; storage.BFOLW = band[1].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFOMW = band[2].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO600M = band[3].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO630M = band[4].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO160M = band[5].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO120M = band[6].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO90M = band[7].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO80M = band[8].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO75M = band[9].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO60M = band[10].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO49M = band[11].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO40M = band[12].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO41M = band[13].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO31M = band[14].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO30M = band[15].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO25M = band[16].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO22M = band[17].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO20M = band[18].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO19M = band[19].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO17M = band[20].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO16M = band[21].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO15M = band[22].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO15H = band[23].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO13M = band[24].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO12M = band[25].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO11M = band[26].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFOCB = band[27].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFO10M = band[28].lastmanuBFO; storage.BFOSW = band[29].lastmanuBFO;

for (unsigned int t = 0; t < sizeof(storage); t++) {
  if ( + t) != *((char*)&storage + t)) {
    EEPROM.write(offsetEEPROM + t, *((char*)&storage + t));

writingEeprom = true;
writingEeprom = false;
vTaskDelay(5000 / portTICK_RATE_MS);



//======================================================================================= void saveConfig() { //======================================================================================= delay(10); for (unsigned int t = 0; t < sizeof(storage); t++) { if ( + t) != ((char)&storage + t)) { EEPROM.write(offsetEEPROM + t, ((char)&storage + t)); } } EEPROM.commit(); }

//======================================================================================= void loadConfig() { //======================================================================================= if ( + 0) == storage.chkDigit) { for (unsigned int t = 0; t < sizeof(storage); t++) ((char)&storage + t) = + t); Serial.println("Load config done"); } }

//======================================================================================= void printConfig() { //======================================================================================= Serial.print("Storage = "); Serial.println(sizeof(storage)); if ( == storage.chkDigit) { for (unsigned int t = 0; t < sizeof(storage); t++) Serial.write( + t)); Serial.println(); } }

//======================================================================================= void BandSet() { //======================================================================================= if (bandIdx == 0) currentMode = FM;// only mod FM in FM band if ((currentMode == AM) or (currentMode == FM)) { ssbLoaded = false; } if ((currentMode == LSB) or (currentMode == USB)) { if (ssbLoaded == false) { loadSSB(); } } useBand(); setBandWidth(); }

//======================================================================================= void useBand() { //======================================================================================= if ((band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE) || (band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE)) { band[bandIdx].currentStep = ssIdxMW; } if (band[bandIdx].bandType == SW_BAND_TYPE) { band[bandIdx].currentStep = ssIdxAM; } if (band[bandIdx].bandType == FM_BAND_TYPE) { bfoOn = false; si4735.setTuneFrequencyAntennaCapacitor(0); delay(100); band[bandIdx].currentStep = ssIdxFM; si4735.setFM(band[bandIdx].minimumFreq, band[bandIdx].maximumFreq, band[bandIdx].currentFreq, band[bandIdx].currentStep); si4735.setFMDeEmphasis(1); ssbLoaded = false; si4735.RdsInit(); si4735.setRdsConfig(1, 2, 2, 2, 2); } else { if (band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE || band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE) { si4735.setTuneFrequencyAntennaCapacitor(0); } else { si4735.setTuneFrequencyAntennaCapacitor(1); } if (ssbLoaded) { si4735.setSSB(band[bandIdx].minimumFreq, band[bandIdx].maximumFreq, band[bandIdx].currentFreq, band[bandIdx].currentStep, currentMode); si4735.setSSBAutomaticVolumeControl(1); //si4735.setSsbSoftMuteMaxAttenuation(0); // Disable Soft Mute for SSB //si4735.setSSBDspAfc(0); //si4735.setSSBAvcDivider(3); //si4735.setSsbSoftMuteMaxAttenuation(8); // Disable Soft Mute for SSB //si4735.setSBBSidebandCutoffFilter(0); //si4735.setSSBBfo(currentBFO); si4735.setSSBBfo(currentBFO + currentBFOmanu); int temp = 1; // SSB ONLY 1KHz stepsize si4735.setFrequencyStep(temp); band[bandIdx].currentStep = temp; } else { si4735.setAM(band[bandIdx].minimumFreq, band[bandIdx].maximumFreq, band[bandIdx].currentFreq, band[bandIdx].currentStep); //si4735.setAutomaticGainControl(1, 0); //si4735.setAmSoftMuteMaxAttenuation(0); // // Disable Soft Mute for AM bfoOn = false; } } delay(100);

}// end useband

//======================================================================================= void setBandWidth() { //======================================================================================= if (currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB) { si4735.setSSBAudioBandwidth(bwIdxSSB); // If audio bandwidth selected is about 2 kHz or below, it is recommended to set Sideband Cutoff Filter to 0. if (bwIdxSSB == 0 || bwIdxSSB == 4 || bwIdxSSB == 5) si4735.setSBBSidebandCutoffFilter(0); else si4735.setSBBSidebandCutoffFilter(1); } if (currentMode == AM) { si4735.setBandwidth(bwIdxAM, 0); } if (currentMode == FM) { si4735.setFmBandwidth(bwIdxFM); } }

//======================================================================================= void loadSSB() { //======================================================================================= si4735.reset(); si4735.queryLibraryId(); // Is it really necessary here? I will check it. si4735.patchPowerUp(); delay(50); si4735.setI2CFastMode(); // Recommended //si4735.setI2CFastModeCustom(500000); // It is a test and may crash. si4735.downloadPatch(ssb_patch_content, size_content); si4735.setI2CStandardMode(); // goes back to default (100KHz)

// delay(50); // Parameters // AUDIOBW - SSB Audio bandwidth; 0 = 1.2KHz (default); 1=2.2KHz; 2=3KHz; 3=4KHz; 4=500Hz; 5=1KHz; // SBCUTFLT SSB - side band cutoff filter for band passand low pass filter ( 0 or 1) // AVC_DIVIDER - set 0 for SSB mode; set 3 for SYNC mode. // AVCEN - SSB Automatic Volume Control (AVC) enable; 0=disable; 1=enable (default). // SMUTESEL - SSB Soft-mute Based on RSSI or SNR (0 or 1). // DSP_AFCDIS - DSP AFC Disable or enable; 0=SYNC MODE, AFC enable; 1=SSB MODE, AFC disable. si4735.setSSBConfig(bwIdxSSB, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1); delay(25); ssbLoaded = true; }

//======================================================================================= void Freqcalq(int keyval) { //======================================================================================= if (Decipoint) { dpfrq = dpfrq + keyval / fact; } else Displayfreq = (Displayfreq + keyval) 10; fact = fact 10; tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, TFT_BLACK); tft.setCursor(50, 0); if (Decipoint) { tft.print((Displayfreq / 10) + dpfrq, 4); tft.print(" Mhz"); } else { tft.print((Displayfreq / 10) + dpfrq, 0); if (((Displayfreq / 10) + dpfrq) <= 30000) tft.print(" KHz"); else tft.print(" Hz"); } }

//======================================================================================= void Smeter() { //======================================================================================= int spoint; if (currentMode != FM) { //dBuV to S point conversion HF if ((rssi >= 0) and (rssi <= 1)) spoint = 12; // S0 if ((rssi > 1) and (rssi <= 1)) spoint = 24; // S1 if ((rssi > 2) and (rssi <= 3)) spoint = 36; // S2 if ((rssi > 3) and (rssi <= 4)) spoint = 48; // S3 if ((rssi > 4) and (rssi <= 10)) spoint = 48 + (rssi - 4) 2; // S4 if ((rssi > 10) and (rssi <= 16)) spoint = 60 + (rssi - 10) 2; // S5 if ((rssi > 16) and (rssi <= 22)) spoint = 72 + (rssi - 16) 2; // S6 if ((rssi > 22) and (rssi <= 28)) spoint = 84 + (rssi - 22) 2; // S7 if ((rssi > 28) and (rssi <= 34)) spoint = 96 + (rssi - 28) 2; // S8 if ((rssi > 34) and (rssi <= 44)) spoint = 108 + (rssi - 34) 2; // S9 if ((rssi > 44) and (rssi <= 54)) spoint = 124 + (rssi - 44) 2; // S9 +10 if ((rssi > 54) and (rssi <= 64)) spoint = 140 + (rssi - 54) 2; // S9 +20 if ((rssi > 64) and (rssi <= 74)) spoint = 156 + (rssi - 64) 2; // S9 +30 if ((rssi > 74) and (rssi <= 84)) spoint = 172 + (rssi - 74) 2; // S9 +40 if ((rssi > 84) and (rssi <= 94)) spoint = 188 + (rssi - 84) 2; // S9 +50 if (rssi > 94) spoint = 204; // S9 +60 if (rssi > 95) spoint = 208; //>S9 +60 } else { //dBuV to S point conversion FM if (rssi < 1) spoint = 36; if ((rssi > 1) and (rssi <= 2)) spoint = 60; // S6 if ((rssi > 2) and (rssi <= 8)) spoint = 84 + (rssi - 2) 2; // S7 if ((rssi > 8) and (rssi <= 14)) spoint = 96 + (rssi - 8) 2; // S8 if ((rssi > 14) and (rssi <= 24)) spoint = 108 + (rssi - 14) 2; // S9 if ((rssi > 24) and (rssi <= 34)) spoint = 124 + (rssi - 24) 2; // S9 +10 if ((rssi > 34) and (rssi <= 44)) spoint = 140 + (rssi - 34) 2; // S9 +20 if ((rssi > 44) and (rssi <= 54)) spoint = 156 + (rssi - 44) 2; // S9 +30 if ((rssi > 54) and (rssi <= 64)) spoint = 172 + (rssi - 54) 2; // S9 +40 if ((rssi > 64) and (rssi <= 74)) spoint = 188 + (rssi - 64) * 2; // S9 +50 if (rssi > 74) spoint = 204; // S9 +60 if (rssi > 76) spoint = 208; //>S9 +60 }

