stefanhendriks / Dune-II---The-Maker

A remake of the classic Dune 2 - The Building of a Dynasty (by Westwood Studios) with several enhancements. Like: higher screenresolutions, zooming, multiselect, skirmish play, etc.
295 stars 24 forks source link

Infantry rush - Harvesters #562

Open itwhite81 opened 2 years ago

itwhite81 commented 2 years ago

I started a new game, set the number of units for me to be 10, and them 3. I went to find out if they were building concrete or not (another issue). I attacked. Their harvesters left their spice blooms and headed to my base. They then sat idle.

This has happened twice now. It's as if the harvesters are trying to "attack" my construction yard. both times were within a minute or two of the start of the match, and a very very quick attack by me . I was stacking the deck on both occasions while testing anomalies (start conditions)

stefanhendriks commented 1 year ago

So if I get this properly, you attacked with infantry units which led the Harvesters to chase them and then once at your base the enemy harvesters remained there. And you believe it is that the harvesters try to attack the constyard?