spring-cloud / spring-cloud-bus

Spring Cloud event bus
Apache License 2.0
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spring-cloud-bus integrated github webhoot status is 404 #208

Closed Biubiuto closed 5 years ago

Biubiuto commented 5 years ago

I use bus to integrate my webhook, my address is "http://qg49ak.natappfree.cc/monitor", but when I check the details of my webhook is 404, I can't find the request path. but I can submit a "/" via the curl command. The actuator /bus-refresh" request was successful. I have changed the version to 2.0.7.RELEASE and Finchley.SR2 image

spencergibb commented 5 years ago

/monitor is part of spring cloud config. Finchley is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to Greenwich SR3 and try again

Biubiuto commented 5 years ago

As you said, I have changed the version to 2.1.7.RELEASE and Greenwich.SR3, but my interface address is still 404, my config-server console also does not print any logs, I see many versions on the web, The address of their interface is "/monitor" or "/bus/refresh", etc., can you give me a comment about what to fill in this specific address?

spencergibb commented 5 years ago

You've not provided any configuration or dependencies. Without it, I'd just be guessing