tft.fillRect(Xsmtr + 15, Ysmtr + 38 , (2 + spoint), 6, TFT_RED); tft.fillRect(Xsmtr + 17 + spoint, Ysmtr + 38 , 212 - (2 + spoint), 6, TFT_GREEN); }

//======================================================================================= void VolumeIndicator(int vol) { //======================================================================================= vol = map(vol, 20, 63, 0, 212); tft.fillRect(XVolInd + 15, YVolInd + 16 , (2 + vol), 6, TFT_RED); tft.fillRect(XVolInd + 17 + vol, YVolInd + 16 , 212 - (2 + vol), 6, TFT_GREEN); }

//======================================================================================= void brightnessIndicator(int vol) { //======================================================================================= vol = map(vol, 250, 20, 0, 212); tft.fillRect(XVolInd + 15, YVolInd + 16 , (2 + vol), 6, TFT_RED); tft.fillRect(XVolInd + 17 + vol, YVolInd + 16 , 212 - (2 + vol), 6, TFT_GREEN); }

//======================================================================================= void loop() { //======================================================================================= if (((FirstLayer == true) or (ThirdLayer == true)) and (bright == false )) VolumeIndicator(si4735.getVolume()); if ((ThirdLayer == true) and (bright)) brightnessIndicator(currentBrightness);

// Pressed will be set true is there is a valid touch on the screen

while (((pressed == false) and (encoderCount == 0) and (encoderButton == 0) and (analogRead(ENCODER_SWITCH) > 500)) or (writingEeprom)) { // wait loop pressed = tft.getTouch(&x, &y); showtimeRSSI(); DisplayRDS (); Dispoff(); MuteAud();

ifdef IhaveLiPoLoadbar



} encoderCheck(); // Check if the encoder has moved. encoderButtonCheck(); // Check if encoderbutton is pressed

if (pressed) { pressed = false; PRESbut = false; // Preset stopped after other button is pressed

DisplayOnTime = millis();
if (DISplay == false) {
  Beep(1, 0);
  //digitalWrite(Display_Led, displayon);
  ledcWrite(LedChannelforTFT, currentBrightness);
  DISplay = true;
  x = y = 0; // no valid touch only for switch on display led
if (FirstLayer) { //==================================================

  if (( x > 139) and (x < 219) and (y > 25) and (y < 60)) {    // digit selection
    for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastdignum ; n++) {
      if ((x > (dn[n].Xdignumos) + (dn[n].Xdignumnr)) and (x < ((dn[n].Xdignumos) + (dn[n].Xdignumsr) + (dn[n].Xdignumnr))) and (y > (dn[n].Ydignumos) and (y < ((dn[n].Ydignumos) + (dn[n].Ydignumsr) )))) {
        Beep(1, 0);
        if ((currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB || currentMode == CW) and (bfoOn == false)) {
          freqstepnr = n;
          if (freqstepnr == 0)  freqstep = 1000;
          if (freqstepnr == 1)  freqstep = 100;
          if (freqstepnr == 2)  freqstep = 10;
        if ((currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB || currentMode == CW) and (bfoOn == true)) {
          if (n == 1) stepsizesynth = 10;
          if (n == 2) stepsizesynth = 1;
  //Check which button is pressed in First Layer.
  for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastButton; n++) {
    if ((x > (Xbutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum].XButos))) and (x < Xbutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum].XButos) + Xbutsiz) and (y > Ybutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum].YButos)) and (y < Ybutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum].YButos) + Ybutsiz)) {
      Beep(1, 0);
      x = 0;
      y = 0;

      if ((VOLbut == true) and (n != VOL)) {
        VOLbut = false;
        DrawDispl ();

      if ((Mutestat == true) and (n != MUTE)) {
        Mutestat = false;

      if ((bfoOn == true) and ((n == VOL) or (bright == true))) {
        bfoOn = false;

      if (n == HAM) {
        delay(400);  //HamBand button
        HamBand = true;
        FirstLayer = false;
        SecondLayer = true;

      if (n == BFO) {           //==============================  // BFO button

        if (currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB || currentMode == CW)  {
          if (bfoOn == false) {
            bfoOn = true;
          } else {
            bfoOn = false;
          DrawDispl ();
        } else Beep(4, 100);

      if (n == FREQ) {          //============================  // Frequency input
        FREQbut = true;
        Decipoint = false;
        Displayfreq = 0;
        dpfrq = 0;
        FirstLayer = false;
        SecondLayer = true;

      if (n == AGC) {           //============================//AGC switch
        AGCgain = 0;
        if  (si4735.isAgcEnabled()) {
          si4735.setAutomaticGainControl(1, 0);     //    disabled
        } else {
          AGCgainbut = false;
          si4735.setAutomaticGainControl(0, 0);      //   enabled
        DrawDispl ();

      if (n == MODE) {    //============================= MODE
        if (currentMode != FM)  {
          delay(400);// Mode
          Modebut = true;
          FirstLayer = false;
          SecondLayer = true;
        } else Beep(4, 100);

      if (n == BANDW) {        //=========================BANDWIDTH
        BandWidth = true;
        FirstLayer = false;
        SecondLayer = true;

      if (n == STEP) {            //========================= STEPS for tune and bfo

        if (bfoOn) setStep();
        if (currentMode == AM || currentMode == FM) {
          STEPbut = true;
          FirstLayer = false;
          SecondLayer = true;
        if ((currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB) and (bfoOn == false)) {
          Beep(4, 100);

      if (n == BROAD)  {
        BroadBand = true;
        FirstLayer = false;
        SecondLayer = true;
      if (n == PRESET) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        PRESbut = true;
        FirstLayer = false;
        SecondLayer = true;

      if (n == VOL) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        if (VOLbut == false) {
          VOLbut = true;
          currentVOL = si4735.getVolume();
          previousVOL = currentVOL;
          FirstLayer = false;
          SecondLayer = true;
        else {
          VOLbut = false;
          FirstLayer = true;
          SecondLayer = false;

      if (n == MUTE) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        if (Mutestat == false)  {
          Mutestat = true;
        else  {
          Mutestat = false;

      if (n == NEXT) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        FirstLayer  = false;
        SecondLayer = false;
        ThirdLayer  = true;
        ForthLayer  = false;
} // end FirstLayer

if (SecondLayer) {  //===============================================================
  if (Modebut == true) {
    for (int n = 1 ; n <= lastMod; n++) {
      if ((x > md[n].Xmodos) and (x < ((md[n].Xmodos) + (md[n].Xmodsr))) and (y > ((md[n].Ymodos) + (md[n].Ymodnr))) and (y < ((md[n].Ymodos) + (md[n].Ymodsr) + (md[n].Ymodnr)))) {
        Beep(1, 0);
        currentMode = n;
        if ((CWShift == true) and (previousMode == USB)  ) {
          currentBFO = currentBFO - 700;
          band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO;
          freqDec = currentBFO;
          CWShift = false;
        if ((currentMode !=  previousMode) and (currentMode == CW) and (CWShift == false)) {
          currentMode = USB;
          CWShift = true;
          currentBFO = currentBFO + 700;
          band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO;
          freqDec = currentBFO;
        Modebut = false;
        previousMode = currentMode;
        band[bandIdx].prefmod = currentMode;

