ssborbis / ContextSearch-web-ext

Search engine manager for modern browsers
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“Same level contents” option for the Folders of Search Engines #208

Closed Sagitee closed 4 years ago

Sagitee commented 5 years ago

In the settings of CS and in the QM itself, the contents of a folder with that, suggested option, enabled would be shown at the same level next to it. The drugging of the folder would move the contents too.

An auto added separator line after the last contained SE should mark the bottom extent of the group, in which case the manual addition of separators might be rendered redundant.

The folders with the option disabled would keep their current functionality.

With the above suggestion it would be possible to easily categorize Search Engines of the first level and to easily move, hide, show them altogether per category.

ssborbis commented 5 years ago

You want to optionally display folder contents ( children ) on the same page containing the folder itself so you can rearrange groups of icons vs individual icons?

Sagitee commented 5 years ago

Yes, exactly.

ssborbis commented 5 years ago

I'll see what can be done. Don't expect anything too soon.

Sagitee commented 5 years ago

Ok, thank you anyway. In the next days, I’ll post two new issues with some more, wanted features, so as you can judge if, when and which of them could be applicable.

Sagitee commented 5 years ago

Continuing from:

Great work,

Thank you.

Have a look at my colored and movable open groups menu below.

Some issues I found:

  1. When you hide a Group with contents all menus stop working.
  2. When you enter in a subfolder of a Group and then press the back button to go out, you are moved in the Group as if it were a normal folder (instead of being moved in its parent folder).
  3. When you create or move a folder or Group in another folder or group the last can’t be set and/or function as Group but only as a simple folder (in the settings page the new color and group checking options aren’t shown up at all).
  4. When I initially created 4-5 Groups I couldn’t drop SEs in them in the Settings page before I had firstly done that through a menu. Now I can’t reproduce this behavior. If you don’t see such an erroneous behavior may that was due to some temporary problem of my FF.
  5. Some unwanted, I think, behavior of all folders: When right-clicking/Delete/Delete x Search Engines are deleted not only the Search Engines in that folder but also all their copies-shortcuts elsewhere.
  6. Folders Save button, I think, should show it saved when clicked, just as is happening with the search engines.

Some more suggestions relevant to Search Engines managing and groups/folders:

  1. Ability to select more than one SE in the settings page with Shift and/or Ctrl for multiple items moving, hiding etc.
  2. Groups not to be colored with the standard folders yellow but with its specifically defined color (as its contents).
  3. In fact, I think, now that the SE’s color is indicative of the Group, that they could even be replaced (so as space to be saved) by a little icon (sized like the one with the arrow shown at the left or right of the QM toolbar when the QM width-column number is not enough for the tools) put on the top-left side of the first SE of the group, so as to be able for the group to be drug and dropped. The Group’s name could show up in its first SE’s tooltip and in title bar when the mouse is over it like “Groupname / SE’s name”, or when it’s over the proposed little icon.
  4. Expandability. The main idea is that, for space economy and effectiveness reasons, in each group should initially be shown only the most useful, common or everyday SEs and each of those groups could be expanded to show the additional, less common SEs when needed and shrunk when not (instead of leaving-replacing the initial SEs structure to show the clicked subgroup/subfolder’s content). The pre-proposed little icon could be used for expanding and shrinking (when expandable-shrunk with a plus (+) image, when expanded with a minus (-) one).


ssborbis commented 5 years ago

When you hide a Group with contents all menus stop working.


When you enter in a subfolder of a Group and then press the back button to go out, you are moved in the Group as if it were a normal folder (instead of being moved in its parent folder).


When you create or move a folder or Group in another folder or group the last can’t be set and/or function as Group but only as a simple folder (in the settings page the new color and group checking options aren’t shown up at all).

If you're talking about the search engines manager and subfolders, fixed

When I initially created 4-5 Groups I couldn’t drop SEs in them in the Settings page before I had firstly done that through a menu. Now I can’t reproduce this behavior. If you don’t see such an erroneous behavior may that was due to some temporary problem of my FF.

