start-jsk / openrtm_aist_core

Metapackage that contains commonly used RT-Middleware-based modules. Althogh each of these packages by themselves are ROS-agnostic, you can use them over ROS together with the packages in rtmros_common.
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Add unit test to travis to examine pull request by travis #47

Closed 130s closed 10 years ago

130s commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure if test_openrtm_aist.test is complete, but does it make sense to add it to travis?

130s commented 10 years ago

I think rostest is already added (like here). Closing.

Now the question is if the test file test_openrtm_aist.test is sufficient or not though.

k-okada commented 10 years ago

note: In the travis, we tested for both 'devel' and 'install', 1) as for devel/src directory, all 'add_rostest()' ( is tested in the travis, 2) after 'catkin_make install', travis removes devel and src directory and tested again(, at this time we only tested the file that has '.test' in the suffix. see for discussion.