  if (BandWidth == true) {
    if ( currentMode == AM) {
      for (int n = 0 ; n < 7; n++) {
        if ((x > bw[n].Xos) and (x < ((bw[n].Xos) + (bw[n].Xsr))) and (y > ((bw[n].Yos) + (bw[n].Ynr))) and (y < ((bw[n].Yos) + (bw[n].Ysr) + (bw[n].Ynr)))) {
          Beep(1, 0);
          bwIdxAM = bw[n].BandWidthAM;
          BandWidth = false;
    if ((currentMode == LSB) or  (currentMode == USB) or (currentMode == CW)) {
      for (int n = 0 ; n < 6; n++) {
        if ((x > bw[n].Xos) and (x < ((bw[n].Xos) + (bw[n].Xsr))) and (y > ((bw[n].Yos) + (bw[n].Ynr))) and (y < ((bw[n].Yos) + (bw[n].Ysr) + (bw[n].Ynr)))) {
          Beep(1, 0);
          bwIdxSSB = bw[n].BandWidthSSB;
          BandWidth = false;

    if (currentMode == FM) {
      for (int n = 0 ; n < 5; n++) {
        if ((x > bw[n].Xos) and (x < ((bw[n].Xos) + (bw[n].Xsr))) and (y > ((bw[n].Yos) + (bw[n].Ynr))) and (y < ((bw[n].Yos) + (bw[n].Ysr) + (bw[n].Ynr)))) {
          Beep(1, 0);
          bwIdxFM = bw[n].BandWidthFM;
          BandWidth = false;

  if (STEPbut == true) {
    for (int n = 0 ; n < 4; n++) {
      if ((x > sp[n].Xstepos) and (x < ((sp[n].Xstepos) + (sp[n].Xstepsr))) and (y > ((sp[n].Ystepos) + (sp[n].Ystepnr))) and (y < ((sp[n].Ystepos) + (sp[n].Ystepsr) + (sp[n].Ystepnr)))) {
        Beep(1, 0);
        STEPbut = false;
        if (((band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE) or (band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE)) and ( currentMode == AM)) {
          ssIdxMW = sp[n].stepFreq;
          band[bandIdx].currentStep = ssIdxMW;

        if ((band[bandIdx].bandType == SW_BAND_TYPE) and ( currentMode == AM)) {
          ssIdxAM = sp[n].stepFreq;
          band[bandIdx].currentStep = ssIdxAM;

        if (currentMode == FM) {
          ssIdxFM = sp[n].stepFreqFM;
          band[bandIdx].currentStep = ssIdxFM;

  if (BroadBand == true) {
    if (CWShift == true)  {    // CW reset
      currentBFO = currentBFO - 700;
      band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO;
      CWShift = false;

ifdef IhaveCrystal

    band[bandIdx].lastmanuBFO = currentBFOmanu;


    for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastBroad; n++) {
      if ((x > ((bb[n].Xbbandos) + (bb[n].Xbbandnr))) and (x < ((bb[n].Xbbandos) + (bb[n].Xbbandsr) + (bb[n].Xbbandnr))) and (y > ((bb[n].Ybbandos) + (bb[n].Ybbandnr))) and (y < ((bb[n].Ybbandos) + (bb[n].Ybbandsr) + (bb[n].Ybbandnr)))) {
        Beep(1, 0);
        BroadBand = false;
        bandIdx = bb[n].BbandNum;
        if ((bandIdx == 0) and (currentAGCgain >= 28)) currentAGCgain = previousAGCgain = 26; // currentAGCgain in FM max. 26

        currentBFO = band[bandIdx].lastBFO;
        freqDec = currentBFO;
        currentMode = band[bandIdx].prefmod;

ifdef IhaveCrystal

        currentBFOmanu = band[bandIdx].lastmanuBFO;


        ssbLoaded = false;
        //bwIdxAM =  3;
        DrawFila(); //Draw first layer

  if (HamBand == true) {
    if (CWShift == true)  {     // CW reset
      currentBFO = currentBFO - 700;
      band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO;
      CWShift = false;

ifdef IhaveCrystal

    band[bandIdx].lastmanuBFO = currentBFOmanu;


    for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastHam; n++) {
      if ((x > ((bn[n].Xbandos) + (bn[n].Xbandnr))) and (x < ((bn[n].Xbandos) + (bn[n].Xbandsr) + (bn[n].Xbandnr))) and (y > ((bn[n].Ybandos) + (bn[n].Ybandnr))) and (y < ((bn[n].Ybandos) + (bn[n].Ybandsr) + (bn[n].Ybandnr)))) {
        Beep(1, 0);

        HamBand = false;
        bandIdx = bn[n].BandNum;
        if (ssbLoaded == false) {

ifdef IhaveCrystal

        currentBFOmanu = band[bandIdx].lastmanuBFO;


        currentBFO = band[bandIdx].lastBFO;
        freqDec = currentBFO;
        currentMode = band[bandIdx].prefmod;

  if (PRESbut == true) {
    if (currentMode != 0) { // geen fm ?
      bandIdx = 0;
      currentMode = 0;
      bfoOn = false;
      previousPRES = -1;
    FirstLayer  =  true;
    SecondLayer = false;
    previousPRES = -2;

  if (VOLbut == true) {
    currentVOL = si4735.getVolume();
    previousVOL = currentVOL;
    FirstLayer  =  true;
    SecondLayer = false;

  if (FREQbut == true) {
    if (CWShift == true)  {    // CW reset
      currentBFO = currentBFO - 700;
      band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO;
      CWShift = false;

ifdef IhaveCrystal

    band[bandIdx].lastmanuBFO = currentBFOmanu;


    spr.createSprite(But_Key_Width - 6, But_Key_Height - 5);
    for (int n = 0 ; n < 12; n++) { // which keys are pressed?
      if ((x > ((kp[n].Xkeypos) + (kp[n].Xkeypnr))) and (x < ((kp[n].Xkeypos) + (kp[n].Xkeypsr) + (kp[n].Xkeypnr))) and (y > ((kp[n].Ykeypos) + (kp[n].Ykeypnr))) and (y < ((kp[n].Ykeypos) + (kp[n].Ykeypsr) + (kp[n].Ykeypnr)))) {
        if ( n == 11) { // Send button is red
          spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Key_Width, But_Key_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Key_Green);
        } else {
          spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Key_Width, But_Key_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Key_Red);
        spr.drawString((Keypathtext[kp[n].KeypNum]), (But_Key_Width / 2) - 2, (But_Key_Height / 2) + 9);
        spr.pushSprite((kp[n].Xkeypos + kp[n].Xkeypnr + 3), (kp[n].Ykeypos + kp[n].Ykeypnr  + 3));

        Beep(1, 0);

        if ( n == 11) { // Send button is red
          spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Key_Width, But_Key_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Key_Red);
        } else {
          spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Key_Width, But_Key_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Key_Green);
        spr.drawString((Keypathtext[kp[n].KeypNum]), (But_Key_Width / 2) - 2, (But_Key_Height / 2) + 9);
        spr.pushSprite((kp[n].Xkeypos + kp[n].Xkeypnr + 3), (kp[n].Ykeypos + kp[n].Ykeypnr  + 3));

        if ((n >= 0) and (n <= 8)) Freqcalq(n + 1);
        if (n == 10) Freqcalq(0);
        if (n == 9) {
          Decipoint = true;
          fact = 10;
        if (n == 11) {// SET button
          FREQbut = false;
          Displayfreq = (Displayfreq / 10) + dpfrq;
          if (Displayfreq < 1) {
            tft.setCursor(7, 25);
            tft.print("Freqency < 1 has no function");
          } else {
            if ((Displayfreq > 30) and (Displayfreq < 87.5 )) {
              tft.setCursor(7, 25);
              tft.print("Freqency > 30Mhz and < 87.5 MHz");
            } else {
              if ((Displayfreq >= 108) and (Displayfreq < 153 )) {
                tft.setCursor(7, 25);
                tft.print("Freqency >= 108 and < 153 ");
              } else {
                if (Displayfreq > 30000) Displayfreq = Displayfreq / 1000000;
                if ((Displayfreq <= 30000) and (Displayfreq >= 153) and (Decipoint == false )) Displayfreq = Displayfreq / 1000;
                if ((Displayfreq >= 87.5) and (Displayfreq <= 108)) {
                  currentFrequency = Displayfreq * 100;
                  bandIdx = 0;
                  band[bandIdx].currentFreq = currentFrequency;
                } else {
                  currentFrequency = Displayfreq * 1000;
                  for (int q = 1 ; q <= lastBand; q++) {
                    if (((currentFrequency) >= band[q].minimumFreq) and ((currentFrequency) <= band[q].maximumFreq)) {
                      bandIdx = q;
                      currentMode = band[q].prefmod;
                      if (((band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE) or (band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE)) and ( currentMode == AM)) {
                        ssIdxMW = band[bandIdx].currentStep;

                      if ((band[bandIdx].bandType == SW_BAND_TYPE) and ( currentMode == AM)) {
                        ssIdxAM = band[bandIdx].currentStep;

                      if (currentMode == FM) {
                        ssIdxFM = band[bandIdx].currentStep;
                  band[bandIdx].currentFreq = currentFrequency;
                  //currentMode = band[bandIdx].prefmod;
                  freqDec = currentBFO = band[bandIdx].lastBFO = 0;

ifdef IhaveCrystal

          currentBFOmanu = band[bandIdx].lastmanuBFO;


