Problem: in pkgs/dkg/drand, ECIES is instantiated using the BLS12-381. While this is perfectly functional and secure, ECIES does not require the pairing functionality carried by BLS and is usually deployed with pairing-unfriendly curves that are more performant in this use case. For instance, Kyber supports ECIES with Curve25519.
Solution: change Longerm and Auth at Kyber config to edwards25519
Problem: in pkgs/dkg/drand, ECIES is instantiated using the BLS12-381. While this is perfectly functional and secure, ECIES does not require the pairing functionality carried by BLS and is usually deployed with pairing-unfriendly curves that are more performant in this use case. For instance, Kyber supports ECIES with Curve25519.
Solution: change Longerm and Auth at Kyber config to
Result: Kyber supports only same schemas for VSS and Auth messages: if we use BLS12-381 for VSS and edwards25519/Curve25519 for ECIES, then we get an error at this place
Conclusion: we cant use different schemes for VSS and ECIES, so we continue to use BLS12-381 despite its slower