spotonlive / laravel-google-ads

Google Ads API for Laravel
MIT License
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how to can't execute example i got error #24

Closed shindesgaar077 closed 7 years ago

shindesgaar077 commented 7 years ago

Argument 1 passed to App\Classes\Service::__construct() must be an instance of LaravelGoogleAds\Services\AdWordsService, none given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\test_laravel_project\app\Http\Controllers\TestController.php on line 16 and defined

nikolajlovenhardt commented 7 years ago

hi @shindesgaar077

Did you run composer install and register the provider? Also it's easier for me to help you, if you include a pastebin or picture of your code

shindesgaar077 commented 7 years ago

yes i was run composer . i can use laravel 5.4 version and use in localhost run example using laravel

1)TestController.php <?php

namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Classes\Service; use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs; use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController; use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests; class TestController extends BaseController {
public function index(){ $Service= new Service(); $Service->campaigns();



2)service class


namespace App\Classes;

use LaravelGoogleAds\Services\AdWordsService; use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\AdWordsServices; use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\AdWordsSessionBuilder; use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201609\cm\CampaignService; use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201609\cm\OrderBy; use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201609\cm\Paging; use Google\AdsApi\AdWords\v201609\cm\Selector;

class Service { /* @var AdWordsService / protected $adWordsService;

 * @param AdWordsService $adWordsService
public function __construct(AdWordsService $adWordsService)
    $this->adWordsService = $adWordsService;

public function campaigns()
    $customerClientId = '104-546-6436';

    $campaignService = $this->adWordsService->getService(CampaignService::class, $customerClientId);

    // Create selector.
    $selector = new Selector();
    $selector->setFields(array('Id', 'Name'));
    $selector->setOrdering(array(new OrderBy('Name', 'ASCENDING')));

    // Create paging controls.
    $selector->setPaging(new Paging(0, 100));

    // Make the get request.
    $page = $campaignService->get($selector);

echo  $page;


nikolajlovenhardt commented 7 years ago

Please use a service such as pastebin or gist for your code examples. Whats the value of $this->adWordsService?

shindesgaar077 commented 7 years ago

in eaxmple use as it's

i can use in example in laravel ...localhost cerated on controller and one class files and call them but its not working

i dont know what value need to $this->adWordsService?

nikolajlovenhardt commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry, but the question is too unclear for me to help you.

shindesgaar077 commented 7 years ago

sir i want get all campaigns data using laravel .please help me ...;please give me example code to execution

nikolajlovenhardt commented 7 years ago

After you completed installation and setup (obtaining a token etc.) you'll have to inject the LaravelGoogleAds\Services\AdWordsService into your controller/service/helper/(..).

Your exception clearly states that the AdWordsService doesn't get injected - you have to debug the reason for this. Thats why I asked you for the value of $this->adWordsService.

Good luck

shindesgaar077 commented 7 years ago

sit i cat use pastbin url is 1)Controller crated Object OF service Class


but get errror

Argument 1 passed to App\Classes\Service::__construct() must be an instance of LaravelGoogleAds\Services\AdWordsService, none given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\test_laravel_project\app\Http\Controllers\TestController.php on line 16 and defined

please healp me

nikolajlovenhardt commented 7 years ago

Hi @shindesgaar077

You need to inject the service using the service locator. You can read more about the service locator here

If you have further questions to dependency injection or other topics unrelated to this package, then please post them on