        }//   End   n=11 Send button
  }//end freq
}// end second layer

if (ThirdLayer) { //==================================================
  //Check which button is pressed in Third Layer.
  for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastButton; n++) {
    if ((x > (Xbutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum1].XButos))) and (x < Xbutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum1].XButos) + Xbutsiz) and (y > Ybutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum1].YButos)) and (y < Ybutst + (bt[bt[n].ButtonNum1].YButos) + Ybutsiz)) {
      Beep(1, 0);
      x = 0;
      y = 0;

      if ((bright == true) and (n != Displbut)) {
        bright = false;

      if (n == SEEKUP) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        SEEK = true;
        if ((currentMode != LSB) and (currentMode != USB))   {
          if (currentMode != FM) {     // No FM
            if (band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE || band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE) {
              si4735.setSeekAmSpacing(band[bandIdx].currentStep);     //9 KHz
              si4735.setSeekAmLimits(band[bandIdx].minimumFreq, band[bandIdx].maximumFreq);
            else {
              bandIdx = 29;// all sw
              si4735.setSeekAmSpacing(band[bandIdx].currentStep);     // 5 KHz
              si4735.setSeekAmLimits(band[bandIdx].minimumFreq, band[bandIdx].maximumFreq);
          si4735.seekStationProgress(SeekFreq, checkStopSeeking,  SEEK_UP); // 1 is up
          currentFrequency = si4735.getFrequency();
          band[bandIdx].currentFreq = currentFrequency ;
          if (currentFrequency != previousFrequency)
            previousFrequency = currentFrequency;
        SEEK = false;

      if (n == SEEKDN) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        SEEK = true;
        if ((currentMode != LSB) and (currentMode != USB))   {
          if (currentMode != FM) {     // No FM
            if (band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE || band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE) {
              si4735.setSeekAmSpacing(band[bandIdx].currentStep);     //9 KHz
              si4735.setSeekAmLimits(band[bandIdx].minimumFreq, band[bandIdx].maximumFreq);
            } else {
              bandIdx = 29;// all sw
              si4735.setSeekAmSpacing(band[bandIdx].currentStep);     // 5 KHz
              si4735.setSeekAmLimits(band[bandIdx].minimumFreq, band[bandIdx].maximumFreq);

          si4735.seekStationProgress(SeekFreq, checkStopSeeking,  SEEK_DOWN);
          currentFrequency = si4735.getFrequency();
          band[bandIdx].currentFreq = currentFrequency ;
          if (currentFrequency != previousFrequency)
            previousFrequency = currentFrequency;
        SEEK = false;

      if (n == STATUS) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;

      if (n == Displbut) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        if (bright == false)  {
          bright = true;
          if (bfoOn == true) {
            bfoOn = false;
          previousBrightness = currentBrightness;
        else {
          bright = false;

      if (n == PREV) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        AGCgainbut = false;
        FirstLayer  = true;
        SecondLayer = false;
        ThirdLayer  = false;
        ForthLayer  = false;

      if (n == RDSbut) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        if (RDS) RDS = false;
        else RDS = true;

      if (n == AGCset) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        if (AGCgainbut) AGCgainbut = false;
        else {
          bfoOn = false; // only AGC function at the rotory encoder
          AGCgainbut = true;
          previousAGCgain = 37; // force to setup AGC gain

      if (n == ChipType) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
} // end ThirdLayer

if (ForthLayer) { //===============================================================


}// end pressed

if (currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB || currentMode == CW) // set BFO value in si4735 { if ((currentBFO != previousBFO) or (currentBFOmanu != previousBFOmanu)) { previousBFO = currentBFO; previousBFOmanu = currentBFOmanu; si4735.setSSBBfo(currentBFO + currentBFOmanu); if (bfoOn) FreqDispl(); } }

if (currentPRES != previousPRES) { si4735.getCurrentReceivedSignalQuality(); if (si4735.isCurrentTuneFM() == false) { bandIdx = 0; band[bandIdx].currentFreq = ((preset[currentPRES].presetIdx)); BandSet(); }

tft.setCursor(0, 20);
if (currentPRES > lastPreset) currentPRES = 0;
if (currentPRES < 0) currentPRES = lastPreset;
previousPRES = currentPRES;
tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 26, YFreqDispl + 19 , 208, 48, TFT_BLACK);// Black freq. field
tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK );

tft.drawString(String(currentPRES) + ") " + String(((preset[currentPRES].presetIdx) / 100), 1) + " MHz", 130, 38);
tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK );
tft.drawString(String(preset[currentPRES].PresetName), 130, 56);
bandIdx = 0;
band[bandIdx].currentFreq = si4735.getFrequency();


if (currentVOL != previousVOL) { currentVOL = currentVOL + (currentVOL - previousVOL); tft.setCursor(0, 20); if (currentVOL > MaxVOL) currentVOL = MaxVOL; if (currentVOL < MinVOL) currentVOL = MinVOL; previousVOL = currentVOL; si4735.setVolume(currentVOL); FreqDispl(); }

if (currentBrightness != previousBrightness) { if (currentBrightness < MaxBrightness) currentBrightness = MaxBrightness; if (currentBrightness > MinBrightness) currentBrightness = MinBrightness; previousBrightness = currentBrightness; ledcWrite(LedChannelforTFT, currentBrightness); }

if (currentAGCgain != previousAGCgain) { AGCgain = 1; tft.setCursor(0, 20); if (si4735.isCurrentTuneFM()) MaxAGCgain = MaxAGCgainFM; else MaxAGCgain = MaxAGCgainAM;

if (currentAGCgain > MaxAGCgain) currentAGCgain = MaxAGCgain;
if (currentAGCgain < MinAGCgain) currentAGCgain = MinAGCgain;

previousAGCgain = currentAGCgain;
si4735.setAutomaticGainControl(1, currentAGCgain);


//======================================================================================= }// end loop //=======================================================================================

//======================================================================================= void Lipostat() { //======================================================================================= if (((millis() - LipoMeasure) > LipoMeasureTime 1000) and ((FirstLayer))) { Lipovolt(); LipoMeasure = millis(); } } //======================================================================================= void Dispoff() { //======================================================================================= if (((millis() - DisplayOnTime) > MIN_ELAPSED_DISPL_TIME 300) and (DISplay == true)) { DISplay = false; //digitalWrite(Display_Led, displayoff); ledcWrite(LedChannelforTFT, 256); PRESbut = false; DrawDispl(); DisplayOnTime = millis(); } }

//======================================================================================= void VOLbutoff() { //======================================================================================= if (((millis() - VOLbutOnTime) > MIN_ELAPSED_VOLbut_TIME * 30) and (VOLbut == true)) { VOLbut = false; drawVOL(); FreqDispl(); } if (VOLbut == false) VOLbutOnTime = millis(); }

//======================================================================================= void DisplayRDS() { //======================================================================================= if (( currentMode == FM) and ((FirstLayer) or (ThirdLayer))) { if ( currentFrequency != previousFrequency ) { previousFrequency = currentFrequency; tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 60, YFreqDispl + 54, 130, 20, TFT_BLACK); // clear RDS text } if ((RDS) and (NewSNR >= 12)) checkRDS(); else tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 60, YFreqDispl + 54, 130, 20, TFT_BLACK); // clear RDS text } }

//======================================================================================= void showtimeRSSI() { //======================================================================================= // Show RSSI status only if this condition has changed if ((millis() - elapsedRSSI) > MIN_ELAPSED_RSSI_TIME RSSIfact) // 150 1 = 150 msec refresh time RSSI { si4735.getCurrentReceivedSignalQuality(); NewRSSI = si4735.getCurrentRSSI(); NewSNR = si4735.getCurrentSNR(); if (OldRSSI != NewRSSI) { OldRSSI = NewRSSI; showRSSI(); } elapsedRSSI = millis(); } }