Haven't seen this bug

Some unwanted, I think, behavior of all folders: When right-clicking/Delete/Delete x Search Engines are deleted not only the Search Engines in that folder but also all their copies-shortcuts elsewhere.

Haven't seen this bug. I tried duplicating an engine a few times ( as shortcut ) but deleting one of those copies didn't effect the others. If you can give me a simple procedure to reproduce, I'll hunt it down.

Folders Save button, I think, should show it saved when clicked, just as is happening with the search engines.


ssborbis commented 5 years ago

Ability to select more than one SE in the settings page with Shift and/or Ctrl for multiple items moving, hiding etc.

I'll put it on the list.

Groups not to be colored with the standard folders yellow but with its specifically defined color (as its contents).

I tried this, but they become undistinguishable from subfolders in the group, causing some confusion.

they could even be replaced (so as space to be saved) by a little icon

I'll try some variations


You want a more / less button for groups. Got it.

ssborbis commented 5 years ago

If space is a major concern, you can also reduce the tile size in user styles.

Modifying the sidebar, for example:

[data-menu="sidebar"] .tile:not(.singleColumn) { 
    width: 20px; 
ssborbis commented 5 years ago

Latest has additional folder option Group Limit. This sets the maximum group size before creating a More tile

0 = no limit

(edit) Not working with the QM if the original More tile is used

ssborbis commented 5 years ago

Starting to enable the multi-select move ability in search engines manager. I had part of the code there for a long time, but never completed it. I've done a few simple bulk moves with good results. There's a few bugs I'm working on

Also fixed the hidden engine = no menu issues for engines in subfolders. It was fixed for top-level engines but not nested engines

Sagitee commented 5 years ago
  1. When folders are deleted, are deleted not only the Search Engines in that folder but also all their copies-shortcuts elsewhere. - I tried duplicating an engine a few times ( as shortcut ) but deleting one of those copies didn't effect the others. If you can give me a simple procedure to reproduce, I'll hunt it down.

I’m talking about deletion of a group or folder, not of single SEs. Try copying a folder with (let say) 3 engines. Then right-click on one of those folders and click “Delete / Delete 3 Search Engines”.

you can also reduce the tile size in user styles

Thanks for the tip. I used that style to make SB a little smaller, but not that much little. I mostly use QM with its proper size-setting option.

New issues:

  1. (In QM only - Only if Lock Menu is disabled (!))
    • After moving an item (SE or group/folder) the QM closes.
  1. (In SB, TB only - If SB or TB has the same column number with QM, but the number of tools is different)

    • Problem with the width (see the image below)
    • The Expand-Shrink buttons do not work
  2. (In QM only - after the last repo update)

    • A maximum number of 4-5 rows is showing up.
    • If the number of columns isn’t big enough (e.g. 20) so as all the buttons to fit in those 4-5 rows, then there is a broken functioning of Expanding-Shrinking: Expand-Shrink buttons do not work or the expansion there is only in the same row (as much as it can fit in the row). The last shown expand-plus button expands all the groups.
  3. When expanded, the shrink button tooltip should be “less”, instead of “more”

New suggestions:

  1. Drug & dropping the Expand-Shrink button on any tile or between any tiles within its group could be used as a way to visually set the Group Limit value through the menus’ interface.

  2. “Container Only” Groups option for a distinguished from folders aspect. In that sense: a) the contents of a subGroup should show up in the same level as the contents of its parental Group i.e. if the Group lies in the top level, so should do the contents of its subgroups and even of the subgroups of its subgroups, b) (in relation with 8b (Replace Group button with little icon)) there shouldn’t show up a Group button to open a Group (since it would already shows open). c) About the subgroups colors there may show in its own color, that of the parent Group, or it might be an option to set which of the two.

I just saw your recent comment. I think most of the above may still help.


ssborbis commented 5 years ago

The offset tools was causing issues. I don't normally use that setup so I didn't notice. I'll have to re-enable the last used tool since it should work with the sidebar. Making a push with a few changes / test code now

ssborbis commented 5 years ago

qm more / less fix going up with title swap

ssborbis commented 5 years ago
  1. (In QM only - Only if Lock Menu is disabled (!)) After moving an item (SE or group/folder) the QM closes.

