srg-kostyrko / obsidian-journal

MIT License
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Journals for Obsidian

Manage your journals in Obsidian knowledge base.


Follow the steps below to install Tasks.

  1. Search for "Journals" in Obsidian's community plugins browser
  2. Enable the plugin in your Obsidian settings (find "Journals" under "Community plugins").
  3. Check the settings. Configure journals that you need.

Compatibility with other plugins

Templater caveats

There can be cases when Templater starts interfering with plugin actions resulting in partially broken note ot journal related data removed from frontmatter. The best setup to avoid such problems would be:

This ensures that only journal plugin is processing note template thus avoiding conflicts with templater plugin (journal plugin will use templater itself under the hood to process templater commands).

Supported variables

There variables can be used in note name template, note storage path, content of template note.

Supported code blocks

For easier navigation plugin provides code blocks that can be inserted into note content.


Navigation code block helps navigating relative to current note.

Example look for daily note:

![Daily note nav](assets/daily-nav.png)



This block is similar to previous one just for interval based journals.

Example look for interval note (configured as 1 week sprints):

![Sprint note nav](assets/interval-nav.png)



Timeline code blocks helps navigating daily notes in bigger periods (like week, month, quarter or year). By default daily and weekly notes show `week` timeline, monthly note - `month` timeline, quarter note - `quarter` timeline and yearly note - `calendar` timeline. This can be changed using `mode` param.

mode: month

Sample week timeline

![Week timeline](assets/week-timeline.png)

Sample month timeline

![Month timeline](assets/month-timeline.png)

Quarter and Calendar timeline repeat month timeline for every month in quarter or year.

## Contributing

Contributions via bug reports, bug fixes, documentation, and general improvements are always welcome. For more major feature work, make an issue about the feature idea / reach out to me so we can judge feasibility and how best to implement it.