//======================================================================================= void showRSSI() { //======================================================================================= if (( currentMode == FM ) and ((FirstLayer) or (ThirdLayer))) { sprintf(buffer, "%s", (si4735.getCurrentPilot()) ? "STEREO" : "MONO"); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_RED); tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.setTextPadding(0); tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 191, YFreqDispl + 72 , 38, 11, TFT_RED); // STEREO MONO tft.drawString(buffer, XFreqDispl + 210, YFreqDispl + 83); } rssi = NewRSSI; if ((FirstLayer) or (ThirdLayer)) Smeter(); tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK); if ((FirstLayer) or (ThirdLayer)) { // dBuV and dB at freq. display tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 7, YFreqDispl + 75 , 173, 10, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(TL_DATUM); tft.drawString("RSSI = " + String(NewRSSI) + " dBuV" , XFreqDispl + 8, YFreqDispl + 76); tft.setTextDatum(TR_DATUM); tft.drawString("SNR = " + String(NewSNR) + " dB", XFreqDispl + 180, YFreqDispl + 76); } VOLbutoff(); }

//======================================================================================= void encoderCheck() { //======================================================================================= if (encoderCount != 0) { if (DISplay == false) { // Wake-up Display DisplayOnTime = millis(); //digitalWrite(Display_Led, displayon); ledcWrite(LedChannelforTFT, currentBrightness); DISplay = true; } int mainpurp = 1;

if (bfoOn)  {

ifdef IhaveSI5351

  currentBFOmanu = 0;
  if (encoderCount == 1) {
    FreqSI5351 = FreqSI5351 + stepsizesynth;
  } else {
    FreqSI5351 = FreqSI5351 - stepsizesynth;
  calibratSI5351 = false;
  si5351wire.set_freq(FreqSI5351, CLK_Xtal);
  mainpurp = 0;


ifdef IhaveCrystal

  currentBFOmanu = (encoderCount == 1) ? (currentBFOmanu + currentBFOStep) : (currentBFOmanu - currentBFOStep);
  mainpurp = 0;



if (PRESbut) {     // FM preset
  currentPRES = (encoderCount == 1) ? (currentPRES + currentPRESStep) : (currentPRES - currentPRESStep);
  mainpurp = 0;

if (VOLbut) {     // Volume control
  currentVOL = (encoderCount == 1) ? (currentVOL + currentVOLStep) : (currentVOL - currentVOLStep);
  mainpurp = 0;

if (AGCgainbut) {     // AGC gain control
  currentAGCgain = (encoderCount == 1) ? (currentAGCgain + currentAGCgainStep) : (currentAGCgain - currentAGCgainStep);
  mainpurp = 0;

if (bright) {     // Brightness control
  currentBrightness = (encoderCount == 1) ? (currentBrightness - 20) : (currentBrightness + 20);
  mainpurp = 0;

if (mainpurp == 1)

  if (currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB || currentMode == CW) {
    if (encoderCount == 1) {
      freqDec = freqDec - freqstep;
      int freqTot = (si4735.getFrequency() * 1000) + (freqDec * -1);
      if ( freqTot > (band[bandIdx].maximumFreq * 1000)) {
        freqDec = 0;
      if (freqDec <= -16000)  {
        freqDec = freqDec + 16000;
        int freqPlus16 = currentFrequency + 16; //trunc(freqDec/1000);
        AudioMut = true;
        elapsedAudMut = millis();
      currentBFO = freqDec;
    } else {
      freqDec = freqDec + freqstep;
      int freqTot = (si4735.getFrequency() * 1000) - freqDec;
      if ( freqTot < (band[bandIdx].minimumFreq * 1000)) {
        freqDec = 0;
      if (freqDec >= 16000)  {
        freqDec = freqDec - 16000;
        int freqMin16 = currentFrequency - 16;
        AudioMut = true;
        elapsedAudMut = millis();
      currentBFO = freqDec;
    band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO;
  } else  {
    if (encoderCount == 1) {
    } else {
  band[bandIdx].currentFreq = si4735.getFrequency();
  //band[bandIdx].lastBFO = currentBFO;
encoderCount = 0;

} }

//======================================================================================= void encoderButtonCheck() { //======================================================================================= //Encoder button if (analogRead(ENCODER_SWITCH) < 500) { Beep(1, 0); //delay(300); int mainpurp = 1; if (DISplay == false) { // Wake-up Display DisplayOnTime = millis(); //digitalWrite(Display_Led, displayon); ledcWrite(LedChannelforTFT, currentBrightness); DISplay = true; mainpurp = 0; } if (PRESbut == true) {// FM preset selection PRESbut = false; DrawDispl(); mainpurp = 0; }

if (bright) {
  bright = false;
  mainpurp = 0;

ifdef IhaveSI5351

if (FirstLayer) {
  if ((bfoOn) and (calibratSI5351 == false)) {
    calibratSI5351 = true;
    calibratvalSI5351 = 3276800 - FreqSI5351;
    mainpurp = 0;


if (mainpurp == 1) {
  if (FirstLayer) {
    if (VOLbut)  {
      VOLbut = false;
      while (analogRead(ENCODER_SWITCH) < 500) {
    else {
      VOLbut = true;
      if (bfoOn == true) {
        bfoOn = false;
while (analogRead(ENCODER_SWITCH) < 500) {

} } //======================================================================================= void setStep() { //======================================================================================= // This command should work only for SSB mode if (bfoOn && (currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB || currentMode == CW)) { currentBFOStep = (currentBFOStep == 25) ? 10 : 25; } useBand(); DrawDispl(); }

//======================================================================================= void Beep(int cnt, int tlb) { //======================================================================================= int tla = 100; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { digitalWrite(BEEPER, beepOn); delay(tla); digitalWrite(BEEPER, beepOff); delay(tlb); } }

//======================================================================================= void DrawFila() {// Draw of first layer //======================================================================================= FirstLayer = true; SecondLayer = false; tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); DrawButFila(); DrawDispl(); DrawSmeter(); DrawVolumeIndicator();

ifdef IhaveLiPoLoadbar




//======================================================================================= void DrawThla() { // Draw of Third layer //======================================================================================= ThirdLayer = true; ForthLayer = false; tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); DrawButThla(); DrawDispl(); DrawSmeter(); DrawVolumeIndicator(); DrawRDSbut(); DrawAGCgainbut(); }

//======================================================================================= void DrawButFila() { // Buttons first layer //======================================================================================= spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastButton; n++) {

spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Blue);
spr.drawString((bt[n].ButtonNam), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 9);
spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[n].ButtonNum].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[n].ButtonNum].YButos + Ybutst);

} spr.deleteSprite(); drawBFO(); drawAGC();


//======================================================================================= void DrawButThla() { // Buttons Third layer //======================================================================================= spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastButton; n++) { spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Blue); spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString((bt[n].ButtonNam1), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 9); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[n].ButtonNum1].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[n].ButtonNum1].YButos + Ybutst); } spr.deleteSprite(); DrawRDSbut(); }

//======================================================================================= void DrawVolumeIndicator() { //======================================================================================= tft.setTextSize(1); //tft.fillRect(XVolInd, YVolInd, 240, 30, TFT_GREY); tft.fillRect(XVolInd + 5, YVolInd + 5, 230, 20, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK); tft.setCursor(XVolInd + 11, YVolInd + 7); tft.print("0%"); tft.setCursor(XVolInd + 116, YVolInd + 7); tft.print("50%"); tft.setCursor(XVolInd + 210, YVolInd + 7); tft.print("100%"); }

//======================================================================================= void DrawSmeter() { //======================================================================================= String IStr; tft.setTextSize(1); //tft.fillRect(Xsmtr, Ysmtr, 240, 55, TFT_GREY); tft.fillRect(Xsmtr + 5, Ysmtr + 5, 230, 45, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tft.fillRect(Xsmtr + 15 + (i 12), Ysmtr + 24, 4, 8, TFT_YELLOW); IStr = String(i); tft.setCursor((Xsmtr + 14 + (i 12)), Ysmtr + 13); tft.print(i); } for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { tft.fillRect((Xsmtr + 123 + (i 16)), Ysmtr + 24, 4, 8, TFT_RED); IStr = String(i 10); tft.setCursor((Xsmtr + 117 + (i 16)), Ysmtr + 13); if ((i == 2) or (i == 4) or (i == 6)) { tft.print("+"); tft.print(i 10); } } tft.fillRect(Xsmtr + 15, Ysmtr + 32 , 112, 4, TFT_YELLOW); tft.fillRect(Xsmtr + 127, Ysmtr + 32 , 100, 4, TFT_RED); // end Smeter }