Not seeing this one. I did notice the "lock" button doesn't show as enabled when the more / less button is used ( the menu refresh doesn't account for the lock status atm )

12 (In SB, TB only - If SB or TB has the same column number with QM, but the number of tools is different) Problem with the width (see the image below) The Expand-Shrink buttons do not work


13 (In QM only - after the last repo update) A maximum number of 4-5 rows is showing up. If the number of columns isn’t big enough (e.g. 20) so as all the buttons to fit in those 4-5 rows, then there is a broken functioning of Expanding-Shrinking: Expand-Shrink buttons do not work or the expansion there is only in the same row (as much as it can fit in the row). The last shown expand-plus button expands all the groups.

Maybe fixed, dunno.

(edit) The original more tile needs some work. Takes a double-click to expand the qm in some cases

14 When expanded, the shrink button tooltip should be “less”, instead of “more”


Sagitee commented 5 years ago

In general, the new changes work like a dream, but I still see some little issues:

  1. Multiple items selection in the settings page with Shift and/or Ctrl for moving, hiding etc.
    • The order of multiple SEs selected with Shift is reversed after they are moved.
    • If they are moved in an empty folder, it falsely appears that only one (the clicked one) of them is moved, but if the page is refreshed it is shown that all the SEs have been moved.

9a. Little icon so as to be able for a Group to be drug and dropped

  • (Suggestion) What about (if it is technically possible) using drag & drop with right click as a way to move Groups, instead of the pre-suggested little icon?

9b. The Group’s name could show up in its SEs’ tooltip and in title bar when the mouse is over it like “Groupname / SE’s name”.

  • It should also work on subGroups SEs etc.
  • It shouldn’t be applied for the naming of the tiles of the Groups, subGroups (see the “TOOLS/Sub Folder” in the first image below). There I think, its name would be enough.
  1. QM closes after moving an item (SE or group/folder)

    • Now after moving any item the first group opens.
  2. SB Issues

    • (Previous issues resolved) While resizing, the tiles disposition is as shown in the second image below.
  3. A maximum number of 4-5 rows is showing up if the number of columns isn’t big enough

    • I found out that the problem is caused due to a difference between what is seen while a manual resizing is done (all tiles with the groups shrunk), and what is in fact resized and saved (all tiles with the groups expanded) (now saved not temporarily but also in the settings). So, I now can resize: a) by giving, in the settings page, a rows value big enough so as all the groups to fit in, even when expanded (if not the last groups will not show up even when all groups are shrunk) or b) working-around by setting at 50% the menu size, so as visual resizing to be possible even for a big number of rows.



ssborbis commented 4 years ago

The order of multiple SEs selected with Shift is reversed after they are moved.

Fixed. It should no longer matter which way the selection is made ( top to bottom, bottom to top ). The moved order should respect the original order.

If they are moved in an empty folder, it falsely appears that only one (the clicked one) of them is moved, but if the page is refreshed it is shown that all the SEs have been moved.

I thought this was fixed in the last push. I can no longer reproduce locally.

(Suggestion) What about (if it is technically possible) using drag & drop with right click as a way to move Groups, instead of the pre-suggested little icon?

I'm not too keen on using right-click. I'll try a long hold before drag first.

Now after moving any item the first group opens.

Still not seeing this behavior. Which menu? Is it happening at the top menu level?

(Previous issues resolved) While resizing, the tiles disposition is as shown in the second image below.

Ah, it's happening in the Sidebar menu only. That's why I didn't see it. Fixed.

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

I thought this was fixed in the last push. I can no longer reproduce locally.

Still not seeing this behavior. Which menu? Is it happening at the top menu level?

No issue in last repo.


ssborbis commented 4 years ago

going up now

titlebar fix on folder change

group parent folder hidden for the moment

group drag handler testing ( hold on a group member for ~1s until border changes ). No actual group move yet, but you can see the idea.

