ssut / py-googletrans

(unofficial) Googletrans: Free and Unlimited Google translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.
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Translation Inaccuracy on Some Text vs Google Translate Results #157

Open samamorgan opened 4 years ago

samamorgan commented 4 years ago

Given the following code

>>> import googletrans
>>> translator = googletrans.Translator()
>>> body = """Hallo,
... leider habe ich gestern vergessen das Pordukt urückzugeben.
... Ich würde mich freuen wenn sie mir noch einen Tag Kulanz einräumen und ich das Gerät auf eigene Kosten zurückschicken kann da ich es nicht gebrauchen kann.
... Es liegt ungeöffnet hier bei mir.
... beste Grüße"""
>>> print(translator.translate(body, dest="en").text)


Hi there, Unfortunately, I forgot urückzugeben the Pordukt yesterday. I would be happy if they still give me a day goodwill and I can return the equipment at his own expense since I can not use it. It is unopened here with me. best regards

Expected (copied from

Hi there, Unfortunately yesterday I forgot to return the product. I would be happy if you give me another day of goodwill and I can send the device back at my own expense because I can not use it. It's unopened here with me. best regards

Interestingly, if I translate this line-by-line, the output is better, but does not completely mirror results:

>>> translation = translator.translate(body.split("\n"), dest="en") 
>>> print("\n".join(t.text for t in translation))  

Hi there, Unfortunately, I forgot to return the product yesterday. I would be happy if they still give me a day goodwill and I can return the equipment at his own expense since I can not use it. It is unopened here with me. best regards

DimaDDM commented 4 years ago

I faced same issue. Why translation so bad? I also detected what txt.lower().split("\n") work better

d-bo commented 4 years ago

Same for:

from googletrans import Translator

translator = Translator()
text = translator.translate('կոշկեղեն', dest='ru')

translator = Translator()
text = translator.translate('կոշկեղենի վաճառք', dest='ru')



Google translate browser:

распродажа обуви
Dragon-Yu commented 4 years ago

I faced the same issue when translating English to Chinese. It always returns a bad translation. If I input one sentence in, it returns a good translation while I can see a bad translation after I click the translated sentence. It means bad translation is also provided by Google. By the way, the Chrome full webpage translation returns the same result as the web Google translation, a good translation.

samamorgan commented 4 years ago

I've personally moved to paid translation. While this module was nice for testing and setup, using this module violates Google TOS, so can't reasonably be used for any professional application. That plus the inaccuracies given here (and other things) means this isn't usable for me.

bartmachielsen commented 4 years ago

There is indeed an error in the translation, for example the dutch sentence: 'wonen in een huis waar je energie van krijgt' is incorrectly translated. I have found out that it is because of the library passing a parameter that is probably the model version:

NL: 'wonen in een huis waar je energie van krijgt' EN (official api): live in a house that gives you energy EN (googletrans): live in a house where you energy

Changing one single parameter in the translation request called 'otf' to version 3 will fix the translation inaccuracies.

danyaljj commented 4 years ago

Similarly for Persian:

    translator = Translator()
    translation = translator.translate('does ethanol take more energy make that produces?', dest='fa', src='en')

which produces:

کند اتانول را به تولید انرژی بیشتر است که تولید؟

While Google translate produces a better translation:

Screen Shot 2020-05-04 at 1 15 30 PM

PythonNut commented 4 years ago

Has this been fixed on Google's end? It seems like googletrans is producing the desired results without modification.