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ssb handbook: A guide to the Secure Scuttlebutt key concepts and influences (see also, new website:
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Hermies the hermit crab
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sea-slang for gossip - a scuttlebutt is basically a watercooler on a ship

sailboat sailing away

This site is primarily for onboarding technical people and developers into knowledge of the SSB protocol and orientations from the conceptual to the practical aspects of writing and using SSB based applications.

If you would like to view a less technical and friendlier introduction to SSB, please visit

Contributor Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Have Other Questions?

hermies gift

A great place to learn more is our FAQ page

In addition, you'll find a wealth of resources within this handbook, accessible through the sidebar.

The resources are organized by these topics:

medium grass dandelion puff large grass dandelion gold medium grass dandelion puff large grass dandelion gold medium grass