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

9a. >Group (and other items) movement


Releasing the drugged item: a) on the right half part of the last (shown if in a limited group) tile of the left or last Group b) on the left half part of the first tile of the right or first Group should drop it between or next to the neighboring Groups. The green arrow should be shown accordingly at the appropriate Group edges.



  1. Quick Menu Rows Number Issue

As I had previously described, for all the groups to show up in Quick Menu, when there are many SEs, the rows value in the settings QM page has to be very big e.g. 60 rows (otherwise are not showing up all the groups , even if they are not taking up more than 10 rows when they are shrunk). So, given the fact that unlike SB and TB, the QM has no scrolling, when some shrunk-limited Groups are expanded, the QM (single or multi column) height grows bigger than the height of the page, which in most cases causes further issues. e.g. not accessible bars, tools etc. (see images).



I would suggest that:

  1. Groups in Groups

Having tested a little the current Groups functioning, I think that it creates situations like in the example below that are a bit confusing.

If we have five Groups, named according to their color and nested in one another as follows: Red Green Blue Gray Brown In the Red Group red color can’t be seen but can be seen a Blue Group colored green (see image).


Clicking on Blue Group will just show a gray colored Brown Group (see image).


Given the fact that for nesting there are the neutral colored Folders, which now if in a Group are properly taking its color, I would suggest:

Other suggestions:

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

An item (concerns also SEs and Folders) can’t be dropped between two neighboring Groups or at the left of the first Group or at the right of the last Group (it can only be dropped IN one of those neighboring Groups)

The edge bug may not get fixed anytime soon, but the 'between groups' should be doable. I'll see about changing the indicator when in the 'middle' zone, similar to how folders turn color when dropping in vs dropping out. Nothing in the next push, but I'll set something up.

Dashed line grid of Hold + Drug appears in SB and TB when just clicking (without Holding and drugging) on SE tiles (see image).

I still have not seen this bug

After a Hold + Drug movement attempt of a Group member (even if the movement won’t eventually happen e.g. when the drop is out of the menu), the first folder of the current level opens.

New code prevents the dragged group tile from executing if dropped on itself. Not sure I've seen your exact bug, but it may be fixed by this.

Group Move doesn’t work on Single Column mode of the menus.

It did work, it just didn't apply the border styling. Fixed.

After moving a single tile (SE, folder, group) from one group to another, it temporarily (until next menu refresh) keeps its previous group color (see image).

I'm now refreshing the menu after every move vs moving DOM objects. That introduces some other issues, but I'll knock those down as they come.

(Suggestion) After one or more items is/are moved in or from a Group, it is possible that useful icons would be hidden or less useful ones would show up. This makes necessary to easily change the groups Limit setting accordingly, so I’ve suggested (No 16) a way to visually set the Group Limit value through the menus’ interface. By Drug & dropping the Expand-Shrink button of a Group on any tile or between any tiles within that group. What would you think on that?

I'll see what can be done. I'll fix what's broken before adding anything new.

The Maximum Rows setting should represent the maximum number of the actual, shown rows (independently of the Groups shrinking or expansion)

This somewhat defeats the purpose of the original "more" button, which is to expand the initial rows size when needed. I might be able to work in an option for More button vs scroll for the window.

In any case, the height of the QM shouldn’t exceed that of the page and should adapt the various menu parts height changes, by adjusting the scrolling accordingly, as ideally is done by the SB menu.

That's true. Another reason to add scroll capability.

... more fixes coming.

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

I still have not seen this bug

Would sending to you my settings export file (in case it’s a matter of a difference of settings which makes some issues not reproducible) or even a video capture of those behaviours, be helpful to you?

9b. Dashed line grid of Hold + Drug appears in SB and TB when just clicking (without Holding and drugging) on SE tiles (see image).

It’s a matter that also concerns QM (1st image). Not only SB and TB as I initially mentioned.

There is also an issue related with scrolling bar which behaves in many different ways when the grid appears (3 following images). Should the dashed outlines of the grid be added inwards, instead of outwards (as it seems to happen now) in relation to the tiles edges? Maybe it’s related with the issue discussed in #147 (?).




