Possible Path: It may be valuable to utilize/update our DP "consumable repo" standards to support auto-generation of code-walks via a tool that compiles properly annotated src files and README files into a code-walk. This would also allow injection of the annotated code into a more traditional style tutorial (as the DP is currently)
[ ] evaluate and put decision in # Results
[ ] describe where codewalks will live within website (we want to keep inline tutorials)
[ ] if answer is no, close codewalk meta stories. in Steemworks backlog.
Might be possible in a custom rake command that adds/monitors codewalk markup. I believe that was one goal with "right-code" that we removed because it was so broken.
Our tutorials are and look good Do we want to move to a code-walk format or are we happy with their functionality now?
Supporting Codewalk ex: https://golang.org/doc/codewalk/functions/
Possible Path: It may be valuable to utilize/update our DP "consumable repo" standards to support auto-generation of code-walks via a tool that compiles properly annotated src files and README files into a code-walk. This would also allow injection of the annotated code into a more traditional style tutorial (as the DP is currently)
# Results