stanhebben / MineTweaker3

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Minetweaker 'error parsing' HELP! #464

Open harrdude2 opened 6 years ago

harrdude2 commented 6 years ago

It says ERROR: Error parsing KappaPC.zx:2 -- : expected!

Here is my script:

I changed something in line 33 so maybe the problem is there?

PrincessRTFM commented 6 years ago

The error is on line two. Format is <filename>:<line> so the error is in KappaPC.zx on line 2. Specifically, it seems to be expecting a : somewhere and not finding it. Please provide the entire contents of that file and only the contents of that file, without any edits or reformatting. The easiest way to do that is to open the script, select-all, copy, go to pastebin, new upload, paste, submit, post the link.