9c. After a Hold + Drug movement attempt of a Group member, the first folder of the current level opens. - New code prevents the dragged group tile from executing if dropped on itself. Not sure I've seen your exact bug, but it may be fixed by this.

That behaviour insists

When dropping on itself, the first folder of the current level opens too, but in addition the moved folder disappears and its contents can only be found turned hidden in the SEs settings page (image)


9e. After moving a single tile (SE, folder, group) from one group to another, it temporarily (until next menu refresh) keeps its previous group color. - I'm now refreshing the menu after every move vs moving DOM objects. That introduces some other issues, but I'll knock those down as they come.

Now, the first folder of the current level opens (in this case too)

  1. Maximum Rows setting - This somewhat defeats the purpose of the original "more" button, which is to expand the initial rows size when needed. I might be able to work in an option for More button vs scroll for the window. - That's true. Another reason to add scroll capability.

If scrolling is added it’s great. Then, I see: a) a case in which the the column number is high enough so as the QM height is limited only by the page height (image)


b) a case in which the column number is not high enough so as the QM height is limited by that (image).


If it’s also resizable and the last size (and position) is saved, there may be no need for a max column number in the settings, as it is the case for the SB.

I couldn’t understand how do you mean “an option for More button vs scroll for the window” but if it’s something better than my above view it will be great too.

hg42 commented 4 years ago

interesting feature... The background color for a group is nice and very useful.

The plus item works nice, but I'm not sure if a kind of overflow folder at the top of each group is more useful, as it also provides the title of the group. The plus eats some space and doesn't provide any info. Though I understand that the plus may be more intuitive. At least a title item would be nice...

hg42 commented 4 years ago

btw. the default background shouldn't be black...

hg42 commented 4 years ago

dragging over the plus should open it

hg42 commented 4 years ago

I use single column text for the toolbar menu, but this still displays only icons. At first it ignored the option completely displaying multicolumn icons. I think it was 8 columns wide as configured in the disabled columns option.

After I changed to 3 columns and re-enabled single column mode, I got a single column without text. I am not sure, how many rows were displayed at this time, but currently I get the same number of rows as if the single column mode were disabled, e.g. my configured 8 items group is displayed in 1 (wide) column and 3 rows (like 3x3 = 9 - 1 "plus" item) or 2 rows for 5, 1 for 2 etc. So, it's a mix of both.

hg42 commented 4 years ago

At least a title item would be nice...

well I can use another empty folder as title inside the group using the same name...

also, some groups like "Video" or "Development" start with a self-explanatory icon (Youtube, Github), which should clear enough

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

@hg42 I'll add back the option to display the parent folder after working out the current bugs. Putting it in now complicates drag & drop, so I left it out for simplicity.

I use single column text for the toolbar menu, but this still displays only icons.

Not seeing this locally. User styles? I did have to change a few things with how labels are displayed to account for the "Parent Folder / Child" title layout for group folders.

dragging over the plus should open it

New code requires a menu refresh. I don't think that's gonna be possible for DnD purposes as-is. (edit) Actually, the refresh is on the drop. This is doable.

btw. the default background shouldn't be black

I love simple fixes.

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

@Sagitee sure, send me your config. There may be some conflicts I'm not seeing in mine.

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

@Sagitee found the problem with click causing a group move styling. It only shows up when opening to the Firefox sidebar.

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

@ssborbis you tested using my settings file?

I disabled FF SB (and also the Side View addon) and tested by variably replacing the left-button Action to open instead in new tab, new background tab, new background tab (keep menu open), new window. Unfortunately the issue still persisted in all of those cases.

Edit: I just saw and tested the new push. In anyway, the issue is resolved!

ssborbis commented 4 years ago


I could only get the bug using left-click. In any case, I fixed it ( for me anyway ) in the last push. Did you try it?

Good deal. I'm not exactly sure why it only happened to me when opening in the sidebar window. After reviewing the code, it probably should have been happening in all opening methods, but for some reason wasn't. In any case, glad to hear it's fixed.

