stackTom / FSEarthTiles

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FSET Stopped working for me :( #27

Open 1775OoRah opened 3 weeks ago

1775OoRah commented 3 weeks ago

Absolutely LOVE this tool! 2.08 stopped working during use one night(I must've pushed my computer to the max..), so I installed 2.09. It will not work correctly either. I keep getting these results that seem to go on infinitely... FSET is acting weird

And this: FSET is acting weird 2

I'm at my wit's end guys! haha.. I even tried previous versions. I'm thinking that FSET is probably fine, but something in my PC is malfunctioning. I just don't know what..

stackTom commented 3 weeks ago

Glad you're enjoying it ;)

A couple questions to try to figure out what's going wrong:

1) Are you creating scenery for fs2004?

2) Also, which window gets stuck exactly? I don't see anything particularly wrong with the pictures you sent. Which window is the weird one?

1775OoRah commented 3 weeks ago

In this screenshot, the bottom right window is the first one to open after the green bar on the FSET ui completes. This window no longer fills up with all the data pertaining to the area being created. Where you see it has stopped is where it always stops now. After a short wait, that top-left window opens up and does its thing.

FSET is acting weird 3

After that window is complete the next window opens.. The window gets down to that UserSourceDimensions, and then populates those lines of numbers--seemingly forever. I never wait longer than 2-3 minutes because as these numbers populate, my main FSET folder is simultaneously filling up with bmps--also seemingly infinite.

FSET is acting weird 4

I don't know what I did man.

Thank you for your help and take care :)

stackTom commented 2 weeks ago

Thats all normal. The FS2004 SDK uses a program called resample.exe and imagetool.exe to create the final files that fs2004 reads as scenery. These programs take the images FSET supplies it and splits them into millions of smaller files. That's all perfectly normal and part of what it takes to create scenery for FS2004.

Both resample.exe and imagetool.exe are very slow, and there's nothing to do to speed them up. Imagetool.exe might even make your monitor dark or show corrupt images (why it does this I have no idea; but it does it when it's called outside of FSET as well).

Long story short, give it time. It's working as it should be. I suggest creating a small area and test to make sure you can see it in FS2004 (which I believe it will from what you're telling me). Bigger areas will just take some time because resample.exe and imagetool.exe are just inherently slow and quirky programs.

1775OoRah commented 2 weeks ago

I just created a tiny scenery and FSET did finish the process. Yay! It did create a scenery folder with both scenery and texture subfolders. However, the scenery subfolder has tmf files, no bgls. The texture subfolder has .bmp files, but the TgaSourceFiles subfolder is empty. Dangit! lol Thank you for your responses thus far. I don't mean to take up too much of your time. I've been using FSET for a fews years and I'm hooked!


stackTom commented 1 week ago

Don't worry, I don't mind providing support. That all sounds correct. As long as the scenery displays in FS2004, then it's all good. The contents of TgaSourceFiles will be deleted based on FS2004KeepTGAs in your FSEarthTiles.ini.

1775OoRah commented 1 week ago

AAAhhh ok that makes sense as far as the TGAs. Got it! Now, I should have a bgl file in the scenery folder once the process is complete right? This is what I'm left with after FSET completely finishes. FSET is acting weird 5

stackTom commented 1 week ago

Yes, that looks correct.

1775OoRah commented 2 days ago

Sir, I'm confused lol Ok so you said the photo above looks correct--even though there is no .bgl in the folder? I even tried activating the scenery(just out of curiosity), but still no luck(presumably because there is no .bgl). I've got to figure out why I'm not getting a .bgl upon completion. I feel like its something simple I keep missing...

Take Care!