Closed elharo closed 4 days ago
OK so what this is really saying is that maven 3.9.9 is needed to build the project but any user can use 3.6.3 to build.
At the moment I prefer to keep the parent as I wrote it and use it in many repos. I do agree though when I took over spotbugs here I left a lot of the original way the pom was implemented in place which conflicts with style, overlaps some things and is not that clear. I can work to clear that up. I originally thought @gleclaire would be more involved and originally I just needed to get spotbugs out. At that time, it was under my account at hazendaz rather than at spotbugs but at this point its 99% me so I can certainly rework things more so its at least clear how everything works. I use a very similar style at work on around 2k repos as part of my dev/ops team and its worked well for about a decade to at least hide the maven details letting developers do what they do without having to worry but i realize that also keeps many blind to how things work. So first step I'll just work to clean up the usage here so it generally matches the style I use in the base-parent.
closing as items were unrelated. The build requirement is on the producer pom. The usage requirement is on the consumer pom. That is accurate and shown in the gha when maven 3.6.3 is used against the consumer end.
The parent pom enforcer rule requires Maven 3.9.9 to build. However, this project's pom requires 3.6.3. Either direction, these should be synced up. IMHO 3.6.3 is just fine.
Might also be worth considering whether this project should break its dependency on com.github.hazendaz:base-parent. Without a parent pom or with a parent pom in this repo, the build would be a little flatter and easier to understand and untangle.