sraoss / pg_ivm

IVM (Incremental View Maintenance) implementation as a PostgreSQL extension
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IMMV with duplicate data in the pkey can't be created due to auto index creation #99

Open aeg opened 2 months ago

aeg commented 2 months ago

In pg_ivm 1.9, IMMV creation fails due to issues with index creation, which worked in 1.5.


I want the ability to suppress auto index creation when needed to create IMMV.

how to reproduce

CREATE TABLE table_name ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, json jsonb );

INSERT INTO table_name (json) VALUES ('{"a": [{"name":"b"},{"name": "c"},{"name": "d"}]}'::jsonb);
INSERT INTO table_name (json) VALUES ('{"a": [{"name":"e"},{"name": "f"},{"name": "g"}]}'::jsonb);
postgres=#  SELECT
    (element->>'name') AS name
    jsonb_array_elements(json->'a') AS element;
 id | name
  2 | b
  2 | c
  2 | d
  3 | e
  3 | f
  3 | g
(6 rows)

then create immv(failed)

postgres=# select create_immv('json_iv', $$SELECT
    (element->>'name') AS name
    jsonb_array_elements(json->'a') AS element$$);
ERROR:  could not create unique index "json_iv_index"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(2) is duplicated.

Added DISTINCT in the SELECT then I could create the IMMV, but the execution plan is different, so it's inefficient and not what I need.

postgres=# select create_immv('json_iv', $$SELECT
   distinct id,
    (element->>'name') AS name
    jsonb_array_elements(json->'a') AS element$$);
NOTICE:  created index "json_iv_index" on immv "json_iv"
(1 row)

postgres=# \d table_name
                            Table "public.table_name"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable |                Default
 id     | integer |           | not null | nextval('table_name_id_seq'::regclass)
 json   | jsonb   |           |          |
    "table_name_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
yugo-n commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your reporting

Yes, this would be a bug of automatic index creation when the view has set-returning function in FROM clause. I'll fix this.

I want the ability to suppress auto index creation when needed to create IMMV.

Even though putting the bug-fix aside, your proposal also may make sense. This can be workaround for issues like this case and also it might be possible that users can find another efficient index.

yugo-n commented 1 month ago

I want the ability to suppress auto index creation when needed to create IMMV.

Or adding GUC parameter for this is better, instead of adding function arguments?

aeg commented 1 month ago

Yes, this would be a bug of automatic index creation when the view has set-returning function in FROM clause. I'll fix this.

I want the ability to suppress auto index creation when needed to create IMMV.

Even though putting the bug-fix aside, your proposal also may make sense. This can be workaround for issues like this case and also it might be possible that users can find another efficient index.

一方で、自分が提示したようなユニークキーが重複しており、複数のレコードに展開されるようなimmvを設定してしまうと、元レコードに更新があった場合に、複数レコードに対して更新がされるためにあまり効率的ではないという事象も見えています。しかも、オリジナルレコードのどのレコードが変化したら、反映すべきかという判断までおそらく現状していないと思うのですが、immvで参照されていないレコードの更新でもトリガーにより処理がされるのか、オリジナルレコードの更新に時間がかかるという事象が見えています。 これはこれで別の話だとは思いますが、immv 的にはそのような使い方はあまり推奨していないというところなのでしょうか。

yugo-n commented 1 month ago

一方で、自分が提示したようなユニークキーが重複しており、複数のレコードに展開されるようなimmvを設定してしまうと、元レコードに更新があった場合に、複数レコードに対して更新がされるためにあまり効率的ではないという事象も見えています。 With an IMMV that a record in a table is expanded to multiple records in the view, when a record is updated in the original record, it is not very efficient because multiple records are updated.)


If updating one row in the table requires updating multiple rows in the view, it is inevitable that multiple rows will be updated.

しかも、オリジナルレコードのどのレコードが変化したら、反映すべきかという判断までおそらく現状していないと思うのですが、immvで参照されていないレコードの更新でもトリガーにより処理がされるのか、オリジナルレコードの更新に時間がかかるという事象が見えています。 I don't think that it is currently possible to determine which record in the original record is should be reflected to the view contents when it is changed, so I am seeing that it takes time to update the original record, as the trigger processes updates to records not referenced in IMMV.

WHERE句で除外されているはずのテーブル行が更新された場合にもトリガが起動してしまうことについて、でしょうか。これに対しては、不要な場合にトリガが関数が起動しないよう WHEN condition を付与することが思いつきましたが、文レベルトリガではこれは有用ではない[1]ためうまく行かなそうです。

As to it, I thought of adding a WHEN condition so that the trigger does not fire the function when it is not needed, but this is not useful for statement-level triggers [1] , so it doesn't seem to work.


これはこれで別の話だとは思いますが、immv 的にはそのような使い方はあまり推奨していないというところなのでしょうか Does such usages of IMMV are not recommended?


It's not exactly unrecommended, but if the impact of the above on update performance is so great that it doesn't meet your requirements, it's probably not suitable for use.