stefang / Frame-Accurate-HTML5-Video-Thing

A prototype jQuery plug in that creates frame accurate controls for an HTML5 video element
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NTSC 29.97 DF? #1

Open birigotu opened 11 years ago

birigotu commented 11 years ago

Hello, First of all, this plug-in is awesome!

Cueing to a specific frame on the video does not seem to work for NTSC DF files (29.97fps).

Here is a sample file:

When I try to cue to 00:01:36:00 for instance, it actually cues the video to 00:01:35:27 (burned-in TC), but the UI tells me it's cued to 00:01:36:00.

I set the video tag to:

   <video src="./sample-16x9-timecode-burnedin-short.mp4"></video>

If additional math is needed to handle drop-frame, perhaps this could help?

   <video src="./sample-16x9-timecode-burnedin-short.mp4" data-framerate="29.97"  data-framerate-type="DF"></video>

    instance.data_framerate_type = instance.playerj.attr("data-framerate-type");
    if (instance.data_framerate_type!='DF'){instance.data_framerate_type='NDF';}

Thank you again for the plugin!


stefang commented 11 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your kind words... It will need more work to work with DF video for sure. I'm not working on this any more but please feel free to fork and amend as you see fit.

EdwinCloud101 commented 9 years ago

I want to change it to support 59 frames, I thought chaning data-framerate="59" would be enough but it didn't work, I'm still investigating where it is.