srv / viso2

A ROS wrapper for libviso2, a library for visual odometry
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Odometry translation problem using viso2_ros with zed_ros_wrapper #44

Open kiwijoshi opened 8 years ago

kiwijoshi commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, I am working on a project using a ZED stereo camera with viso2_ros to be able to visualize and use the odometry. I use viso2_ros for the odometry, and run it with the zed_wrapper_node. When I visualize the odometry message (with rviz), the rotation of the camera is detected (though a bit slow), but no translation is detected/shown... I thought the problem might come from the fact two odometries are interfering (ZED one, and viso2 one), but the problem remains when I disable zed odometry (in the zed_wrapper_node)! Plus I tried using new and old version of the node!

Anyone has had an odometry translation problem before? Maybe I'm not disabling the zed odometry correctly?

here's my launch file in case: zed_stereo_odom (copy).txt

ahmdsamy commented 7 years ago

I am having the same problem .. did you solve it or not yet ?!

seanbai2008 commented 7 years ago

There are translation but in the wrong scale. The translation is in micrometer level. Plus when I run viso2 with zed_ros_wrapper, my memory keep increasing and then my laptop just died