//======================================================================================= void drawDispbut() { //======================================================================================= spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (bright) { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Amber); } else { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Blue); } spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString((bt[6].ButtonNam1), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 9); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[6].ButtonNum1].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[6].ButtonNum1].YButos + Ybutst); spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void drawVOL() { //======================================================================================= spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (VOLbut) { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Amber); } else { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Blue); } spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString((bt[5].ButtonNam), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 9); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[5].ButtonNum].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[5].ButtonNum].YButos + Ybutst); spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void DrawAGCgainbut() { //======================================================================================= if (ThirdLayer) { spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (AGCgainbut) { AGCgainbuttext = currentAGCgain; spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Red); } else { AGCgainbuttext = currentAGCgain; spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Blue); } spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString("RF-att", (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 1); spr.drawString(AGCgainbuttext, (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 16); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[4].ButtonNum1].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[4].ButtonNum1].YButos + Ybutst); spr.deleteSprite(); } }

//======================================================================================= void DrawRDSbut() { //======================================================================================= spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (RDS) { RDSbuttext = "ON"; spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Red); } else { RDSbuttext = "OFF"; spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Blue); } spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString((bt[3].ButtonNam1), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 12); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[3].ButtonNum1].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[3].ButtonNum1].YButos + Ybutst); spr.deleteSprite(); } //======================================================================================= void drawMUTE() { //======================================================================================= spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (Mutestat) { si4735.setAudioMute(audioMuteOn); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Amber); } else { si4735.setAudioMute(audioMuteOff); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Blue); } spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString((bt[4].ButtonNam), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 9); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[4].ButtonNum].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[4].ButtonNum].YButos + Ybutst); spr.deleteSprite(); } //======================================================================================= void drawAGC() { //======================================================================================= si4735.getAutomaticGainControl(); spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (si4735.isAgcEnabled()) { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Red); } else { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Blue); } spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString((bt[3].ButtonNam), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 9); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[3].ButtonNum].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[3].ButtonNum].YButos + Ybutst); spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void drawBFO () { //======================================================================================= spr.createSprite(Xbutsiz, Ybutsiz); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (bfoOn) { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Red); } else { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Width, But_Height, (uint16_t )But_Blue); } spr.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString((bt[1].ButtonNam), (Xbutsiz / 2) + 2, (Ybutsiz / 2) + 9); spr.pushSprite(bt[bt[1].ButtonNum].XButos + Xbutst, bt[bt[1].ButtonNum].YButos + Ybutst); spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void drawKeyPath() { //======================================================================================= tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); spr.createSprite(But_Key_Width - 6, But_Key_Height - 5); spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND);

for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastKPath; n++) { if ( n == 11) { // Send button is red spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Key_Width, But_Key_Height, (uint16_t )But_Key_Red); } else { spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Key_Width, But_Key_Height, (uint16_t )But_Key_Green); }

spr.drawString((Keypathtext[kp[n].KeypNum]), (But_Key_Width / 2) - 2, (But_Key_Height / 2) + 9);
spr.pushSprite((kp[n].Xkeypos + kp[n].Xkeypnr + 3), (kp[n].Ykeypos + kp[n].Ykeypnr  + 3));

} spr.deleteSprite(); } //======================================================================================= void HamBandlist() { //=======================================================================================

tft.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); //// spr.createSprite(But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height); for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastHam; n++) { spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Mode_Green); spr.setTextColor(COLOR_PANEL_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString(band[bn[n].BandNum].bandName, But_Mode_Width / 2, But_Mode_Height - 2); spr.pushSprite((bn[n].Xbandos + bn[n].Xbandnr + 3) , (bn[n].Ybandos) + (bn[n].Ybandnr + 3)); } spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void BroadBandlist() { //======================================================================================= tft.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); //// spr.createSprite(But_Band_Width, But_Band_Height); for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastBroad; n++) { spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); if (n == 0) spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Band_Width, But_Band_Height, (uint16_t )But_Band_Red); else if (n == 1) spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Band_Width, But_Band_Height, (uint16_t )But_Band_Amber); else if (n == 2) spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Band_Width, But_Band_Height, (uint16_t )But_Band_Blue); else spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Band_Width, But_Band_Height, (uint16_t )But_Band_Green); spr.setTextColor(COLOR_PANEL_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString(band[bb[n].BbandNum].bandName, But_Band_Width / 2, But_Band_Height - 2); spr.pushSprite((bb[n].Xbbandos + bb[n].Xbbandnr + 3) , (bb[n].Ybbandos) + (bb[n].Ybbandnr + 3)); } spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void Steplist() { //======================================================================================= tft.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.createSprite(But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height); if ( currentMode != FM) { for (int n = 0 ; n <= lastStep; n++) { spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height, (uint16_t )But_Mode_Green); spr.setTextColor(COLOR_PANEL_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString(String(sp[n].stepFreq) + "kHz", But_Mode_Width / 2, But_Mode_Height - 2); spr.pushSprite((sp[n].Xstepos) + 5, sp[n].Ystepos + 5 + sp[n].Ystepnr); } } else { for (int n = 0 ; n <= 2; n++) { spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height, (uint16_t )But_Mode_Green); spr.setTextColor(COLOR_PANEL_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString(String((sp[n].stepFreqFM) * 10, 0) + "kHz", But_Mode_Width / 2, But_Mode_Height - 2); spr.pushSprite((sp[n].Xstepos) + 5, sp[n].Ystepos + 5 + sp[n].Ystepnr); } } spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void Modelist() { //=======================================================================================

tft.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.createSprite(But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height); for (int n = 1 ; n <= lastMod; n++) { spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Mode_Green); spr.setTextColor(COLOR_PANEL_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); spr.drawString(bandModeDesc[md[n].Modenum], But_Mode_Width / 2, But_Mode_Height - 2); spr.pushSprite((md[n].Xmodos + 5), md[n].Ymodos + 5 + (md[n].Ymodnr)); } spr.deleteSprite(); }

//======================================================================================= void BWList() { //======================================================================================= tft.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); //// if ( currentMode == AM) nrbox = 7; if ( currentMode == FM) nrbox = 5; if ((currentMode == LSB) or ( currentMode == USB) or ( currentMode == CW)) nrbox = 6; spr.createSprite(But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height); for (int n = 0 ; n < nrbox; n++) { spr.fillScreen(COLOR_BACKGROUND); spr.pushImage(0, 0, But_Mode_Width, But_Mode_Height, (uint16_t *)But_Mode_Green); spr.setTextColor(COLOR_PANEL_TEXT); spr.setTextSize(2); spr.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); spr.setTextPadding(0); if ( currentMode == AM) spr.drawString(bandwidthAM[bw[n].BandWidthAM], But_Mode_Width / 2, But_Mode_Height - 2); if ( currentMode == FM) spr.drawString(bandwidthFM[bw[n].BandWidthFM], But_Mode_Width / 2, But_Mode_Height - 2); if ((currentMode == LSB) or ( currentMode == USB) or ( CWShift == true)) spr.drawString(bandwidthSSB[bw[n].BandWidthSSB], But_Mode_Width / 2, But_Mode_Height - 2); spr.pushSprite((bw[n].Xos + 3), bw[n].Yos + 3 + (bw[n].Ynr)); } spr.deleteSprite();

tft.setTextColor(COLOR_BUTTON_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.setTextPadding(0); if ( currentMode == AM) tft.drawString("AM Filter in kHz" , XfBW + 50, YfBW ); if (( currentMode == USB) and (CWShift == false)) tft.drawString("USB Filter in kHz" , XfBW + 50, YfBW ); if ( currentMode == LSB) tft.drawString("LSB Filter in kHz" , XfBW + 50, YfBW ); if ( currentMode == FM) tft.drawString("FM Filter in kHz" , XfBW + 50, YfBW ); if (( currentMode == USB) and (CWShift == true)) tft.drawString("CW Filter in kHz" , XfBW + 50, YfBW ); }

