splunk / docker-splunk

Splunk Docker GitHub Repository
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9.2.1/9.1.4 hec token not created when providing env var SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN #668

Open mkolasinski-splunk opened 2 months ago

mkolasinski-splunk commented 2 months ago

Running: docker run -it -e SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license -e SPLUNK_PASSWORD=**** -e SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN="testtoken" -p 8100:8000 -p 8188:8088 -p 8189:8089 --platform=linux/amd64 splunk/splunk:9.2.1 start Results in spinning up Splunk container, but HEC token is not created


Issue confirmed on Splunk 9.1.4 as well.

On previous releases of Splunk HEC token is created properly, i.e. on Splunk 9.1.3: docker run -it -e SPLUNK_START_ARGS=--accept-license -e SPLUNK_PASSWORD=**** -e SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN="testtoken" -p 8000:8000 -p 8088:8088 -p 8089:8089 --platform=linux/amd64 splunk/splunk:9.1.3 start Results in:

dd-Splunk commented 2 months ago

Same issue when specifying hec in default.yml

ekoyle commented 2 months ago

I think this is related to https://github.com/splunk/splunk-ansible/issues/815