stef-cruz / power-up-point
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USER STORY: RU02 As a returning user I would like the initial displayed map to be relevant (ie to default to my approximate location) #24

Open DeeMcCart opened 1 year ago

DeeMcCart commented 1 year ago

Acceptance Criteria -[ ] For a returning user, I would prefer not to have to re-position the map each time I arrive at it, I would prefer it to open at either my curent location, or my last searched location

Assumptions: Using embedded OpenChargeMap, presumably on Landing Page (08/09/23 THIS ASSUMPTION NOW INVALID AS WE'RE USING GOOGLE MAPS INSTEAD)

Tasks (Note this issue is related to RU01 so cross-reference to avoid duplication) -[ ] The OpenChargeMap API documentation states that, for an embedded map, (...... aargh I cant find this statement but I do remember reading it), that the map will attempt to geoposition when it opens..... this sounds like it will attempt to focus on the user's location. Is this how it works for our PowerUpPoint embedded map?

DeeMcCart commented 1 year ago

Friday 08/09/23 - Assumptions above no longer valid - now using GoogleMaps API. The map is programmed to load to a specific lat/long pointing to Dublin.

May still be possible to either:

OR: Provide hyperlinks to different urban areas which trigger a google map load at a differnt lat/long