sqlparser / gsp_demo_java

Java demos for the General SQL Parser library
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Where is this class gudusoft.gsqlparser.sqlenv.TSQLEnv? #1

Open datenbank opened 4 years ago

datenbank commented 4 years ago


I get this compile error with the DataFlowAnalyzer.java

I cannot find the TSQLEnv class? Do you know where I can find this?

ERROR src\main\java\demos\dlineage\DataFlowAnalyzer.java:121: error: package gudusoft.gsqlparser.sqlenv does not exist import gudusoft.gsqlparser.sqlenv.TSQLEnv;

sqlparser commented 4 years ago


Please download the latest Java version here: http://www.sqlparser.com/download.php


datenbank commented 4 years ago

Hi James thank you. The new release helped.

Do you need any help on this project? In my day job I am a data warehouse developer - but once I was a Java developer and still like to program :-).


sqlparser commented 4 years ago

Hi Kasper,

Thanks. It would be much appreciated if you can give me some advice on how this SQLFlow tool will be more useful to data warehouse developers like you. https://gudusoft.com/sqlflow/#/


datenbank commented 4 years ago

here are some ideas:

sqlparser commented 4 years ago
  • If it could connect directly to a DBMS server and fetch code online through metadata views (instead of copy/paste of code in editor)

We are working on a client tool that can be installed on the client-side, connect to a DBMS and then send the code to the SQLFlow for data lineage analysis and visualize.

  • Being able to enrich the information generated by the SQL Flow fx Description of entities (tables etc.) like a data dictionary

Do you mean the "Schema Explorer" in this page: https://gudusoft.com/sqlflow/#/ Or the information included in the JSON file when you click the right mouse to download the result?

  • Adding additional information of flow (if it is not in SQL, but an ETL tool or Application/integration) that transfers data from one table to another

We are currently focused on the analyzing of SQL script only. Maybe need other information from the third-party ETL tool.

Thanks for your nice suggestions, Kasper. There will be a new version with the more powerful features in the next several weeks. I will let you know once the new version is available.
