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Per request config #273

Open beno opened 5 years ago

beno commented 5 years ago

For role based access, ExAws needs to work with dynamic KEYs and SECRETs on a per request basis.

See for details.

Currently arc is only capable to use the fixed credentials from config, making it incompatible with IAM roles. Overriding the config values at runtime (Application.put_env) is not an option, since the 'root account' credentials must be preserved.

Am I seeing this correctly? I think maybe passing in a config S3 option or defining/calling a config function in Arc.Definition could fix this. Thoughts?

eprothro commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure I understand the motivation for dynamic keys and secrets per-request.

However I agree that I'd like to be able to define an IAM role with ex_aws config and this role be assumed and used by arc