spook / ink2pdf

Inkscape to Multi-Page PDF Document
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Errors while parsing files #2

Open bapsite opened 3 years ago

bapsite commented 3 years ago


I want to thank you for making this software. When I tried to use it, I got an error. This was when it tried to parse an image.

../hectares/visuals/mediaplan/mediaplanNL.svg:916: parser error : internal error: Huge input lookup
qF+gH59uUPDpoMp6jVGGeaCPXWYGvQATEU1dVR0 k+lCNCACwsb6iJSL3IB+gTyghun43UDz6mjb0ZoJ
../hectares/visuals/mediaplan/mediaplanNL.svg:916: parser error : attributes construct error

../hectares/visuals/mediaplan/mediaplanNL.svg:916: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag image line 912

../hectares/visuals/mediaplan/mediaplanNL.svg:916: parser error : EndTag: '</' not found


When I looked at the svg file, there was an image tag on line 916.

spook commented 3 years ago

@bapsite I can reproduce this also with large embedded images. It seems like a problem in the inkscape converter itself, but I'll see if I can find a workaround. No guarantees! For now, try linked images instead.

bapsite commented 3 years ago

Hey, I have tried it with linked images and it works. However I got a warning with the inkscape command. the 1.0v of inkscape has changed the options for the shell. I attached the code.

# Create a one-page PDF sub generate_pdf { my $inkfile = shift; my $outfile = shift; system("inkscape -z -A '$outfile' '$inkfile' 2>/dev/null") == 0 or die "*** inkscape command failure\n";

And changed it to:

`# Create a one-page PDF

in inkscape 1.0 the -z ( without Gui is gone ) and -A is replaced by --export-type=pdf

outputfile needs to be specified by --export-filename=outputfile

sub generate_pdf { my $inkfile = shift; my $outfile = shift; system("inkscape --export-type=pdf --export-filename='$outfile' '$inkfile' 2>/dev/null") == 0 or die "*** inkscape command failure\n";`

spook commented 3 years ago

@bapsite, thanx for posting the warnings. This was partially fixed in PR#1, where the Inkscape version is checked and the command options altered as necessary. I'll add the above option changes to the next release. I'll leave this issue open until I get that done.