Instead of the normal single player country unit bonus, make it the team's total countries divided by whatever and then divided by the number of players alive on the team. For example, if there are three players alive and they have 20 countries, 15 countries and 10 countries, with the standard 3 countries per unit, min 3 units they would get 5 units each instead of 6, 5, and 3. Continent bonuses remain the same.
Instead of the normal single player country unit bonus, make it the team's total countries divided by whatever and then divided by the number of players alive on the team. For example, if there are three players alive and they have 20 countries, 15 countries and 10 countries, with the standard 3 countries per unit, min 3 units they would get 5 units each instead of 6, 5, and 3. Continent bonuses remain the same.