stackup-dev / open-source-campaign

Repository for StackUp's Open Source Campaign
11 stars 50 forks source link


Closed eedriz99 closed 2 years ago

eedriz99 commented 2 years ago

Name of Proposer


Campaign Name

React Js

Campaign Description

The campaign is aimed at teaching React js, an in-demand javascript library.This is a campaign proposition for the intermediate users who are into front end development. the campaign will introduce Stackies to the world of frameworks, and libraries used by giant tech companies like Meta, etc.

Number of Quests

  1. Introduction to react js.
  2. Creating react components.
  3. React hooks and route.
  4. React project.

Quest 1 Summary

This quest will focus on teaching about basics of react js, its installation and file structures and basic terminal commands using the official documentation and other learning resources. This will give Stackies the insight of what they are about to dive into.

Quest 1 Learning Objectives

Quest 1 Deliverables

A quiz

Quest 2 Summary

This quest will introduce stackies to the world of react components, their types and different use-cases. This can be achieved using code chunks. This is useful as react js is a component based library, which is one of the reasons for its ease of use.

Quest 2 Learning Objectives

Quest 2 Deliverables

A screenshot of the editor, terminal, and output. with a link to a public Github repository.

Quest 3 Summary

This quest will cover the aspects of react hooks and routing using some chunks of code. this is useful to Stackies as they will teach about making changes to react components, linking between components and buttons, among other things.

Quest 3 Learning Objectives

Quest 3 Deliverables

A screenshot of the editor, terminal, and output. with a link to a public Github repository.

Quest 4 Summary

This quest will feature a real-life example of react development and hosting. This will use a capstone project as its resources. This will give Stackies the confidence and experience of frontend development with react js.

Quest 4 Learning Objectives

Quest 4 Deliverables

Link to a public Github repositiry, and link to a hosted react project, using services like Netlify, etc.

IMPORTANT: You should have Summary, Learning Objectives and Deliverables sections for each quest you are suggesting. For example, if you have 3 quests, you should fill in this information for Quest 1 in the template above, then copy and paste the headings and fill up the information for Quest 2 and Quest 3 also.