Closed YannickSoehngen closed 1 month ago
@YannickSoehngen, I noticed the code is failing the CI build. Do you understand the compiler error?
541.2 g++ -m64 -fPIC -pipe -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -std=c++0x -Wno-long-long -pthread -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Werror -O2 -g -falign-loops -falign-jumps -falign-functions -Dsl79_gcc485 -D__ROOT__ -DNEW_DAQ_READER -I. -IStRoot -I.sl79_gcc485/include -I/opt/software/linux-scientific7-x86_64/gcc-4.8.5/root-5.34.38-ffhsnriu5ktoo4tieuku5tbezanz6q5g/include -c .sl79_gcc485/OBJ/StRoot/StETofCalibMaker/StETofCalibMaker.cxx -o .sl79_gcc485/OBJ/StRoot/StETofCalibMaker/StETofCalibMaker.o
541.3 .sl79_gcc485/OBJ/StRoot/StETofCalibMaker/StETofCalibMaker.cxx:83:46: fatal error: tables/St_etofGet4StateMap_Table.h: No such file or directory
541.3 #include "tables/St_etofGet4StateMap_Table.h"
Do we need the change in #712 to fix this?
Thanks for the suggestion, Gene! It looks like the new table is now being ignored when processing older datasets.
Is there any news on this PR? Can the assigned reviewers (@nigmatkulov @jdbrice @marrbnl @PhilippWeidenkaff) approve it so we can go ahead with the merger.
Methods for retrieving get4 state from db and flagging calibrated hits