sqweek / dialog

Simple cross-platform dialog API for go-lang
ISC License
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Windows dialogs appear minimized #34

Open grount opened 5 years ago

grount commented 5 years ago

There are some OS's which it shows on top but in some cases, the dialog appears minimized.

sqweek commented 4 years ago

I don't understand this - windows is my main platform and I've never seen a dialog appear minimised. Can you elaborate?

ryanavella commented 4 years ago

I'm experiencing this too. Interestingly it only occurs the first time that I run an executable after compiling. But not the second or third time, etc.

I can reliably reproduce it by making small changes to my script (e.g. adding comments), recompiling, and then running.

sqweek commented 4 years ago

Is your code public? If not, what sort of dialog are you spawning? Does your program use other GUI elements?

ryanavella commented 4 years ago

Hmm, strangely enough I am no longer able to reproduce it. But here is the minimal example I was able to narrow it down to yesterday:

package main

import "github.com/sqweek/dialog"

func main() {
    filename, _ := dialog.File().Load()
    _ = filename // silence unused variable error

I'm using Go version go1.11.5 windows/amd64, and compiling and running from a msys2 terminal.