spc-group / haven

Bluesky tools for beamlines managed by the spectroscopy group
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Live viewer for monitoring scan data in real time #216

Closed canismarko closed 2 weeks ago

canismarko commented 6 months ago

Looking for a way to view the current scan results in real-time in Firefly.

canismarko commented 6 months ago

My current strategy is to use the Kafka server that is routing the RunEngine documents.

  1. Create a LiveViewer window as a child class of the RunBrowserDisplay
  2. LiveViewer listens to the kafka topic for new documents
  3. If it sees a primary event, load that scan from tiled and display it.
canismarko commented 6 months ago

@Cathyhjj I'm working on the run_browser.py file extensively right now, trying to get those tests to pass so I can work on this liveviewer. Might be easier to wait on implementing some of those advanced pyqtgraph tabs you had planned until I'm done?

canismarko commented 2 weeks ago

Implemented this using a kafka client. It subscribes to the beamline's queueserver kafka server and then fetches new data from Tiled when necessary.

Still some minor imprvomenets, but I'll make those in separate issues.