Open smartdevbr opened 5 years ago
I am trying to resolve my tests with arc_ecto and I have some problems like is invalid. Can You help me to solve it?
defmodule Meat.RestaurantsTest do use Meat.DataCase alias Meat.Restaurants describe "restaurants" do alias Meat.Restaurants.Restaurant @valid_attrs %{description: "some description", image: %Plug.Upload{ content_type: "image/jpeg", filename: "download.jpg", path: "C:\\Users\\OLIVEI~1.GUS\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/plug-1550/multipart-1550134669-391317950165426-6" }, name: "some name"} @update_attrs %{ description: "some updated description", image: %Plug.Upload{ content_type: "image/jpeg", filename: "download.jpg", path: "C:\\Users\\OLIVEI~1.GUS\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/plug-1550/multipart-1550134669-391317950165426-6" }, name: "some updated name" } @invalid_attrs %{description: nil, image: %Plug.Upload{ content_type: "image/jpeg", filename: "ss", path: "-391317950165426-6" }, name: nil} def restaurant_fixture(attrs \\ %{}) do {:ok, restaurant} = attrs |> Enum.into(@valid_attrs) |> Restaurants.create_restaurant() restaurant end test "list_restaurants/0 returns all restaurants" do restaurant = restaurant_fixture() assert Restaurants.list_restaurants() == [restaurant] end test "get_restaurant!/1 returns the restaurant with given id" do restaurant = restaurant_fixture() assert Restaurants.get_restaurant!( == restaurant end test "create_restaurant/1 with valid data creates a restaurant" do assert {:ok, %Restaurant{} = restaurant} = Restaurants.create_restaurant(@valid_attrs) assert restaurant.description == "some description" assert restaurant.image == "some image" assert == "some name" end test "create_restaurant/1 with invalid data returns error changeset" do assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = Restaurants.create_restaurant(@invalid_attrs) end test "update_restaurant/2 with valid data updates the restaurant" do restaurant = restaurant_fixture() assert {:ok, %Restaurant{} = restaurant} = Restaurants.update_restaurant(restaurant, @update_attrs) assert restaurant.description == "some updated description" assert restaurant.image == "some updated image" assert == "some updated name" end test "update_restaurant/2 with invalid data returns error changeset" do restaurant = restaurant_fixture() assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = Restaurants.update_restaurant(restaurant, @invalid_attrs) assert restaurant == Restaurants.get_restaurant!( end test "delete_restaurant/1 deletes the restaurant" do restaurant = restaurant_fixture() assert {:ok, %Restaurant{}} = Restaurants.delete_restaurant(restaurant) assert_raise Ecto.NoResultsError, fn -> Restaurants.get_restaurant!( end end test "change_restaurant/1 returns a restaurant changeset" do restaurant = restaurant_fixture() assert %Ecto.Changeset{} = Restaurants.change_restaurant(restaurant) end end end
3) test restaurants delete_restaurant/1 deletes the restaurant (Meat.RestaurantsTest) test/meat/restaurants/restaurants_test.exs:82 ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, #Ecto.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{description: "some description", name: "some name"}, errors: [image: {"is invalid", [type: Meat.RestaurantUploader.Type, validation: :cast]}], data: #Meat.Restaurants.Restaurant<>, valid?: false>} code: restaurant = restaurant_fixture() stacktrace: test/meat/restaurants/restaurants_test.exs:33: Meat.RestaurantsTest.restaurant_fixture/1 test/meat/restaurants/restaurants_test.exs:83: (test)
I am trying to resolve my tests with arc_ecto and I have some problems like is invalid. Can You help me to solve it?
3) test restaurants delete_restaurant/1 deletes the restaurant (Meat.RestaurantsTest) test/meat/restaurants/restaurants_test.exs:82 ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, #Ecto.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{description: "some description", name: "some name"}, errors: [image: {"is invalid", [type: Meat.RestaurantUploader.Type, validation: :cast]}], data: #Meat.Restaurants.Restaurant<>, valid?: false>} code: restaurant = restaurant_fixture() stacktrace: test/meat/restaurants/restaurants_test.exs:33: Meat.RestaurantsTest.restaurant_fixture/1 test/meat/restaurants/restaurants_test.exs:83: (test)