stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
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Feature Request: Send tab(s) to window. #214

Open jackpipe opened 1 year ago

jackpipe commented 1 year ago

Great addon!

You can select a tab, or multiple tabs, and then drag them to another window. The problem with this is unless all windows are shown in the panel, for example you're using list view, you have to scroll to the target window. Scrolling while dragging is a royal pain or just doesn't work properly on some SOs.

There's a button at the bottom to 'send to new window'. I'd like a button to 'send to an existing window'.

This could also be done by listing the windows as buttons at the top/bottom of the pane, where the tab title, or other command buttons are, and then you could drag them to the appropriate button.