Bug description
I created everything on standard settings. Connection to OpenAI and the Neo4j vector database.
Steps to reproduce
Create connection to OpenAI and create Neo4j vector database.
public EmbeddingModel embeddingModel() {
return new OpenAiEmbeddingModel(new OpenAiApi(embeddingBaseUrl, embeddingApiKey), MetadataMode.EMBED, OpenAiEmbeddingOptions.builder().withModel(embeddingModel).build());
public Neo4jVectorStore neo4jVectorStore(Driver driver, EmbeddingModel embeddingModel) {
return new Neo4jVectorStore(driver, embeddingModel, Neo4jVectorStoreConfig.defaultConfig(), true);
public List<Document> findSimilarContent(SimilarContentRequest request) {
SearchRequest searchRequest = SearchRequest.query(request.getQuery())
return vectorStore.similaritySearch(searchRequest);
org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Failed to invoke procedure `db.index.vector.queryNodes`: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Index query vector has 3072 dimensions, but indexed vectors have 1536.
I've check using Neo4j Console
there is index spring-ai-document-index
so created by spring ai
with following settings:
"indexProvider": "vector-2.0",
"indexConfig": {
"vector.dimensions": 1536,
"vector.similarity_function": "COSINE"
so spring ai set the wrong index even though he had the embedding model in hand and couldn't put it together properly, causing the solution not to work
Expected behavior
When I use EmbeddingModel to create VectoreStore everything should be created correctly.
Correct indexes and probably other errors that I will come across
Bug description I created everything on standard settings. Connection to OpenAI and the Neo4j vector database.
Steps to reproduce Create connection to OpenAI and create Neo4j vector database.
I've check using Neo4j Console there is index spring-ai-document-index so created by spring ai with following settings: { "indexProvider": "vector-2.0", "indexConfig": { "vector.dimensions": 1536, "vector.similarity_function": "COSINE" } }
so spring ai set the wrong index even though he had the embedding model in hand and couldn't put it together properly, causing the solution not to work
Expected behavior When I use EmbeddingModel to create VectoreStore everything should be created correctly. Correct indexes and probably other errors that I will come across