stac-utils / pgstac

Schema, functions and a python library for storing and accessing STAC collections and items in PostgreSQL
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Occasional syntax errors from well formed search queries #233

Closed mrob95 closed 7 months ago

mrob95 commented 10 months ago

This is quite a tricky one to reproduce. We are running pgstac in production and very occasionally get pq: syntax error at end of input errors from pgstac search queries. The queries look well formed when we log them.

Looking at the database logs I can see:

STATEMENT:  SELECT search($1::jsonb);
ERROR:  syntax error at end of input at character 49
QUERY:  EXPLAIN (format json) SELECT 1 FROM items WHERE
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function where_stats(text,boolean,jsonb) line 103 at EXECUTE
PL/pgSQL function search(jsonb) line 31 at assignment

We are running version 0.8.1, so that line is here -

I stared at this for a while and couldn't figure out how that where clause could be an empty string, so I started trying to reproduce it locally.

I ended up running 0.8.2 in a container with:

docker run \
-e POSTGRES_DB=stac \
-e POSTGRES_USER=admin \
-e PGUSER=admin \
-e PGPASSWORD=admin \
-e PGDATABASE=stac \
-p 5432:5432 \ \
postgres -c 'log_statement=all'


  1. Install Golang if you don't have it already
  2. Create a new directory
  3. Drop the following file into main.go
    package main

import ( "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "sync"

_ ""


const ( host = "localhost" port = 5432 user = "admin" password = "admin" dbname = "stac" )

// docker run -e POSTGRES_DB=stac -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e PGUSER=admin -e PGPASSWORD=admin -e PGDATABASE=stac -p 5432:5432 postgres -c 'log_statement=all'

func main() { psqlInfo := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s "+ "password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", host, port, user, password, dbname)

db, err := sql.Open("postgres", psqlInfo)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()

log.Println("Successfully connected!")

query := `SELECT search('{"limit": 1}'::jsonb);`
log.Printf("Search query: %#v", query)

wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
    go func(threadID int) {
        row := db.QueryRow(query)
        err = row.Err()
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("[%d] Error: %v", threadID, err)

        var item json.RawMessage
        err = row.Scan(&item)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("[%d] Error: %v", threadID, err)

        log.Printf("[%d] Result: %s", threadID, string(item))



4. `go mod init pgstac_repro`
5. `go get`
6. `go run main.go`

This will spin up two threads and try to run the same search simultaneously on both. For me this gives the following pretty reliably:

2024/01/18 22:34:44 Successfully connected! 2024/01/18 22:34:44 Search query: "SELECT search('{\"limit\": 1}'::jsonb);" 2024/01/18 22:34:44 [1] Result: {"next": null, "prev": null, "type": "FeatureCollection", "context": {"limit": 1, "returned": 0}, "features": []} 2024/01/18 22:34:44 [0] Error: pq: syntax error at or near "LIMIT" exit status 1

One of them succeeds, the other gives a syntax error with the same query.

The postgres logs show

2024-01-18 22:34:44.440 UTC [96] STATEMENT: SELECT search('{"limit": 1}'::jsonb); 2024-01-18 22:34:44.442 UTC [96] LOG: QUERY: SELECT * FROM items WHERE TRUE ORDER BY LIMIT '2'

2024-01-18 22:34:44.442 UTC [96] CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function search_rows(text,text,text[],integer) line 82 at RAISE SQL statement "SELECT jsonb_agg(format_item(i, _fields, hydrate)) FROM search_rows( full_where, orderby, search_where.partitions, _querylimit ) as i" PL/pgSQL function search(jsonb) line 69 at SQL statement 2024-01-18 22:34:44.442 UTC [96] STATEMENT: SELECT search('{"limit": 1}'::jsonb); 2024-01-18 22:34:44.443 UTC [96] ERROR: syntax error at or near "LIMIT" at character 77 2024-01-18 22:34:44.443 UTC [96] QUERY: SELECT * FROM items WHERE TRUE ORDER BY LIMIT '2'

So, a different error but similar behaviour.

Again, I can't see exactly where the code this could be happening, but rerunning the same program again will not trigger it, you need to either change the query or restart the database to trigger the bug again. I guess this means the problem is related to the query cache/statistics tables.

Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if there are any other details I can provide.
mrob95 commented 10 months ago

I bisected this. On 0.7.7 running the above code succeeds, and looking at the searches table I can see that the usecount for the search is 2 as expected. On 0.7.9 it fails and usecount is only 1. I think this means it was introduced in

drnextgis commented 7 months ago

Just for the record, we're experiencing this issue as well.

bitner commented 7 months ago

@mrob95 So far I have not been able to replicate this using your script (or just running in parallel using the following bash script) even cranking the number of parallel processes up to 12.

q="SELECT count(*) from search('{\"limit\":1}');"
psql -c "$q" &
psql -c "$q" &
psql -c "$q" &
psql -c "$q" &
psql -c "$q" &
psql -c "$q" &

If anything, I would guess that that bit of code that you found is the culprit. Can you see if you can replicate if you change the search_query function out to this which should ensure that the search variable doesn't get overwritten?

