ssannandeji / Zenject-2019

Dependency Injection Framework for Unity3D
MIT License
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Inject not called for all gameobjects in the scene in in 8.0.0 and/or Unity 2019.1.7f1 anymore #638

Closed NoxMortem closed 5 years ago

NoxMortem commented 5 years ago

For some reason inject is not detected anymore

using UnityEngine;
using Zenject;

namespace Presentation.Views.Layers
    public class Testasf : MonoBehaviour

        public void Test()



The gameobjects are active. Inject is called and ASDF Is logged when the MonoBehaviour is on

but is not called if it is on

but it is called if I create a new GameObject below UI and move the component there...

NoxMortem commented 5 years ago

Reason: A NullReferenceException happened during a GameObject injection earlier in the tree because of the usage of [InjectOptional] on a primitive int.

However, as injection is a rather blackboxed thing I do recommend to increase the amount of logging information if an exception happens during injection.


method.Action(injectable, paramValues);


    method.Action(injectable, paramValues);
catch (Exception ex)
    Debug.LogError($"{ex.Message} during injection:{injectable}, {(paramValues?.Select(o => o?.ToString()?? "<null>")?.Join(",") ?? "<null>")}");

The inject method which caused the NullReference

public void Inject([InjectOptional] LayerController layerController, [InjectOptional] int controlsLayer)

Which I expected to work because of:

If the dependency is a primitive type (eg. int, float, struct) then it will be injected with its default value (eg. 0 for ints).

The correct usage of optional Bindings on primitive int

public void Inject([InjectOptional] LayerController layerController, int controlsLayer = 0)