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

expand “more” tile on DnD

While DnD (of anything, like text, SE, group etc.), it’s very probable for the cursor, before reaching at the intended drop position, to pass by chance over one or more “more” tiles, which is now causing their unwanted immediate expansion. To avoid this, I would suggest the expansion to happen only after the cursor is hovering over a "more" tile for an appropriate number of milliseconds. And, if not difficult: Shrink “less” tile on DnD.

hg42 commented 4 years ago

I use single column text for the toolbar menu, but this still displays only icons. Not seeing this locally. User styles? I did have to change a few things with how labels are displayed to account for the "Parent Folder / Child" title layout for group folders.

I usually compare enabled vs. disabled user styles in CS settings.

I think it's introduced by the "same level contents" or at least at the same time. I also get icon layout in the sidebar despite single column is enabled.

here's a screenshot of the toolbar including the setting: no-single-column_2019-09-24_16-39-39

I found that multicolumn icons are used starting at 8 columns. Up to 7 columns for the setting results in a single icon column and the width and height are like this count of columns would take in multi column mode.

Here's a screenshot for 7 columns (same pixel density, so you can directly compare the size to the screenshot above): single-column-up-to-7-columns_2019-09-24_16-55-58

both screenshots are with user styles disabled.

hg42 commented 4 years ago

there is also an interesting effect: The toolbar menu opens in multi-column mode and then replaced by the single column icon sliding in from the left (animated). However, the sidebar menu is always displayed in multi-column mode, it seems to use different code. Note animations are disabled in the settings.

hg42 commented 4 years ago

the quick menu behaves like the sidebar: always multi-column

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

@hg42 I'm in the process of rewriting large portions of the sidebar code to accommodate new features. I'll try to get most of the issues worked out before my next push, but I'm sure there will be some lingering bugs. The discrepancy between the toolbar / sidebar may be due to the additional option for displaying folders which was added recently. I'll (at) you when I have something stable to test.

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

@hg42 @Sagitee

Ok, starting to get on track with a few changes.

sidebar menu has undergone some significant rewrites. A few bugs, but overall it looks pretty functional.

Annoyances fixed:

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

9c. 9e. 1st group opens after tile (SE, folder or group) move issue - Not sure I've seen your exact bug

Pls, check if you are able to reproduce this issue after confirming that the first item in SEs settings list is a Group containing at least one SE.

(Due to that issue, I hadn’t noticed before the tile events bugs (scroll position, state of more / less menus) that the last push fixes).

  1. QM Resizing - Rows number issue

Works fine.

Of course, QM scrolling seems still a necessary feature.

  1. dnd over more / less tiles for groups triggers after 1s hover

Works fine.

  1. Until now, for the QM to open next to the FF Side Bar, I had been giving a big Horizontal Offset value. After the last CS push, the QM goes partly hidden behind the tab’s vertical scroll bar.


qm scroll position

You mean SB scroll position?

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

Pls, check if you are able to reproduce this issue after confirming that the first item in SEs settings list is a Group containing at least one SE.

I see what's going on. I'll get a fix in the next push

Of course, QM scrolling seems still a necessary feature.

Work in progress

Until now, for the QM to open next to the FF Side Bar, I had been giving a big Horizontal Offset value. After the last CS push, the QM goes partly hidden behind the tab’s vertical scroll bar.

SIde effect of the work in progress. I realized what you were doing with the large qm offsets only recently; ostensibly using the qm as a sidebar. Fixes coming soon

You mean SB scroll position?

Yep, meant SB

ssborbis commented 4 years ago


Pls, check if you are able to reproduce this issue after confirming that the first item in SEs settings list is a Group containing at least one SE.

Should be fixed now

I've been working on qm repositioning and resizing, scrollbars, etc. I've increased the qm offsets limit to 9999 so it can handle larger monitors when you're wanting to position the qm on one side of the screen. I'm dealing with a few bugs, mostly timing related to the repositioning, but it's a good start. There's a lot of caveats when dealing with the qm overflow resize / scrollbars due to the menu responding to different folder sizes, so there will be some glitchy behaviour.

