stefanbirkner / system-rules

A collection of JUnit rules for testing code which uses java.lang.System.
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Environment variables on test level that are also managed by rule chains. #72

Open jetersen opened 5 years ago

jetersen commented 5 years ago

Thanks for environment variables rule.

We had some extra requirements to have greater control over environment variables, so we implemented some minor improvements with annotations.

Please see the use case here:

I have further improved the apply to allow for resolving absolute file paths.

If you feel like it is something that could be contributed back into environment variables rule! :muscle: I would be happy to send a pull request :smile:

jetersen commented 5 years ago

For ease I will copy some of the code here:

Annotation usage

Converting a relative file path to an absolute file path so it can be used by the code that gets tested. ConfiguredWithCode annotation needs the ENV variables, therefore, we have a rule chain setup

        @Env(name = "SEED_JOB_FOLDER_FILE_PATH", value = ".")
    public void configure_seed_job_with_security_config() throws Exception {
        final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.get();

         final GlobalJobDslSecurityConfiguration dslSecurity = GlobalConfiguration.all()
        assertThat("ScriptSecurity", dslSecurity.isUseScriptSecurity(), is(false));

         FreeStyleProject seedJobWithSecurityConfig = (FreeStyleProject) jenkins.getItem("seedJobWithSecurityConfig");


Rule chain

    private JenkinsRule j;

    public RuleChain rc = RuleChain.outerRule(new EnvVarsRule()
            .set("SEED_JOB_PATH", "./src/test/resources/io/jenkins/plugins/casc/testJob2.groovy")
            .set("REPO_URL", "git://"))
            .around(j = new JenkinsConfiguredWithCodeRule());

With EnvsFromFIle we can read in secrets generated by vault :sweat_smile:

        @Env(name = "CASC_VAULT_PATHS", value = VAULT_PATH_KV2_1 + "," + VAULT_PATH_KV2_2),
        @Env(name = "CASC_VAULT_ENGINE_VERSION", value = "2")
    public void kv2WithApprole() throws ConfiguratorException {
        assertThat(SecretSourceResolver.resolve(context, "${key1}"), equalTo("123"));

The annotation work:

public class EnvVarsRule extends EnvironmentVariables {

    private Class clazz;

    private void setValue(Env env) {
        String value = env.value();
        if ("FILE_PATH")) {
            value = new File(clazz.getResource(value).getPath()).getAbsolutePath();
        set(, value);

    public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {
        EnvsFromFile configuredWithEnvsFromFile = description.getAnnotation(EnvsFromFile.class);
        clazz = description.getTestClass();
        if (Objects.nonNull(configuredWithEnvsFromFile)) {

            final String[] resource = configuredWithEnvsFromFile.value();

            final List envFiles =
                .map(s -> Paths.get(System.getProperty(""), s).toString())

            Properties properties = new Properties();
            for (String file : envFiles) {
                try (FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file)) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
            properties.forEach((key, value) -> set(String.valueOf(key), String.valueOf(value)));
        Envs configuredWithEnvs = description.getAnnotation(Envs.class);
        if (Objects.nonNull(configuredWithEnvs)) {
            List envs = Arrays.asList(configuredWithEnvs.value());
        return super.apply(base, description);