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Structure -- The bower_components directory contains base.css, base.js, bg.png. Do we need to use this? Especially for CSS -- do we need to adapt as best we can for use in SproutCore todos? #5

Open geojeff opened 11 years ago

geojeff commented 11 years ago

As an example for CSS needs: if you go to the Spine todomvc app, http://todomvc.com/architecture-examples/spine/index.html, and enter text for a very long todo (paste in the text for this issue, for example), you see that the list item nicely has text wrapping, dynamic height, and a centered checkbox. Is this the result of base.css from the todomvc project (experiments suggest not) or is it from the built-in or custom handling by Spine?

dcporter commented 11 years ago

At a glance it looks to me like these shared components are for their sidebar thing that pops up with information about the demo. (It's responsive, so if you're not seeing it on your above link, make the window wider.) As long as it works, I suspect that they won't mind if the files are in our app's resources folder rather than in a root bower_components folder.

geojeff commented 11 years ago

Some of it is for the sidebar, but the CSS contains styling that is indeed needed for the app itself. If you run the examples on todomvc.com, you'll see a consistent color theme, and a table-like design we'll need to follow.

So, two needs here: making the sidebar and overall page appearance work with the app, and making the app itself use the CSS design.

dcporter commented 11 years ago

Right on - emphasis on using the "design" rather than using the actual CSS, which I suspect may be not terribly SC-compatible. (I only say that because in my experience any CSS that wasn't written specifically for SC is pretty incompatible.) May be plenty copy/pasteable though?