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Please support breadcrumbs in search results #1173

Open j3ll3yfi5h opened 3 weeks ago

j3ll3yfi5h commented 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately it's currently not possible to output breadcrumbs for search results. The support would improve the experience for search results and help selecting the right result.

Or is it even a bug?

ryanmitchell commented 3 weeks ago

Can you explain a bit more about what you mean by breadcrumbs in search results? Maybe with a screenshot or example?

j3ll3yfi5h commented 3 weeks ago

@ryanmitchell I'd like to use {{ nav:breadcrumbs }} (Docs) inside the {{ search:results }} tag pair, but it's only returning the search pages breadcrumbs and not the results breadcrumbs.

A bit clearer?

jasonvarga commented 3 weeks ago

Breadcrumbs work by the url of the page.

e.g. if you're on /a/b/c/d then it'll show you a > b > c.

If you're on /search-results that's what you'll get.

Sounds like it's working fine. It's not really supposed to be put in a loop or context aware, but that's not a horrible request.

j3ll3yfi5h commented 3 weeks ago

I see. So no bug then, but a FR.👌🏻

Interestingly, we have already received this enquiry for the third time in two months. 😅