Closed kloczek closed 3 years ago
First just " build"
Don't do this. This is an incorrect way of doing whatever you wanted to do with this command. It is NOT supported.
+ PYTHONPATH=$PWD/build/lib
I don't know what's in this dir but sounds like you've produced something in a wrong way and now Python's import machinery can't find it.
SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION=0.2.0a0 /usr/bin/python3 build_sphinx -b man --build-dir build/sphinx
We don't have manpages. What did you expect here?
Extension error: Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.towncrier (exception: No module named 'sphinxcontrib.towncrier')
Python's import machinery didn't find it.
So I've added
> build/lib/sphinxcontrib/
to create empty file for which is loooking sphinx
No, it's Python's import machinery that scans the file system, not Sphinx itself.
Also, wrong hack: init is unnecessary because this project uses an implicit namespace that is natively supported by Python 3. Only Python 2 projects need it. By injecting such files, you'll create conflicts with other packages in the sphinxcontrib
+ /usr/bin/python3 build_sphinx -b man --build-dir build/sphinx
Abusing setuptools as a runner for arbitrary commands like sphinx is not supported. I think even setuptools is deprecating this misuse. Also, as per above: we don't build man pages.
WARNING: Missing key 'towncrier' in file /home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/sphinxcontrib-towncrier-0.2.0a0/pyproject.toml
This doesn't seem to be happening on master as executed with the supported methods.
First just " build"
Don't do this. This is an incorrect way of doing whatever you wanted to do with this command. It is NOT supported.
Please clarify why ..
+ PYTHONPATH=$PWD/build/lib
I don't know what's in this dir but sounds like you've produced something in a wrong way and now Python's import machinery can't find it.
This directory contains products of the setuptools build command ( builds
Thi smethod works across almost all python modules ans tthers in no reasons why it should not work in case of your module.
SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION=0.2.0a0 /usr/bin/python3 build_sphinx -b man --build-dir build/sphinx
We don't have manpages. What did you expect here?
You dont need to have it. Sphinx supprts many otput formats and you don;t need to supporrt those formats. From sphinx-build(1):
-b buildername
The most important option: it selects a builder. The most common builders are:
html Build HTML pages. This is the default builder.
Build HTML pages, but with a single directory per document. Makes for prettier URLs (no .html) if served from a webserver.
Build a single HTML with the whole content.
htmlhelp, qthelp, devhelp, epub
Build HTML files with additional information for building a documentation collection in one of these formats.
Build an Apple Help Book. Requires hiutil and codesign, which are not Open Source and presently only available on Mac OS X 10.6 and higher.
latex Build LaTeX sources that can be compiled to a PDF document using pdflatex.
man Build manual pages in groff format for UNIX systems.
Build Texinfo files that can be processed into Info files using makeinfo.
text Build plain text files.
Build gettext-style message catalogs (.pot files).
Run all doctests in the documentation, if the doctest extension is enabled.
Check the integrity of all external links.
xml Build Docutils-native XML files.
Build compact pretty-printed "pseudo-XML" files displaying the internal structure of the intermediate document trees.
See /usage/builders/index for a list of all builders shipped with Sphinx. Extensions can add their own builders.
Extension error: Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.towncrier (exception: No module named 'sphinxcontrib.towncrier')
Python's import machinery didn't find it.
So I've added
> build/lib/sphinxcontrib/
to create empty file for which is loooking sphinxNo, it's Python's import machinery that scans the file system, not Sphinx itself. Also, wrong hack: init is unnecessary because this project uses an implicit namespace that is natively supported by Python 3. Only Python 2 projects need it. By injecting such files, you'll create conflicts with other packages in the
So what is tej proper hack?
+ /usr/bin/python3 build_sphinx -b man --build-dir build/sphinx
Abusing setuptools as a runner for arbitrary commands like sphinx is not supported. I think even setuptools is deprecating this misuse. Also, as per above: we don't build man pages.
