sputnikdev / eclipse-smarthome-bluetooth-binding

Eclipse SmartHome Bluetooth Binding
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RadonEye RD200 #89

Open petero-dk opened 4 years ago

petero-dk commented 4 years ago

I have a Radon EYE RD200, with the Bluetooth binding I can easily connect the device to openHAB, but obviously it does not read the radon level as of yet.

Is is possible via the xml files to force a command to be sent before a read?

The radon eye advertises a service "00001525-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123" where the radon value is the 3-6 byte as IEEE 754 float value. However the value only shows correct if there first is a write value of 50 (HEX) to "00001524-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123".

Can this be implemented with the xml files or must it be implemented in the binding itself? I would like to assist, before I get started, do you have a pointer?

A (very simple) python implementation is here: https://github.com/ceandre/radonreader/blob/master/radon_reader.py

petero-dk commented 2 years ago

I am working on an implementation natively for openhab here: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/pull/11958