stargately / blockroma

a open-source blockchain explorer built with typescript for Ethereum web3 compatible blockchains
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Missing response for eth_getBlockByNumber method #44

Closed AtharvDesignString closed 10 months ago

AtharvDesignString commented 10 months ago

Hello I started the indexer but it is giving Missing response this error and not making any rpc calls. And I am not sure why you hardcoded value blockNumberRanges: [[2324586, 2324586]] in config/default.js


I am using goerli and tried with mumbai still getting the same error


I am using vscode on mac and using chrome.

Steps to reproduce

Tell us how to reproduce this issue. If possible, push up a branch to your fork with a regression test we can run to reproduce locally. A screenshot would be very helpful. If it's UI problem, what is the URL?

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 3 20 11 PM

Expected Behaviour

Tell us what should happen.

Actual Behaviour

Tell us what happens instead.

doranoda commented 10 months ago

yeah, this is a legitimate point - we should clean up the default config

doranoda commented 10 months ago

you can set catchup indexer to false to disable the work to catch up previous blocks

AtharvDesignString commented 10 months ago

Hey @doranoda , But in indexer I want to store the data of the chain from genesis block to latest block and store it in database so why should I make catchup indexer false, then it will stop the fetching only. And in my case indexer was not making any rpc calls and hence it is not storing any data in the database can you help me with that?

doranoda commented 10 months ago

if you want to scan from 0 to latest, you can use the following setup

    catchup: {
      enabled: true,
      blocksBatchSize: 200,

      blockNumberRanges: [[0, "latest"]],
AtharvDesignString commented 10 months ago

Okay will try. Thank you :)