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

Latest push change:

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

QM 1st group opens after tile move issue: fixed QM goes partly hidden behind the tab’s vertical scroll bar issue: fixed QM scrolling: works fine. QM repositioning: works fine. QM resizing: works fine, thought it’s not allowing the extension of QM when groups are expanded and the exploitation of a possible additional height (up to that of the page’s) to that of the initial-shrunk QM, as is the case with SB resizing (image). QM docking:

Something irrelevant: If it is something easy and wouldn’t add much of distraction from what you are now doing, I would suggest for the constants: historyLength, suggestionsCount and suggestionsDisplayCount to become accessible through the Advanced Settings page.


Sagitee commented 4 years ago

I have set as opening method only that of Simple click and I have noticed the following behavior:

When QM is open and I’m selecting a piece of a web page’s text it is immediately and very smoothly get into the QM’s search field without any kind of repositioning or refreshing to happen.

On the other hand, even if the “Lock menu open” tool (and the lock persist) option is enabled, Simple click (or the other methods if they are set) causes a seemingly useless, time consuming, and in many cases erroneous repositioning-refreshing of the menu.

Is that repositioning-refreshing necessary for some reason? Couldn’t that be excluded-avoided (like in the pre-mentioned case), when using any opening method while the “Lock menu open” option is enabled?

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

I'll try your settings. I think the problem stems from code closing the old menu and opening a new one each time the opening method is invoked. If the menu is locked, it makes sense to keep it open.

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

Now, after QM’s first opening, the “Lock menu” seems to fully suspend all the opening methods, which are not getting text in the search field of the already opened QM and are not causing (if enabled) a last used search.

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

Ok, that should be working now. I'm still getting a menu refresh when using repeatsearch, but it appears functional

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

Simple Click opening method can’t get text in the search box. It seems that if it could “No reopening” and “Last used search” would work too.

The Mouse, Keyboard and the Auto opening methods work almost* ideally with the menu Locked:

(*) Strangely, after the first QM opening, the “No reopening” feature is feasible only after moving-changing the initial position of the QM.

Resizing is refined with QM’s extensibility when groups are expanded but there is an issue with scrolling: After scrolling down (with bar or mouse) a scroll back to the top happens. Edit: Happens only if "Lock menu" is enabled.

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

I checked with repeatsearch and simple-click. The latest push should fix the empty search term issue.

I've seen the scroll issue. I'll check on that next.

ssborbis commented 4 years ago

Latest push appears to fix the menu refresh issue unless moved and the bad qm positioning when locked after scrolling

Let me know if you're still having issues there.

Sagitee commented 4 years ago

The QM (un)scroll issue insists (no improvement).

The “search/repeatSearch without reopening when QM Locked” has become oneirically quick and smooth, but: When the search/repeatSearch is triggered by clicking/selecting in the FF SB area/content a) the reopening insists and b) docking is removed (QM moves with content when page scrolls).

QM (re)positioning has been greatly improved, but: When QM opens (and/or reopens when menu unLocked), it seems like if some optically intense, disturbing and time consuming method is applied, which if possible should be simplified and which momentarily (but time consumingly enough as to allow for easy screenshoting) increases the pages width. It seems like if applying on the fly, operations (obviously taking into account the big offset values set) of addition and subtraction to the width instead of applying just the result of those operations. Also the final page's width increases a little and the added horizontal scroll bar remains. See the three images (before, during and after opening/reopening) at the bottom of the comment.

DnDing some text (e.g. “example”) in the menu’s search field/bar, normally if it is dropped quickly, it replaces its current text with “example” or, if a hovering over the field precedes, it adds/inserts “example” within its current text. But, if the text is dragged from outside the page (e.g. from FF’s address bar or from a field in FF’s SB) and is “quickly dropped” in the menu’s search field/bar, then “” is opening and replacing the page of the current tab.

dealing with a few bugs, mostly timing related

Lost keystrokes/characters in the QM’s search bar issue, which I have previously mentioned in #213 and which you had also related to timing, is a major one. In average, about 2 characters are lost after every typed word and the user is forced to continuously observe and correct before making every (custom text) search. It would be of great importance if this issue could be fixed too.