    _search jsonb = '{}'::jsonb,
    updatestats boolean = false,
    _metadata jsonb = '{}'::jsonb
) RETURNS searches AS $$
    search searches%ROWTYPE;
    cached_search searches%ROWTYPE;
    pexplain jsonb;
    t timestamptz;
    i interval;
    _hash text := search_hash(_search, _metadata);
    doupdate boolean := FALSE;
    insertfound boolean := FALSE;
    ro boolean := pgstac.readonly();
    IF ro THEN
        updatestats := FALSE;
    END IF;

    SELECT * INTO search FROM searches
    WHERE hash=_hash;

    search.hash := _hash;

    -- Calculate the where clause if not already calculated
    IF search._where IS NULL THEN
        search._where := stac_search_to_where(_search);
        doupdate := TRUE;
    END IF;

    -- Calculate the order by clause if not already calculated
    IF search.orderby IS NULL THEN
        search.orderby := sort_sqlorderby(_search);
        doupdate := TRUE;
    END IF;

    PERFORM where_stats(search._where, updatestats, _search->'conf');

    IF NOT ro THEN
        IF NOT doupdate THEN
            INSERT INTO searches (search, _where, orderby, lastused, usecount, metadata)
            VALUES (_search, search._where, search.orderby, clock_timestamp(), 1, _metadata)
            ON CONFLICT (hash) DO NOTHING RETURNING * INTO cached_search;
            IF FOUND THEN
                RETURN cached_search;
            END IF;
        END IF;

        UPDATE searches
        WHERE hash=(
            SELECT hash FROM searches
            WHERE hash=_hash
            RAISE NOTICE 'Did not update stats for % due to lock. (This is generally OK)', _search;
        END IF;
    END IF;

    RETURN search;

bitner commented 7 months ago

cc @drnextgis :point_up:

drnextgis commented 7 months ago

Thanks, @bitner. I'll give it a look. I can replicate the issue easily following @mrob95's suggestion:

$ go run main.go                                
2024/04/17 10:53:21 Successfully connected!
2024/04/17 10:53:21 Search query: "SELECT search('{\"limit\": 1}'::jsonb);"
2024/04/17 10:53:21 [0] Result: {"next": null, "prev": null, "type": "FeatureCollection", "context": {"limit": 1, "returned": 0}, "features": []}
2024/04/17 10:53:21 [1] Error: pq: syntax error at or near "LIMIT"
exit status 1

This occurs right after the initial execution. To reproduce it, I need to clear the searches table.

drnextgis commented 7 months ago

@bitner, with the changes you suggested, I can't seem to reproduce the issue, so it looks like it did the trick. However, I have a question. After the initial execution, the value of usecount is 2:

stac=# select * from searches;
               hash               |    search    | _where |        orderby         |           lastused           | usecount | metadata 
 c53f4ebe9b2a50bc2b52fd88a5d503e1 | {"limit": 1} |  TRUE  | datetime DESC, id DESC | 2024-04-17 08:59:49.10575+00 |        2 | {}
(1 row)

But after the subsequent execution, it increases by 1. Shouldn't it increase by 2?

stac=# select * from searches;
               hash               |    search    | _where |        orderby         |           lastused            | usecount | metadata 
 c53f4ebe9b2a50bc2b52fd88a5d503e1 | {"limit": 1} |  TRUE  | datetime DESC, id DESC | 2024-04-17 09:00:04.022792+00 |        3 | {}
(1 row)
bitner commented 7 months ago

Ideally, it should be starting at 1 and increase by 1 each time the same query comes. I do have a "skip locked" in the update, so if there is contention, it will just skip updating the usecount. The usecount is really a "nice to have" to get a general sense of what queries are being used the most and at least for my use cases, I'd rather just not update that column than need to wait for any locks to go away when there are concurrent identical queries.

mrob95 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for tracking this down!

drnextgis commented 7 months ago

@bitner, is there a way to prevent the searches table from growing infinitely, or should it be periodically cleaned up manually?

bitner commented 7 months ago

@drnextgis I think that depends on the use case. If you are using with titiler-pgstac or anything else that is using the query hash to look up a query, clearing out the searches table would prevent being able to look those up. If you know that you are generally setting the metadata field when registering a search, you can likely safely get rid of anything that has metadata = {} or is null. The search_wheres table (if you are using context) can safely be cleared out on a cron using something like DELETE FROM search_wheres WHERE statslastupdated < now() - context_stats_ttl;