st0012 / ruby-lsp-rspec

A Ruby LSP addon for RSpec tests
MIT License
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Dependency on `ruby-lsp` is possibly too strict? #45

Closed gee-forr closed 1 month ago

gee-forr commented 1 month ago

Hey there,

The dependency on ruby-lsp might be too strict.

ruby-lsp recently released 0.20.x, but ruby-lsp-rspec is configured to depend on it with the pessimistic operator set to 0.19.0, meaning any versions at 0.20.x or higher will cause a bundler error.

Would it not make sense to rather pin a minimum version, and assume higher versions will not break backward compatibility? e.g. spec.add_dependency "ruby-lsp", ">= 0.19.0", instead of the ~> dependency operator?

I'm unfortunately not familiar with the internals of this gem or ruby-lsp so I might not be aware of how disruptive even minor version changes are?

Either way - thanks for this gem :) It's helpful, and I really appreciate your contribution.

viktorianer commented 1 month ago

Notice, where it says:

In addition to performing this setup, the composed bundle logic will also bundle install and attempt to auto-update the ruby-lsp language server gem to ensure fast distribution of bug fixes and new features.

st0012 commented 1 month ago

Before hitting 1.0, every ruby-lsp minor version bump means there's a breaking change. For example, 0.20 broke the interface for indexing enhancement. So if the upper bound wasn't there, this addon would lose its go to definition silently and could easily confuse users.

I currently aim at bumping up the limit within a week. Before that happens, bundler should simply lock your ruby-lsp version to a compatible version.

gee-forr commented 1 month ago

Hey there @st0012 - thanks for the clarification. I was unaware that the ruby-lsp was introducing breaking changes on minor version bumps.

We do indeed lock the ruby-lsp in our gemfiles with a pessimistic declaration. My main reason for logging this issue was because I was unable to upgrade ruby-lsp and ruby-lsp-rails to new versions they've released recently, because ruby-lsp-rspec required version 0.19.x.

At any rate - thank you again for this gem, and thanks for clearing up the reasoning - it's very much appreciated.