spine-tools / Spine-Toolbox

Spine Toolbox is an open source Python package to manage data, scenarios and workflows for modelling and simulation. You can have your local workflow, but work as a team through version control and SQL databases.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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StartupBox: Templates and Tutorials categorization #2757

Open ermannolocascio opened 4 months ago

ermannolocascio commented 4 months ago
  1. Which tutorials should we include?
  2. Which templates should we include? (_Executions tests -> /executiontests/ folder)
  3. How templates should be catogorized?

Hints are very welcome.



jkiviluo commented 4 months ago

I'm not 100% sure how we will make the tutorials happen - are they just Toolbox projects or will there be some animation and stuff to guide the user to build these? Anyway, here are tutorial level topics:

In template, we should have sections for different purposes (to replace 'Beginner templates' etc.). Inside sections, there can be multiple templates. E.g.:

suvayu commented 1 month ago

We are summarising how we are proceeding with the contents of the startup box

TODO: Template tab

jkiviluo commented 1 week ago

Would it be best if the tutorials were just a web-page in our documentation? I mean, doing it with animations in the workflow editor would be great, but maybe we don't have the resource for that? And we're anyway aiming the expert mode for more advanced users who should be able to figure these things out with help from a web-page.

suvayu commented 1 week ago

Hi @jkiviluo, by animation do you mean the idea about a tour of the UI with overlays? I think that's a good idea, but for later. This is how I'm thinking about this:

  1. Complete the startup box addition, where we point to a web-page in our documentation
    • Relatively low-effort implementation on the Qt side
    • This allows us to refine the tutorials independently (including adding more)
    • The UI is currently changing a bit, e.g. the new User mode.
  2. After User mode is merged, we update the startup box to use this stacked widget approach, reducing the window clutter.
  3. Then we can work on the tour as a new issue. I think it's a new issue, because it's very different implementation wise and more focused on a specific window/view; e.g. a tour would be different between user/expert mode. If it proves useful even in expert, we could also extend the idea to DB editor.
jkiviluo commented 1 week ago

Good plan Suvayu, let's proceed with that. I would just leave #3 optional in mopo - I think we will likely have other things of higher value to do within the project. Animated tour would also be heavy on maintenance.