sshaw / git-link

Emacs package to get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/... URL for a buffer location
394 stars 73 forks source link

support for http #114

Open drdv opened 10 months ago

drdv commented 10 months ago

Sometimes I need to have http instead of https in the links. Currently I deal with this using

(use-package git-link
  :ensure t
  :bind ("C-c g l" . git-link)
  (setq git-link-open-in-browser t)
  (defun git-link--http-advice (func link)
    (funcall func (replace-regexp-in-string "^https:" "http:" link)))
  (defun git-link-toggle-http-advice ()
    "Toggle using http or https by advicing `git-link--new'."
    (if (advice--p (advice--symbol-function 'git-link--new))
    (advice-remove 'git-link--new 'git-link--http-advice)
      (advice-add 'git-link--new :around 'git-link--http-advice)))

But clearly there is a better way to deal with this. It seems to me that it is trivial to support this in the code (e.g., by adding a variable instead of hard-coding https in the links).

sshaw commented 10 months ago

What services do you need to link to using http?

drdv commented 10 months ago

self-hosted gitlab