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Intersphinx support in toctrees #1836

Open xmo-odoo opened 9 years ago

xmo-odoo commented 9 years ago

Currently, toctree links can be either internal documents or arbitrary external URLs.

For Sphinx projects which serve as hub of sorts, or to cross-TOC between related projects, it'd be nice if it were possible for toctree to use intersphinx when references are not found locally (and are not URLs)

andreacassioli commented 9 years ago

That would be nice. I agree.

erget commented 9 years ago

I just ran up against this wall myself - this would be a great feature!

moorchegue commented 7 years ago


mniak commented 6 years ago


Tzaphkiel commented 4 years ago

interrested as well !

curtisma commented 4 years ago


moorchegue commented 4 years ago

We missed this feature request's 5 year anniversary!

ryanraba commented 4 years ago

I need this also. For my purposes, there is a bit of a workaround though.

In conf.py, add:

os.system("wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/whatever/you/need/thefile")

This will pull down the file to the sphinx build directory whenever sphinx executes. Now in your toctree, just list thefile like any local file

Not actually using intersphinx at all

davbeek commented 4 years ago


tsibley commented 4 years ago

I'm interested in this functionality, and might be willing/able to implement it, but would love a quick feasibility check from someone more experienced with Sphinx first. Does anyone have a sense of what this would take to support? Does someone with experience with Sphinx internals and intersphinx think it's doable without sweeping design changes to toctree and/or intersphinx?

tk0miya commented 4 years ago

At present, there are no way to fetch toctrees of the external document because the inventory file (that is used to resolve the cross references by intersphinx) does not contain them. And intersphinx is only invoked on the resolving-phase. So there are no chance to insert external toctrees to the local one. So you need to design and implement the whole of features for this issue.

Additionally, we need to discuss how external toctrees are represented in non-HTML outputs. So I think it would be better to go to implement this as a 3rd party extension, at first.

xmo-odoo commented 4 years ago

@tk0miya I don't know about other commenters but my original use-case was really just having intersphinx links as part of the toctree, so in the same way you can :ref:comparison manual <python:comparisons> you could do something similar in a TOC and it'd link to a remote document rather than the local documentation.

Though maybe you mean the very structuring of Sphinx' toctrees would require the ability to graft entire toctrees?

tk0miya commented 4 years ago

Ah, sorry. I wrongly commented yesterday. If your goal is creating a link to the external document in toctree like :ref: does, it's not so difficult. The inventory file already contains these labels. For that use-case, my large concern is representation in non-HTML outputs. In HTML output, the toctree behaves like a collection of hyperlinks. But, not so in other outputs. It is used to combine all of document in toctree to single document (PDF, man page, and so on).

tsibley commented 4 years ago

Good to point out that those two things are separate! I'm interested in both. :-)

How do non-HTML outputs handle external links in a toctree already?

tsibley commented 4 years ago

@tk0miya Your summaries are really helpful, thank you!

tsibley commented 4 years ago

How do non-HTML outputs handle external links in a toctree already?

Asked too quick, as I just answered my own question. Looks like sphinx.builders.manpage and sphinx.builders.latex for example both use inline_all_toctrees() from sphinx.util.nodes, which iterates over the toctree's list of included local files. The directive's implementation tracks an entry for external links, but doesn't add to the corresponding list of local files since there of course isn't one. So it seems external links are just silently skipped during inlining. Presumably it'd be ok for intersphinx references in TOC trees to work similarly?

xmo-odoo commented 4 years ago

Asked too quick, as I just answered my own question. Looks like sphinx.builders.manpage and sphinx.builders.latex for example both use inline_all_toctrees() from sphinx.util.nodes, which iterates over the toctree's list of included local files. The directive's implementation tracks an entry for external links, but doesn't add to the corresponding list of local files since there of course isn't one. So it seems external links are just silently skipped during inlining.

It's a completely separate matter, but since latex supports hyperlinks it ought be possible not to skip them no?

tsibley commented 4 years ago

It's a completely separate matter, but since latex supports hyperlinks it ought be possible not to skip them no?

Seems that way to me, yes. Other builders could render them the same way they render other external links too. The source of inline_all_toctrees() is pretty readable if you're curious:


Tzaphkiel commented 4 years ago

My use case is a bit different, I would like to maintain the SDMX Standard's documentation from the various repositories it comprises of under one main documentation site (HTML + PDF downloads). I would like to leave the oportunity and responsability to each "sub-"repository to update their documentation but have only one TOC.

and the TOC has sections that correspond to the main documentation and repositories.

This would mean that the sub-section in the TOC would be expanded from the TOC hierarchy of the sub-repositories.

See here a trial publication image

tsibley commented 4 years ago


This would mean that the sub-section in the TOC would be expanded from the TOC hierarchy of the sub-repositories.

Yep, I'd like this as well. If you end up implementing it as a Sphinx extension (as suggested by @tk0miya above), would you drop a note here?

Tzaphkiel commented 4 years ago

Just a precision, sub-repository here for me is just another repository of my choosing (it happens to be in the same organization in github). It is also a sub-project from the readthedocs.org project's perspective.

tk0miya commented 4 years ago

So it seems external links are just silently skipped during inlining. Presumably it'd be ok for intersphinx references in TOC trees to work similarly?

Are you saying the external links (including intersphinx) are shown only on HTML output? If so, I don't prefer your proposal. I still don't understand the external links are parts of the "table of contents". And I think Sphinx is a document converter that converts single-input into multi-format. But proposed behavior (mark-up) is designed only for HTML. So I feel odd...

tsibley commented 4 years ago

Are you saying the external links (including intersphinx) are shown only on HTML output? If so, I don't prefer your proposal.

I was describing what Sphinx currently does for most formats (latex, epub, etc… even singlehtml) when rendering toctrees that contain external links. For example, an index.rst with:

.. toctree::

   external <https://sphinx-doc.org>

will omit the sphinx-doc.org entry in the rendered table of contents and combined output document, except in the HTML output format.

I agree having external links in a table of contents is conceptually a little weird, particularly for output formats other than HTML (although even single-page HTML omits them). It's a bit like a section titled "About Y" in a manual that only contains the single sentence "Refer to document X for more information on Y." I do think it'd make more sense conceptually if intersphinx could embed the external toctrees too.

tk0miya commented 4 years ago

Indeed. Currently, a toctree directive accepts an external link as its entry, and it is suppressed in non-HTML formats. TBH, I feel that is a bad design. It is surprising behavior to me that Sphinx automatically removes my contents silently on building to some output. I'd not like to add such a similar feature.

tsibley commented 4 years ago

TBH, I feel that is a bad design. It is surprising behavior to me that Sphinx automatically removes my contents silently on building to some output. I'd not like to add such a similar feature.

That's very fair. I was surprised to find out it silently dropped some contents too.

Your point about not adding to the problem by extending that behaviour make sense. One way to approach it in non-HTML formats might be including a section for the entry using the entry title which contains just "See \<url>". Does that feel ok to you?

tk0miya commented 4 years ago

One way to approach it in non-HTML formats might be including a section for the entry using the entry title which contains just "See ".

What happens with your example?

.. toctree::

   external <https://sphinx-doc.org>

Is it expanded like this?

Contents of one

blah blah blah ...

See `external <https://sphinx-doc.org>`_

Contents of two

blah blah blah ...

I think a collection of hyperlinks (including cross-references) and table-of-contents are different things. So it should be better to separate them if possible.

tsibley commented 4 years ago

I was thinking it would be expanded using the given title for the external link, so:

Contents of one

blah blah blah ...


See <https://sphinx-doc.org>.

Contents of two

blah blah blah ...

For an intersphinx :ref:, it would pull the actual reference/document title from an objects.inv inventory file and use that title by default if none was given.

(and a new toctree inventory file could even let it include the sub-toctree of the referenced section, if applicable)

I think a collection of hyperlinks (including cross-references) and table-of-contents are different things. So it should be better to separate them if possible.

Nod. I understand this desire. But since toctree is very special and central to Sphinx, its lack of support for external refs makes it hard to create unified "umbrella" documentation projects which are comprised of several sub-projects.

tk0miya commented 4 years ago

I was thinking it would be expanded using the given title for the external link, so:

I don't know it makes sense to everyone. But I feel interesting.

RabidCicada commented 4 years ago

This seems very cool to me!

acceleratxr commented 1 year ago


I just spent the last two hours trying to figure out why intersphinx wasn't working only to find this thread... using intersphinx links in a toctree should be a given.

pkulev commented 1 year ago

same here 😢 couple of hours totally wasted

amotl commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

feeling to be in the same boat like you and others who are discussing similar topics over at ^1, you may enjoy to hear we started to work on a more versatile linktree directive.

If you would like to join the conversation about it, in order not to hijack this one too much, you are welcome to add your ideas on the issue we just created.

With kind regards, Andreas.