It is supported everywhere. I have at the moment +500 pythom modules packaged in rpm packages. Result:
[tkloczko@barrel SPECS]$ man python-
Display all 209 possibilities? (y or n)
python-amqp python-GitPython.tex python-path python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput
python-anytree python-greenlet python-pillow python-sphinxcopybutton
python-argcomplete python-h2 python-pluggy python-sphinxext-opengraph
python-arrow python-hacking python-polib python-sphinx-hoverxref
python-"asgi python-httplib2 python-prb python-sphinx-inline-tabs
python-aspectlib python-hyperframe python-priority python-sphinx-removed-in
python-astor python-hyperlink python-productmd-compose python-sphinx_rtd_theme
python-astroid python-hypothesis python-productmd-composeinfo python-sphinx-tabs
python-async_generator python-ifaddr python-productmd-discinfo python-sphinx-typlog-theme
python-atomicwrites python-importlib-metadata python-productmd-images python-sphobjinv
python-attrs python-inflect python-productmd-rpms python-sqlparse
python-augeas python-ipykernel python-productmd-terminology python-stdlib-list
python-autodocsumm python-itsdangerous python-productmd-treeinfo python-stem
python-babel python-jaraco-classes python-prompt_toolkit python-sure
python-backcall python-jaraco-envs python-ptyprocess python-sybil
python-benchmark python-jaraco-functools python-purl python-systemd
python-betamax python-jaraco.itertools python-py python-terminado
python-billiard python-jaraco-packaging python-pyasn1 python-testpath
python-bleach python-jaraco-text python-pycodestyle python-testrepository
python-blinker python-jedi python-pyfakefs python-testtools
python-boto3 python-Jinja python-pygal python-tidy
python-botocore python-jmespath python-pygments python-tinycss2
python-bottle python-jupyter_client python-pyhamcrest python-tornado
python-breathe python-jupyter_core python-pylama python-traitlets
python-build python-kiwi python-pylint python-trio
python-cachetools python-kombu python-pymeeus python-trustme
python-case python-lark python-pynacl python-twisted
python-cffi python-lazy-object-proxy python-pyopenssl python-uritemplate
python-characteristic python-libevdev python-pyrad python-urllib3
python-chardet python-linkify-it-py python-pyrsistent python-validators
python-click python-lockfile python-pyscss python-vine
python-click-log python-lxml python-pytest python-waitress
python-contextlib2 python-mako python-pytest-checkdocs python-wcwidth
python-convertdate python-markupsafe python-pytest-cov python-webcolors
python-coveragepy python-mdit-py-plugins python-pytest-regressions python-webencodings
python-cppy python-mistune python-pytest-runner python-webob
python-cssselect2 python-more-itertools python-python-sphinx-contribspelling python-websocket-client
python-dateutil python-msgpack python-pyudev python-websockets
python-dictdiffer python-multidict python-pyxattr python-webtest
python-dpkt python-mypy python-pyxdg python-werkzeug
python-dulwich python-myst-parser python-rdflib python-wheel
python-elementpath python-nbclient python-requests python-wrapt
python-evdev python-nbformat python-requests-mock python-WSGIProxy2
python-execnet python-netaddr python-requests_toolbelt python-wsproto
python-faker python-nose2 python-rsa python-xmlschema
python-fields python-notebook python-rst.linker python-yamlloader
python-flask python-olefile python-semantic-version python-yarl
python-flask-sqlalchemy python-openstackdocstheme python-service-identity python-zeroconf
python-flit python-outcome python-smartypants python-zipp
python-fonttools python-paramiko python-smmap.tex python-zope-event
python-gcovr python-parso python-sniffio
python-gidocgen python-parver python-sphinxcontrib-asyncio
python-gitdb python-paste python-sphinxcontrib-autoprogram
[tkloczko@barrel SPECS]$ rpm -qa python-\* | wc -l
WARNING: Missing key 'towncrier' in file /home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/sphinxcontrib-towncrier-0.2.0a0/pyproject.toml
This doesn't seem to be happening on master as executed with the supported methods.
Which one version of the sphinx you are using? I'm usimg 4.0.2.
First just " build" Than :
I've checked that with strace and:
So I've added
> build/lib/sphinxcontrib/
to create empty file for which is loooking sphinx and documentation builds but with some warnings: