steam3d / MagicPods-Windows

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beats solo pro #203

Open LeeYang6 opened 2 years ago

LeeYang6 commented 2 years ago

beats solo pro popup animation issue The color is not correct

steam3d commented 2 years ago

Hi. What's color do you have? You need to collect the data from your beats pro to detect color.

  1. Connect you Beats Pro to PC
  2. Run the DeviceFinder app
  3. Wait 10-20 sec
  4. Upload log.txt here
LeeYang6 commented 2 years ago

MagicPodsServiceLog.txt MagicPodsUILog.txt

My beats solo pro is grey

LeeYang6 commented 2 years ago

but the display is black

steam3d commented 2 years ago

I could not found the video of gray color headphones. Can you screen record animation from iPhone about 15 second. I will use it as reference video.

You also must to collect data using device finder.

LeeYang6 commented 2 years ago

steam3d commented 2 years ago

Can record at least 15 seconds? I can't make loop the video, because it too short.