//======================================================================================= void subrstatus() { //======================================================================================= tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(TL_DATUM); tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setCursor(0, 0); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); vers = Rel_Vers[0]; dat = Rel_Date[0]; tft.drawString("Software version " + vers + " " + dat, 5, 10); tft.drawString("Mod. : " + String(bandModeDesc[band[bandIdx].prefmod]), 5, 20); if ( currentMode != FM) tft.drawString("Freq. : " + String(currentFrequency, 0) + " KHz", 5, 30); else tft.drawString("Freq. : " + String(currentFrequency / 100, 1) + " MHz", 5, 30); si4735.getCurrentReceivedSignalQuality(); tft.drawString("RSSI : " + String(si4735.getCurrentRSSI()) + "dBuV", 5, 40); // si4735.getCurrentSNR() tft.drawString("SNR : " + String(si4735.getCurrentSNR()) + "uV", 5, 50); if ( currentMode == FM ) { sprintf(buffer, "%s", (si4735.getCurrentPilot()) ? "STEREO" : "MONO"); tft.drawString(" : " + String(buffer), 5, 60); } si4735.getAutomaticGainControl(); si4735.getCurrentReceivedSignalQuality(); tft.drawString("LNA GAIN index: " + String(si4735.getAgcGainIndex()) + "/" + String(currentAGCAtt), 5, 70); tft.drawString("Volume : )" + String(si4735.getVolume()), 5, 80); sprintf(buffer, "%s", (si4735.isAgcEnabled()) ? "AGC ON " : "AGC OFF"); tft.drawString(buffer, 5, 90); if (bfoOn) tft.drawString("BFO ON ", 5, 100); else tft.drawString("BFO OFF ", 5, 100); tft.drawString("AVC max GAIN : " + String(si4735.getCurrentAvcAmMaxGain()), 5, 110); tft.drawString("Ant. Cap = " + String(si4735.getAntennaTuningCapacitor()) , 5, 120);

tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK); tft.drawString("Band : " + String(bandIdx) + " " + String(band[bandIdx].bandName) , 5, 140); tft.drawString("Bandwidth SSB : " + String(bandwidthSSB[bwIdxSSB]) + " KHz", 5, 150); tft.drawString("Bandwidth AM : " + String(bandwidthAM[bwIdxAM]) + " KHz", 5, 160); tft.drawString("Bandwidth FM : " + String(bandwidthFM[bwIdxFM]) + " KHz", 5, 170); tft.drawString("Stepsize MW : " + String(ssIdxMW) + " KHz", 5, 180); tft.drawString("Stepsize AM : " + String(ssIdxAM) + " KHz", 5, 190); tft.drawString("Stepsize SSB : " "1 KHz fixed", 5, 200); tft.drawString("Stepsize FM : " + String(ssIdxFM 10) + " KHz", 5, 210); int vsupply; vsupply = analogRead(ENCODER_SWITCH); float volt = readADC_Cal(vsupply); //tft.drawString("Power Supply : " + String(((1.66 / 1850)vsupply) * 2) + " V.", 5, 220); tft.drawString("Power Supply : " + String(volt / 500) + " V.", 5, 220); while (x == 0) { presStat = tft.getTouch(&x, &y); } x = y = 0; Beep(1, 0); delay(400); }

//======================================================================================= void showRDSStation() { //======================================================================================= if ((FirstLayer) or (ThirdLayer)) { tft.setCursor(XFreqDispl + 75, YFreqDispl + 57); tft.print(stationName); } delay(250); }

//======================================================================================= void checkRDS() { //======================================================================================= si4735.getRdsStatus(); if (si4735.getRdsReceived()) { if (si4735.getRdsSync() && si4735.getRdsSyncFound() ) { stationName = si4735.getRdsText0A(); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(TFT_VIOLET, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); if ( stationName != NULL ) showRDSStation(); } } }

//======================================================================================= void FreqDispl() { //======================================================================================= if ((FirstLayer) or (ThirdLayer)) { currentFrequency = si4735.getFrequency(); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.fillRect( XFreqDispl + 26, YFreqDispl + 19 , 208, 48, TFT_BLACK); // Black freq. field AGCfreqdisp(); BFOStepdisp(); tft.setTextSize(4); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); if ((VOLbut) or (AGCgainbut)) { if (VOLbut) { tft.setTextSize(3); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.drawString(String(map(currentVOL, 20, 63, 0, 100)), XFreqDispl + 60, YFreqDispl + 53); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.drawString( "Volume", XFreqDispl + 160, YFreqDispl + 53); } if (AGCgainbut) { tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.drawString(String(currentAGCgain), XFreqDispl + 40, YFreqDispl + 53); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.drawString("RF Attenuation", XFreqDispl + 150, YFreqDispl + 53); }

} else {
  if ((band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE || band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE) and (bfoOn == false)) {
    Displayfreq =  currentFrequency;
    tft.drawString(String(Displayfreq, 0), XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 61);
    tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
    tft.drawString("KHz", XFreqDispl + 215, YFreqDispl + 61);
    /*  } */
  if (band[bandIdx].bandType == FM_BAND_TYPE) {
    Displayfreq =  currentFrequency / 100;
    tft.drawString(String(Displayfreq, 2), XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 55);
    tft.drawString("MHz", XFreqDispl + 215, YFreqDispl + 54);
  if ((currentMode == AM) and (band[bandIdx].bandType != MW_BAND_TYPE) and (band[bandIdx].bandType != LW_BAND_TYPE)) {
    Displayfreq =  currentFrequency / 1000;
    tft.drawString(String(Displayfreq, 3), XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 61);
    tft.drawString("MHz", XFreqDispl + 215, YFreqDispl + 61);
  if (currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB  || currentMode == CW ) {
    if (bfoOn) {

ifdef IhaveCrystal

      tft.drawString(String(currentBFOmanu), XFreqDispl + 180, YFreqDispl + 61);


ifdef IhaveSI5351

      float temp = FreqSI5351 + calibratvalSI5351;
      tft.drawString(String((temp / 100), 2), XFreqDispl + 228, YFreqDispl + 61);


      tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, TFT_BLACK);
      tft.drawString("Hz", XFreqDispl + 229, YFreqDispl + 84);

ifdef IhaveSI5351

      if (stepsizesynth == 10)  tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 178, YFreqDispl + 62, 20, 5, COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ);
      if (stepsizesynth ==  1)  tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 206, YFreqDispl + 62, 20, 5, COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ);


    else {
      //tft.fillRect( XFreqDispl + 6, YFreqDispl + 26 , 228, 45, TFT_BLACK); // Black freq. field
      tft.fillRect( XFreqDispl + 26, YFreqDispl + 26 , 208, 45, TFT_BLACK); // Black freq. field
      Displayfreq = (currentFrequency * 1000) - (band[bandIdx].lastBFO);
      if (CWShift) Displayfreq = Displayfreq + 700;
      int mhz = trunc(Displayfreq / 1000000);
      int khz = Displayfreq - (mhz * 1000000);
      khz = trunc(khz / 1000);
      int hz = Displayfreq - (mhz * 1000000) - (khz * 1000);
      char s[12] = {'\0'};
      sprintf(s, "%i.%03i.%02i", mhz, khz, hz / 10);
      tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
      //tft.drawString(String(s), XFreqDispl + 220, YFreqDispl + 61);
      tft.drawString(String(s), XFreqDispl + 230, YFreqDispl + 61);
      tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, TFT_BLACK);
      tft.drawString("MHz", XFreqDispl + 229, YFreqDispl + 84);
      if (freqstepnr == 0)  tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 150, YFreqDispl + 62, 20, 5, COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ);
      if (freqstepnr == 1)  tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 180, YFreqDispl + 62, 20, 5, COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ);
      if (freqstepnr == 2)  tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 208, YFreqDispl + 62, 20, 5, COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ);
      tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);

} }

/ Checks the stop seeking criterias. Returns true if the user press the touch or rotates the encoder. / bool checkStopSeeking() { // Checks the touch and encoder return (bool) encoderCount || tft.getTouch(&x, &y); // returns true if the user rotates the encoder or touches on screen }

//======================================================================================= void SeekFreq (uint16_t freq) { //======================================================================================= if ((FirstLayer) or (ThirdLayer)) { currentFrequency = freq; tft.setTextSize(4); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.setTextPadding(0); tft.fillRect( XFreqDispl + 26, YFreqDispl + 28 , 208, 32, TFT_BLACK); // Black freq. field if (band[bandIdx].bandType == MW_BAND_TYPE || band[bandIdx].bandType == LW_BAND_TYPE) { Displayfreq = currentFrequency; tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft.setFreeFont(&DSEG7_Classic_Mini_Regular_34); tft.drawString(String(Displayfreq, 0), XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 61); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.setFreeFont(NULL); tft.drawString("KHz", XFreqDispl + 215, YFreqDispl + 61); } if (band[bandIdx].bandType == FM_BAND_TYPE) { Displayfreq = currentFrequency / 100; tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft.setFreeFont(&DSEG7_Classic_Mini_Regular_34); tft.drawString(String(Displayfreq, 2), XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 54); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, TFT_BLACK); tft.setFreeFont(NULL); tft.drawString("MHz", XFreqDispl + 215, YFreqDispl + 54); } if (band[bandIdx].bandType == SW_BAND_TYPE) { Displayfreq = currentFrequency / 1000; tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, COLOR_BACKGROUND); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.setFreeFont(&DSEG7_Classic_Mini_Regular_34); tft.drawString(String(Displayfreq, 3), XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 61); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(COLOR_INDICATOR_FREQ, TFT_BLACK); tft.setFreeFont(NULL); tft.drawString("MHz", XFreqDispl + 215, YFreqDispl + 61); } } }

