speedingdeer / linked-data-visualization-tools

Maps viewer of RDF resources with Geometrical Information
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feature-shp-file i18n #34

Closed speedingdeer closed 12 years ago

speedingdeer commented 12 years ago

Replace poor text in UI by BrowerMessages

jonbaraq commented 12 years ago

Hi Filip,

Can you please describe this issue in Detail ?

Thanks in advance, Jonathan

speedingdeer commented 12 years ago

In this view src/main/java/es/upm/fi/dia/oeg/map4rdf/client/view/ShapeFilesView.java when you build UI you shouldn't put text directly like here:

new Label("Select the zip file with the shapefiles you "

You should use BrowserMessages class. You have a good example in other views. src/main/java/es/upm/fi/dia/oeg/map4rdf/client/view/FiltersView.java grid.setWidget(0, 0, new Label(messages.draw()+": "));

jonbaraq commented 12 years ago


Resolved on the next pull request!