Open sree-r-one opened 2 weeks ago
[x] Advanced Props
[x] Event Props
[x] Style Props
[x] Prop Types and Tips
[x] useState Hook
[x] useState Future Value
[x] useState Type Assertion
[ ] useReducer Hook
[ ] useReducer Strict Action Types
[ ] useContext hook
[ ] useContext Future Value
[ ] useRef hook
[ ] class Component
[ ] Component Prop
[ ] Generic Props
[ ] Restricting Props
[ ] Template Literals and Exclude
[ ] Wrapping HTML Elements
[ ] Extracting a Components Props
[ ] Polymorphic Components
[ ] Wrapping Up
Codevolution Typescript Tutorial
The idea is to be consistent, and be less erronous.
Once this is done, need to be paired with the TDD and unit testing for react course