//======================================================================================= void DrawDispl() { //======================================================================================= if (FirstLayer or ThirdLayer) { tft.fillRect(XFreqDispl + 26, YFreqDispl + 5, 208, 80, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.drawString(band[bandIdx].bandName, XFreqDispl + 160, YFreqDispl + 18); tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK); tft.drawString("Band", XFreqDispl + 160, YFreqDispl + 8);

//if (band[bandIdx].bandType != FM_BAND_TYPE) {
tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK);
tft.drawString("Mod.", XFreqDispl + 80, YFreqDispl + 8);
tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
Modtext = bandModeDesc[currentMode];
if ((Modtext == "USB") and (CWShift == true)) {
  Modtext = "CW";
} else {
  Modtext = bandModeDesc[currentMode];
tft.drawString(Modtext, XFreqDispl + 80, YFreqDispl + 18);
if (currentMode == AM) BWtext = bandwidthAM[bwIdxAM];
if (currentMode == LSB || currentMode == USB || currentMode == CW) BWtext = bandwidthSSB[bwIdxSSB];
if (currentMode == FM) {
  //tft.setTextPadding(tft.textWidth("100 kHz"));
  BWtext = (bandwidthFM[bwIdxFM]);
if (BWtext == "AUT") {
  tft.drawString(BWtext, XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 18);
} else tft.drawString(BWtext + " KHz", XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 18);
tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK);
tft.drawString("Width", XFreqDispl + 120, YFreqDispl + 8);
tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
if (currentMode == FM) {
  tft.drawString(String((band[bandIdx].currentStep) * 10) + " KHz", XFreqDispl + 200, YFreqDispl + 18);
} else  tft.drawString(String(band[bandIdx].currentStep) + " KHz", XFreqDispl + 200, YFreqDispl + 18);
tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK);
tft.drawString("Step", XFreqDispl + 200, YFreqDispl + 8);

} }

//======================================================================================= void AGCfreqdisp() { //=======================================================================================

tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.drawString("AGC", XFreqDispl + 50, YFreqDispl + 8);//16 si4735.getAutomaticGainControl(); if (si4735.isAgcEnabled()) { tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.drawString("On", XFreqDispl + 50, YFreqDispl + 18); tft.setTextColor(TFT_ORANGE, TFT_BLACK); } else { if (AGCgain == 0) { tft.drawString("Off", XFreqDispl + 50, YFreqDispl + 18); } else { tft.drawString(String(currentAGCgain), XFreqDispl + 50, YFreqDispl + 18); } } }

//======================================================================================= void BFOStepdisp() { //======================================================================================= if (band[bandIdx].bandType != FM_BAND_TYPE) { tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.setTextPadding(tft.textWidth("XXX")); tft.drawString("BFO", XFreqDispl + 20, YFreqDispl + 8); tft.setTextPadding(tft.textWidth("88"));

if (bfoOn) {

ifdef IhaveCrystal

  tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK);
  tft.drawString(String(currentBFOStep), XFreqDispl + 20, YFreqDispl + 18);
  tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK);


} else {
  tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK);
  tft.drawString("  ", XFreqDispl + 20, YFreqDispl + 18);

} }

//======================================================================================= void ErrorBeep() { //======================================================================================= Beep(4, 100); delay(2000); }

//======================================================================================= void MuteAud() { //======================================================================================= // Stop muting only if this condition has changed if (((millis() - elapsedAudMut) > MIN_ELAPSED_AudMut_TIME ) and (AudioMut = true))// 150 msec { AudioMut = false; si4735.setHardwareAudioMute(0); } }

//======================================================================================= void showFirmwareInformation() { //======================================================================================= tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, TFT_BLACK); int xp; int yp;

ifdef IhaveVertTFT

tft.setCursor(0, 20); tft.println("Firmware Information"); tft.setCursor(0, 35); tft.println("===================="); xp = 35; yp = 50;


if defined (IhaveHoriTFTplusZeroDegrees) or defined (IhaveHoriTFTplus180Degrees)

tft.setCursor(40, 20); tft.println("Firmware Information"); tft.setCursor(40, 35); tft.println("===================="); xp = 75; yp = 50;


tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW, TFT_BLACK); tft.setCursor(xp, yp + 20); tft.print("Part Number (HEX)........: "); tft.println(si4735.getFirmwarePN(), HEX); tft.setCursor(xp, yp + 40); tft.print("Firmware Major Revision..: "); tft.println(si4735.getFirmwareFWMAJOR()); tft.setCursor(xp, yp + 60); tft.print("Firmware Minor Revision..: "); tft.println(si4735.getFirmwareFWMINOR()); tft.setCursor(xp, yp + 80); tft.print("Patch ID ................: "); tft.print(si4735.getFirmwarePATCHH(), HEX); tft.println(si4735.getFirmwarePATCHL(), HEX); tft.setCursor(xp, yp + 100); tft.print("Component Major Revision.: "); tft.println(si4735.getFirmwareCMPMAJOR()); tft.setCursor(xp, yp + 120); tft.print("Component Minor Revision.: "); tft.println(si4735.getFirmwareCMPMINOR()); tft.setCursor(xp, yp + 140); tft.print("Chip Revision............: "); tft.println(si4735.getFirmwareCHIPREV());

while (x == 0) { presStat = tft.getTouch(&x, &y); } x = y = 0; Beep(1, 0); delay(400); }

void Lipovolt() { int Yoff = 20; int Xoff = 0; tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextDatum(BC_DATUM); tft.fillRect(Xoff + XFreqDispl, 0 + Yoff + YFreqDispl, Xoff + 24 , Yoff + 36 , TFT_BLACK);

int LipoVolt_Result = 0; float lipvolt = 0.0;

LipoVolt_Result = analogRead(LipoVoltpin); lipvolt = readADC_Cal(LipoVolt_Result); lipvolt = lipvolt / 500; //======== just for test to see real lipo voltage ================ / tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK); tft.setCursor(0, 11); tft.print(lipvolt,2); / //================================================================ if (lipvolt >= 3.9) { tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_GREEN); tft.setTextPadding(tft.textWidth("100%")); tft.fillRect(Xoff + XFreqDispl, 0 + Yoff, 24 , 10 , TFT_GREEN); tft.drawString("100%", 12, 9 + Yoff); }

if (lipvolt >= 3.7) { //tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_YELLOW); tft.setTextPadding(tft.textWidth("75%")); tft.fillRect(Xoff + XFreqDispl, 14 + Yoff, 24 , 10 , TFT_YELLOW); //tft.drawString("75%", 12, 23 + Yoff); }

if (lipvolt >= 3.5) { //tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_ORANGE); tft.setTextPadding(tft.textWidth("50%")); tft.fillRect(Xoff + XFreqDispl, 28 + Yoff, 24 , 10 , TFT_ORANGE); //tft.drawString("50%", 12, 37 + Yoff); }

if (lipvolt >= 3.3) { //tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_RED); tft.setTextPadding(tft.textWidth("25%")); tft.fillRect(Xoff + XFreqDispl, 42 + Yoff, 24 , 10 , TFT_RED); //tft.drawString("25%", 12, 51 + Yoff); }

if ((lipvolt < 3.9) and (lipvolt >= 3.7)) { tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_YELLOW); tft.drawString("75%", 12, 23 + Yoff); } if ((lipvolt < 3.7) and (lipvolt >= 3.5)) { tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_ORANGE); tft.drawString("50%", 12, 37 + Yoff); } if ((lipvolt < 3.5) and (lipvolt >= 3.3)) { tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLUE, TFT_RED); tft.drawString("25%", 12, 51 + Yoff); } }

uint32_t readADC_Cal(int ADC_Raw)// calibratie ADC ESP32 { esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t adc_chars;

esp_adc_cal_characterize(ADC_UNIT_1, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11, ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12, 1100, &adc_chars); return (esp_adc_cal_raw_to_voltage(ADC_Raw, &adc_chars)); }``