sraoss / pg_ivm

IVM (Incremental View Maintenance) implementation as a PostgreSQL extension
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Status of IVM within Postgres #57

Open farazfazli opened 1 year ago

farazfazli commented 1 year ago


This Postgres extension is a really innovative and awesome concept. I found this project through the slides about IVM while reading about the architecture of Hasura live queries, and was curious about the status of it being incorporated into Postgres itself. Is there any update on this?


farazfazli commented 1 year ago

Hi @yugo-n wanted to follow-up on this.

yugo-n commented 1 year ago

@farazfazli Sorry for my late reply.

Recently, I submitted a new patch-set for PostgreSQL developer community.

We hope this patch would be accepted in PostgreSQL 17 even in a limited form. In order to make this progress, we need more discussion in the community.

adrian-goe commented 1 month ago

Hey @yugo-n i really like your work here and would love to see this in pg17. Today the first beta was released but i did not find something about pg_ivm there.

We currently have a very good usecase for this and we are not sure, if this is production ready or not. Can you give a short update on this?