The AgentEntityManager is responsible for creation and updating of EntityData.
Step needs to be tracked somewhere else, instead of each entity. I understand it should still be linked with entity, as we need to know whether an agents has been updated for the current step at any time.
I suggest using the data structure.
A few of the Percept parameters need to be tweaked where they are given as lists.
A discussion needs to be had about whether fetch all percepts should maintain this data structure. (jas for example does not use the aggregator).
The AgentEntityManager is responsible for creation and updating of EntityData.
Step needs to be tracked somewhere else, instead of each entity. I understand it should still be linked with entity, as we need to know whether an agents has been updated for the current step at any time. I suggest using the data structure.
A few of the Percept parameters need to be tweaked where they are given as lists.
A discussion needs to be had about whether fetch all percepts should maintain this data structure. (jas for example does not use the aggregator).